
  We do only domestic obedience and protection work, which means we do not train for shows or competitions, although some people who do enter this kind of competitive field also benefit in the ring from our training as we do a lot of socialising with the dogs.
  Our dogs are taught how to behave at home and how to react should a situation arise. Your dog becomes such a pleasure to have around that you can take your pet with you wherever you go.
  Everybody begins with obedience, where we teach the dogs to walk nicely at heel on the leash, sit, stand and to lie down with one single command. NOT asking, begging or pleading with your dog to do something. Your dog is taught to stay while you walk away and eventually return to him or untill you call him to come to you. We progressively work further away from the dogs and eventually taking off the leash so you have total voice control over a distance with your dog. We also teach them hand signals which is the ultimate achievement.
  Imagine being able to control your dog totally without having to say a word. This is possible !!!
  We train all breeds of dogs from extra large to extra small and I’ve had them all. There is no such thing as a problem or untrainable dog, only problem handlers.
  The method we use is “love” ! When your dog does something right you love him as a reward. I do not believe in using bribes or punishment tactics. We are pretty flexible in our approach because what works for one dog may not work for another, but overall with our training methods we achieve excellent results with the majority of all the dogs and handlers.

Top Dog General Manager..


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