
Download my micro-utility, Monsieur32(4K): a Win95 message box that displays the command line argument that you provide. Use it for progress reports in batch files, etc. And it's FREEWARE. Requires vb40032.dll, Win95 or NT. No warranties, etc.

Download my micro-utility, StoryBook32(12K): a simple, free Win95 no-frills multimedia authoring tool. Create e-books and play them back with a very simple program. FREEWARE. Requires vb40032.dll. The Story32 readme file and info give you more information. Same terms as above. A demo/tutorial is available (780k) including the program. Look for a midi version soon.

Download my mini-educational program, Spelling Quiz(178K): a Win95 program that administers a ten-word spelling test, then grades the test when you're done. You record 10 wave files, one for each word, and then make a test definition file with the ten words and wave file locations and you're done. A sample test is included. Use it for practicing your spelling words before the big test. And it's FREEWARE. Requires vb40032.dll, Win95 or NT. No warranties, etc.

Download vb40032.dll


  • Here are two syx file viewers (freeware)(requires Microsoft Excel). You can view and print your patch parameter from a syxex dump file with these:
    GR-1 Viewer (109kb) or GR-50 Viewer (17kb) FREE! The GR-1 viewer also documents the syx file format, which was not included in the GR-1 manual. If you don't have Excel you can try the Excel Viewer "free" from Microsoft, which will let you see the layout and patch data from one of my patch libraries.
  • Joel's latest GR-1 patches in .syx format download file here. Use the GR-1 patch viewer to see the patch settings, or load the entire syx into your GR-1 (save yours first!). My favorite is #112, Pad PJP.


  • SHADOW SH-075 Manual courtesy of Shadow USA on pdf
  • Axon AX-100 Manual courtesy of Blue Chip Music on pdf
  • the pdf viewer is Adobe Acrobat, available from