101 Money Saving Tips

- Copy worksheets off the internet.Then,with thick paper,print out a workbook cover
Staple it all together and you have a brand new workbook,that you personaly made.
- Buying curriculm online.You can save up to 80%,including shipping,when buy used
- This is especially good for families with kids close in age who might be doing
the same thing or who might be only a year apart in what they are doing.For workbook type activities or drill sheets that can't be reproduced.Buy transparencies. Teach the kids to place it over the page or in the book. Use
wax crayons or transparency markers - these come in colors that are fun and
they last a long time. When work is done, wipe clean. The book, workbook, or
drill pages stay as good as new for use again or by others.
This tip was given by:Janet (JJ)
- Make your test instead of ordering test and keys.This work well for younger students
and even middle grades.You can use a print shop program to make all of your test.
- Thrift stores always have textbooks,some old and some new.This is a good way to suplument.

- Got Milk?If your like me I'm always running out the door for milk,and at $3 a gallon
and 4 gallons a week,that gets costly.Try this if your going to use the milk
right away,ask the dairy manager if they have marked down milk.They love to sell this
because they have to pore it out.They will sell it for 75% off,sometimes if they don't
have any you can find some within the next day or two and they will mark it down.
- I do alot of my cooking from scratch (taste better and more
economical), when I have a recipe that calls for a lot of milk, I use
powdered. For puddings, breads, etc. you can't taste a difference, often it's
quicker; take bread for example, instead of scalding then cooling, I just use
powered milk with luke warm water.Tip provided by Katrina
- Bread Stores:They always have good deals.Your average $1.50 loaf of
bread is .45.That's 70% off.You can even ask about daily specials.
- You can get some mark downs on meat as well.If you look for meat that expires in the that day them you can save up to 70%.Just ask the meat person to mark it down.
Every Day Famliy Items
Yard Sales:I love yard sale.You never know what your going to come across.From everything like clothes to applances,yard sales are the way to go.Look for things of hidden value,you never know when you might come across a hidden treasure.
Swap Parties:Plan a swap party,for you and your close friends.Our family does this once a year.Everyone brings the items that they can't use any more.Everything from clothes to dishes.Everyone goes away with a "new" item.This is also a great private yard sale party.
Got any tips?
Please Share them.E-Mail me with your tip and I will post it.
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