Only once the handler has total voice control over their dog will they be allowed to enter this class of training for obvious reasons.
Protection training could even be called defense training as our dogs are taught how to react in different real life situations that could happen. They are taught how to recognise when their owners are in danger and will keep the assailant away till the owner can reach safety. The dogs can work under high pressure situations, eg more than one attacker, and to stay away from dangerous weapons.
The term “attack work” is incorrect as our dogs do NOT attack indescriminately as and when they feel. We have total control over the dog at all times.
The most important thing we teach the dog is to bark on command. Most assailants confronted with this would think the dog could also bite on command as well. A survey showed that 80% of burglars said they would find another victim if there was a barking dog present.
We encourage the dog to go for the person and not the protective clothing and we also do not change the dogs biting style. When the dogs reach this standard of training it is thoroughly enjoyed by both the handler and the owners, and generally speaking the obedience tends to take a back seat, that is why we stress how important it is to have this control over your dog so when he is commanded to leave he must do so. To keep the dog on this level we alternate our training into 1 week obedience work and 1 week protection work.
Our dogs are not killing machines, they are ordinary pets that love us and will protect us. Our dogs know how to behave and they are a pleasure to have around.
Top Dog General Manager..
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