Alfred "Al" Woltz
LTC, U.S. Army
2 Mitchell Drive
Abingdon, MD 21009-1629
home phone: (410) 569-4210
work phone: (410) 436-6141
cell phone: (410) 688-2049
fax: (410) 612-5229
E-mail: alfred.woltz@us.army.mil
I am seeking a position as an educator or manager for a progressive, results oriented organization where I can use over 24 years of diverse operational, educational, and managerial experience to incorporate and further develop the workforce in skills that will be required throughout their careers.
- Recognized troubleshooter and trainer for PC Hardware and Software Systems Management.
- Diverse operations management, training and supervisory experience in multi-location, multimillion dollar international markets.
- Innovator with ability to increase productivity, streamline operations for maximum efficiency, enhance student perceptions, improve the learning environment and consequently morale.
- Adept at anticipating problems and quickly effecting their solution.
- Demonstrated abilities in training management, teaching, personnel management, Total Quality Management and team building.
- TOP Secret/SCI Security Clearance.
Date |
Institution |
Degree Conferred |
Remarks |
| Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI
| Masters of Science in Administration
| Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI
| Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering Administration
| |
| U.S. Army Command and Generl Staff College, Leavenworth, KS
| Post Graduate Work in Management
| |
| Western Maryland College, Westminster, MD
| Post Graduate Work in Education
| Western Maryland College,Westminster, MD
| Bachelor of Science - Biology and Physical Education
| Completed a Maryland State approved teacher education program evaluated by a state team using NASDTEC standards
| Fork Union
Military Academy, Fork Union, VA
| High School Diploma |
Computer Systems
- Network Administrator for a 42-work station, peer-to-peer Local Area Network using Windows NT Server
- Coordinated training on a newly implemented communication's software utility for a 2,000-person organization.
- Guest lecturer at Utah Valley State College in computer science (ARPANET to INTERNET Overview).
- Provided personalized training for office staff and command on computer software utilization to enhance efficiency.
- Super End-User and Trainer: ARPANET, INTERNET, HTML, IBM compatible systems using Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 3.X Operating Systems; LAN manager using Windows NT and Novel Netware, UNIX, MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Exchange, Word Perfect, Harvard Graphics, Symphony, Lotus 1-2-3, Dbase.
- Senior Instructor, Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Defense training at the Naval Technical Training Center. Recognized by the Secretary of the Navy for developing innovative and challenging methods of instruction, improving training facilities and developing cost saving measures while still increasing student throughput.
- Provided quality training to nearly 1,000 students per year in nearly fifteen separate courses. Developed course curriculum, training aids, lesson plans, schedules, handouts, examinations, and classroom instruction for nine separate courses which were successfully implemented throughout the U.S. Navy.
- Conducted five separate instructional training courses for General Officers who would serve as On-scene Coordinators of chemical accidents.
- Lectured at the annual World-Wide Quick Reaction Coordinators' Conference.
Project Management
- Site Manager of an Information Technology Workforce responsible for the administration of a Local Area Network supporting a 2000-person enterprise and providing Tier 1, 2, & 3 level help desk support to the same enterprise.
- Team leader of a Process Action Team for a 2,000-employee organization in which a process was developed to improve morale of the workforce, increase productivity, and recognize accomplishments.
- Prepared and delivered scripts and acted as narrator for multiple Joint and Combined high-level conference demonstrations.
- Reengineered directorate's structure and refined and revised the Organization and Functions manual.
- Prepared chemical plan portion for the largest worldwide joint and combined rear area security exercise.
- Managed at the corporate level the storage and destruction of chemical weapons at the first full-scale, environmentally approved chemical demilitarization facility in the United States.
- Prepared nuclear, biological, and chemical logistics policies and plans for the U.S. Army.
- Planned efforts to establish command role in Chemical Weapons Treaty Compliance.
- Trained and certified by the DoD On-Site Inspection Agency as a Chemical Weapons Inspector/Escort
- Developed from scratch and automated a complete laydown of worldwide Chemical Defense Equipment assets in support of the U.S. deployment to the 1991 Gulf War.
- Published a monthly internal newsletter ensuring command awareness of changes in training, materiel, personnel, and operations.
- Deputy Director for one of four directorates responsible for administration and oversight of six teams with an internal operating budget of over $3M.
- Selected by Commanding General to be the command's Acting Inspector General.
- Instrumental in operating directorate at peak efficiency with dwindling resources.
- Managed staff on numerous operations involving communications, security, chemical safety, surety, equipment, and funding issues.
- Acted as organization's spokesman for various issues.
- Represented the organization at several annual worldwide chemical conferences and annual Chemical Demilitarization Commander's Conferences.
2000 - Present: Decision Systems Technologies, Inc. ...... Site Manager
1999 - 2000: Potomac Research International ...... Senior Information Systems Consultant
1998 - 1999: ComPro Systems, Inc. ...... Senior Information Systems Consultant
1974 - 1998: U.S. Army
Chronology of Assignments:
Inclusive Dates |
Position / Location |
| Acting Inspector General, US Army Chemical & Biological Defense Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD |
| Deputy Director / Advanced Systems Concepts Directorate, Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center, US Army Chemical & Biological Defense Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD |
| Chief / Chemical Division, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, United States Army, Pacific, Ft Shafter, HI |
| Division Chief / Chemical Division, US Forces, South Korea |
| Deputy Director / Chemical Logistics Division, United States Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Pentagon, Washington, DC and Saudi Arabia |
| Director of Training / Naval Technical Training Center, San Francisco, CA
| Assistant. Division Chemical Officer / 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, HI |
| Operations Officer / 267th Chemical Company, Johnston Island |
| Brigade Chemical Officer / 18th Field Artillery BDE (Airborne), Fort Bragg, NC |
| Training Officer / Military District of Washington, DC
| Research Physiologist / Biomedical Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD |
Military Education:
| Course / Location
| Remarks
| Ordnance/Chemical Officer Basic Crs, APG, MD
| |
| Chemical Officer Advanced Course, APG, MD
| Included - Radiological Safety Course |
| Disaster Preparedness Course, Washington, D.C.
| |
| Naval Instructor Basic Course, Millington, TN
| |
| Senior Officer Course in Military Justice, San Francisco, CA
| |
| US Army Command & General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, KS
| |
| Personnel Management for Executives Lancaster, PA
| |
| Government Program Management (Taught through The American Graduate University)
| |
Dr. James J. Savage - (410) 436-2429
MG John Doesburg - (410) 436-4361
MG(Ret) Joe Brooks - (410) 638-2512/11
Mr. Bob Boaldin - (808) 438-2967
Volunteer experience:
Active Boy Scout/Cub Scout Leader between 1987 and 1999 through five separate councils. Served as a District Friends of Scouting Coordinator in 1997-1999, Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, Asst Cubmaster, Den Leader. Awarded Outstanding Unit Scouter Award for 1997. Awarded Woodbadge in 1999.
Volunteer coach for a variety of youth sporting organization including soccer, baseball, tennis, swimming, and basketball.
Member Board of Directors, Treasure Island Youth
Sports Association (1987-1990), BOD Baltimore Playwrights Festival (2000-present), BOD Baltimore Theatre Alliance (2003-present), BOD Northeastern Maryland Technology Council (2000-present).
Training Captain - Treasure Island Marina, San Francisco, CA
Vice Commodore - Treasure Island Yacht Club, San Francisco, CA
Active in my Church affiliation. Have served as a Sunday School Teacher, Bishopric Executive Secretary, Sunday School President and Church Activities Coordinator. Currently called as the Ward Family History Coordinator.
Military Awards Received:
Legion of Merit
Meritorious Service Medal (4 awards)
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal
Navy Commendation Medal
Army Achievement Medal
Military Outstanding
Volunteer Service Medal
Humanitarian Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal (2 awards)
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Army Superior Unit Award
Naval Meritorious Unit
Army Staff Identification
2-year Army ROTC Scholarship Award
Nominee for Federal Employee of the Year
Joint Specialty Officer Designation
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