So you want to know a little more about me, huh? Well, okay, here goes.

I was born in Morgantown in the beautiful state of West Virginia. You can check out my Links page for lots of information about my home state. I am the oldest of five sisters. No brothers. My dad got transferred to Clarksburg, West Virginia, and we moved into our new home the day before my fifth birthday and I have lived in the Clarksburg area ever since.
I was married once, and out of that marriage came two GREAT kids - a daughter, Michelle, and a son, Tommy. They're all grown up now and on their own.

I like to garden. People say I have a green thumb, but that's not the case at all. I just know the secret to gardening and that's manure! I have lots of annuals and perennials in the summer. I love flowers. One of my grandmothers told me once, "People that don't like flowers aren't much account." I agree! Don't give me a houseplant, though. I have a reputation for killing them!
My grandmother Phillips taught me how to crochet. I like to make doilies and afghans. So when I get old and I'm sitting in my rocking chair, that's what I'll probably be doing. Or crewel embroidery. Or reading. I like to read, too. A good mystery. I like Dean Koontz novels, but my all time favorite author is Stephen King. He's the best! I don't like clowns anymore though and it's all Mr. King's fault. Pennywise.

I like hanging out with my friends and I like to listen to music. Although classic rock is my favorite, I can listen to just about anything. I like to dance. Line dancing! I belong to a huge group called The Moore Country Kickers and we put on "shows." We perform big shows at County Fairs and Festivals, and we put on smaller shows for local nursing homes and such. It is so much FUN!

The genealogy bug bit me a few years ago. I was given a copy of a Trickett Family History. It was nice, but very small and I wasn't in it. Neither was my mom and it was her family. So I decided to see if I could update our part of it. Well, the genealogy bug bit me and it bit hard. I wasn't working at the time and I started researching. I have been very lucky that I still live in the same general area that my ancestors settled in, so that has made my research a little easier than for some.
I've been to just about every cemetery in Preston and Monongalia Counties and some others. I've been to every Court House in north central West Virginia searching through old record books. Boy those books are big and heavy!! Our local library has a very good section devoted entirely to West Virginia and I found census records and other valuable information there. My distant cousin, Willard Plum, also researches the Trickett line and we share any information we find.
I also researched at West Virginia University at Colson Hall. Once I found something very interesting to me there. My great-great grandfather, David Rogers, was a Baptist minister. He kept journals of his weekly visits to parishioners, marriages he'd performed and so on. Someone in the family had donated his journals to the University. Someone made a mistake and, instead of giving me the Xerox copies of the journals, they gave me the original journals to read. It was exciting to hold those old journals (very carefully) in my hands and read what my great-great grandfather had written about his life and the other people in his life so many years ago.
I've interviewed as many relatives that would talk to me. I've sent letters and made phone calls all over the United States to get information. And after getting my page on-line, I have received a lot of valuable information from relatives on the web.
It's a good thing to know where you came from and how you got to where you are now. I have met some real nice folks in my research and met cousins that I never knew I had.
Well, that's enough about me. I hope you find something interesting on my site. I hope you've made some connections to your own family. If you have, I wish you'd let me know!
Be a good friend.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching!!
- Marilyn
Enough already! Let me outta here!