The Freimann Family

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Welcome to the Freimann family tree web-site. This site contains genealogical data of individuals related to my family , the Freimanns and the Katzenbergers from Germany , as well as my wife's family , the Lasnicks.

I wish to thank Thea and Heinz Skyte , who have done a remarkable research on the Jewish Community of Sugenheim, for so generously sharing their "Freimann" data with me. Special gratitude also goes to David Seldner, my friend and cousin , and to Christiane Kohl , for their crucial help and contribution to the "Katzenberger" research.

If you have any comments,corrections,questions or additional information , please send me an Email message.

Joach Freimann , Israel


The genealogy information at this site has entries for 1015 individuals with 262 distinct surnames.
contact Joach Freimann , Israel

The site was generated using webGED:Progenitor, Version 2.0, on 21 Jan 2009.