What's Going On In Colorado Springs?

Picture of Courtney, on her first visit to Colorado Springs at the Cave of the Winds.

As most of you know, Will and I moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado in October of '97.

Since then, Will and I have both been working for MCI, and love our jobs and the area is beautiful!

In short, we love it here! We are looking forward to camping and hiking this spring/summer (see Pike's Peak cam link for ONE of the many places to hike and camp!) There is also the Pike's Peak Hill Climb on Fourth of July weekend to enjoy. We plan (hope) to ride Will's motorcycle to Sturgis, SD the first week of August to meet Will's Dad for the Sturgis Rally.

As well as spending our time enjoying the multitude of outdoor activities that Colorado Springs has to offer, we are also looking for a house. We will keep the page updated as good prospects come along. Right now, there are not a lot of houses out there for sale, but with summer coming up there should be a lot more choices.

 We went to Las Vegas in March just before Will's birthday. It was the first time that I had been to Vegas and the first time that Will has gone as an adult. Our friends, Scott and Patty (see the link to their Web Page for more information on them!), invited us to go with them.

Here is a picture of Will and Scott on the top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas.

At the very top of the Stratosphere, there is a roller coaster that goes around the top and then there is a ride that shoots people up approximately 6 stories at (5gs I think) a very high rate of speed. Will was the only one that felt up to actually doing the ride.


April 22nd, Courtney and I attended the Aerosmith concert here in Colorado Springs. I bought the tickets last minute (6:15 for a 7:30 show)and we were 3rd row up from the floor and center stage.


This site last updated Saturday, May 2, 1998

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