Camelid Country Home Page.

Camelid Country

Detailed Contents

Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump; you may free him from being a camel.

G.K. Chesterton

  1. Camelid Country Home Page and Short Index

  2. Introduction

  3. Meet the Camelids

    1. Camelids in the New World

      1. Domesticated

        1. Alpacas

        2. Llamas

      2. Wild

        1. Guanacos

        2. Vicuñas

    2. Camelids in the Old World

      1. Domesticated

        1. Arabian Camels (Dromedaries)

        2. Bactrian Camels

      2. Wild

    3. Camelid Origins

    4. Endangered Camelid Species

    5. Comparative Physical Facts

    6. Comparative Taxonomy (60.8K)

  4. A Western Canadian Agricultural Perspective

  5. Care and Ownership

    1. The Farm Herd

    2. The Acreage Owner

    3. Buying a Llama

    4. Fencing and Shelter

    5. Feeding

    6. Grooming

    7. Excercise

    8. Training

    9. Veterinary Care

  6. Camelid Picture Gallery

  7. Uses

    1. Alpacas

      1. Breeding and Stud Services

      2. Fiber Production and Use

      3. Meat Production and Use

      4. Camelids as Companion Animals and Pets

      5. Camelids at the Zoo

    2. Arabian Camels (Dromedaries)

      1. Breeding and Stud Services

      2. Fiber Production and Use

      3. Meat Production and Use

      4. Camel Racing

      5. The Three King's Camels

      6. Camelids at the Zoo

    3. Bactrian Camels

      1. Breeding and Stud Services

      2. Fiber Production and Use

      3. Meat Production and Use

      4. The Three King's Camels

      5. Camelids at the Zoo

    4. Guanacos

      1. Fiber Production and Use

      2. Meat Production and Use

      3. Camelids at the Zoo

    5. Llamas

      1. Breeding and Stud Services

      2. Fiber Production and Use

      3. Meat Production and Use

      4. Llamas Mow the Grass

      5. Camelids as Companion Animals and Pets

      6. Llamas go to School

      7. The Llama as a Pack Animal

      8. Camelids at the Zoo

    6. Vicuñas

      1. Camelids at the Zoo

    7. Camelids in General

      1. Breeding and Stud Services

      2. Camelids at the Zoo

  8. Camelid Humor

  9. Camelid Connections (your link to other sites of interest)

  10. Web Rings Index

    1. Animal Web Rings

      1. Home is Where the Zoo is

      2. Pet Ring

      3. Spay/Neuter Save a Life Ring

      4. Wild Animals of the World Ring

    2. Canada, Geocities, Heartland Web Ring Page

      1. Canadian Ring

      2. Geocities Ring

      3. The Heartland Ring

      4. Heartland Pointe of Light

      5. Hearts Around Heartland Ring

      6. Ring Around the Pointe

    3. Other Web Rings

      1. Notepad Ring

  11. Indices, Directories, and Search Engines

    1. Totally Canadian Web Site Club

  12. Guestbook

    View Guestbook Sign Guestbook

    View Old Camelid Country Guest Book.

  13. Disclaimer

  14. Copyright and Trademark Information

  15. Sources

  16. Glossary

  17. Your Feedback

  18. Credits and Contact Information

  19. About the Designer

Camelid Country Home Page.

Web Rings Index




Copyright Information

Page last updated April 20, 2001.
Page Maintained by Project Inverkyle.
Copyright © 1998-2001 John Fleming
Background Image Copyright © 1997 Gini Schmitz

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