Moonlight Photography
Copyright 1996 Joel B. Christian. All Rights Reserved
This page best viewed with your own eyes.
NEWS FLASH! Dec 22, 1999 will have the brightest moon in 130 years! Get out there and shoot!
Welcome to Moonlight Photography. This page is about taking photographs
in moonlight. I like taking mine at about 2AM to make certain it's only
moonlight (plus those pesky pole lights and streetlights). Notice in the
picture above, the headlight trails on the distant highway.
In the picture below, it was getting cloudy quick, I barely got this shot
in. Because of the longer exposure time, the nightlights on inside
showed up like fully lit rooms!
How to do it? I use ASA 400 film, f1.7, and a sixty second exposure in
full moon. There are only about 36 days a year you can shoot, and then
it has to be clear, too.
Make sure you look for those star trails!
US 220 in the moonlight
Yours truly in the moonlight on Bridge Street Hill
Notice the car trail - I was standing there exposing myself -- as soon as
I heard the car coming I ran to cover the lens. I'm lucky the light beams
didn't slice me in two!
The view the other way, in the moonlight, on Bridge Street Hill
A car came by on this shot, too, explaining the gap without airplane nav
lights in the sky. This is a view of Towanda and Wysox PA about twelve
years ago.
Feel free to drop me an e-note. Please don't ask for exposure conditions,
I can't give you more than I have right here. Practice moonlight
photography at your own risk, I'm not responsible for any damages.
Send me your moonlight links, tips, and pix, and I'll add them to
Moonlight Photography. Have fun!
page by:
Joel Christian--Moonlighter
visit the Joel B.
Christian Home Page
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