- 12/27/00 02:37:34
My Email:wmhc@eohio,net
How did you find me?: Cheska Wheatly
What surnames are you researching?: Henderson,Morris,Murray.
Steve Main - 12/25/00 17:26:23
My Email:stevemain@worldnet.att.net
How did you find me?: AltaVista Search Engine
What surnames are you researching?: Funkhouser, Main, Thackery
I have a fair amount of information I'd be happy to share, trade, etc. on the children of the Zachariah Lewis Main and their spouses.
ken zehnder - 11/21/00 22:29:04
My Email:kzehnder@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: google search zehnder
Akeema Hopkins - 11/21/00 08:02:09
My Email:souljaboytwinkilla@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: exite.com
What surnames are you researching?: covington's schools
T. A. Murray - 11/01/00 02:31:29
My Email:gwenbonniemurray@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Looking for information on Kings.
What surnames are you researching?: Flewelling
Descended from Deliverance (King) Tuthill's sister, Mary (King) Scudder.
Kevin john Hathaway - 10/25/00 12:30:42
My Email:blagger@dialstart.net
What surnames are you researching?: Hathaway
Jamie Todd - 10/25/00 11:56:30
My Email:jamathome@gulftel.com
How did you find me?: just browsing H.S. County
What surnames are you researching?: Goodman & Selph
A beautifully designed Page!
Faye Westerman - 10/19/00 16:13:55
My Email:cwesterman@aol.com
How did you find me?: Searching Hot Spring Co
What surnames are you researching?: Harris, Greathouse, Westerman
barbara botens wright - 10/15/00 02:07:57
My Email:afternoontea26@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: wandering internet
What surnames are you researching?: botens
am granddaughter of theodore
N.Y-narrowsburg-middletown-cuba-black creek
think link was lost when theodore left catholic church-after marrying louise rose-they were from middletown-i grew up in peekskill-they lived in montrose-across river from west point
knew herman from honesdale as a child
Gene Hatfield - 10/11/00 00:54:12
My Email:gene001@juno.com
How did you find me?: Searching name
What surnames are you researching?: Hatfield
Looking for "tree" seems to be "northern route",
I have some dating back to "Joseph (wife Margret) married 1730. Any connection?
Thelma Henderson - 10/09/00 19:49:51
My Email:Tmendel@prodigy.net
How did you find me?: Rootsweb Genealogy
What surnames are you researching?: Benjamin Henderson, 1791 b.
I love your web pages. I will have a new web page soon. My Henderson's came from Saline Co., Ill and on to Pope Co., AK
Wish for connections
Steven Werner - 10/04/00 01:27:19
My Email:krh4496@home.com
How did you find me?: researching
What surnames are you researching?: Noe
I am the son of Elma Eileen Noe, daughter of Fred Noe, son of Henry Buck Noe, son of T Jacob Noe. All going back to your Pierre. Great site, thanks.
Elaine Harris - 10/03/00 01:47:30
How did you find me?: this is my page
This is my page and I would like to post the letter sent to Frieda Funkhouser Wilson...
re: your post to my guest book:
"This should read My Funkhouser Family, compiled by Frieda Funkhouser Wilson. This was copyrighted material."
I am sorry you feel this way but I would like to point out that first... I copied nothing from your book.. In fact, I have never seen a copy of your book. Second, I gave credit to you on my front page. I do know that my cousins read your book during the
r research and did get some information there. I also know they went farther with their research as have I. Much of what is on my page I researched myself or my cousins researched themselves. Family history in itself is a matter of public record... not
copyright material.
Sorrells Dewoody - 09/25/00 01:24:26
My Email:kaniksu@horizon.hit.net
How did you find me?: Search for "Battle of Marks Mill"
What surnames are you researching?: none at present
Hi, I am working on building a web site for my family. It is based in se Arkansas and is named the Marks_Barnett Family Association. I am searching the web for any references to 'Marks Mill' and your site came up because of "Charles B. MAIN, b: 21 Feb 183
in Ripley County, IN" who died at this battle.
I don't know if the family will allow this site to proceed, I am now creating it for a college class. Just did not want to visit without saying hello.
Nancy Hathaway Henry - 09/23/00 04:57:33
My Email:nanihen99@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: websearch
What surnames are you researching?: Hathaway, Ladd, Lowe, Banta, Henry, Bernard, Hache...more
Nice to find you...will be back in the future...
rachelshow@yahoo.com - 09/22/00 07:46:00
Frieda Wilson - 09/05/00 02:08:17
My Email:fewilson@aol.com
How did you find me?: Surfing the net
What surnames are you researching?: Funkhouser/Fankhauser
This should read My Funkhouser Family, compiled by Frieda Funkhouser Wilson.
This was copyrighted material.
Amanda Blair Skeen - 08/23/00 21:34:32
My Email:_amanda135@excite.com
How did you find me?: I was looking for some history on my family and i found you !
What surnames are you researching?: just the last name
Iam Amanda ... im 13 years old and has never hardly met any of my skeen family ... i know that we are originally from scotland .. and i was just looking for some info ... thanks this kinda helped me !
=) Amanda =)
David Jame Boatman - 08/23/00 12:04:27
My URL:http://www.boocat.net
My Email:dave.boatman@exchange.co.uk
How did you find me?: mamma.com
What surnames are you researching?: boatman
Nice to see some info about Cornelius !.. not that I'm related to him (at least I don't think so)but interesting.
Loris Roubin - 08/22/00 12:38:22
Julie Bennett - 08/19/00 13:42:13
What surnames are you researching?: Bunn, Childerhouse
Gary Showalter - 08/18/00 23:44:42
My Email:qualitys@worldinter.net
How did you find me?: web search
What surnames are you researching?: showalter
Janet Wuthrich - 08/07/00 07:00:41
My Email:jjwuth66@earthlink.net
How did you find me?: searching on my family name
What surnames are you researching?: Wuthrich
You have a very nice site. I especially like the photo sections. Thank you for sharing.
Barbara Boatman - 08/06/00 23:49:35
My Email:Birishiam@cs.com
How did you find me?: search 411.com
What surnames are you researching?: Boatman
I was just checking my husbands name: Roy Boatman and found this site. It is interesting...
Dan Gooch - 08/05/00 20:11:06
My Email:DanielJGooch@compuserve.com
How did you find me?: looked up Gooch on Net in an idel moment
What surnames are you researching?: none really
I'm Dan Gooch, and my paternal grandparents grew up in the ELy area of Norfolk.
Dan Gooch - 08/05/00 20:10:55
My Email:DanielJGooch@compuserve.com
How did you find me?: looked up Gooch on Net in an idel moment
What surnames are you researching?: none really
I'm Dan Gooch, and my paternal grandparents grew up in the ELy area of Norfolk.
Gina - 08/02/00 15:19:38
My Email:camarolover_2000@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: looking
What surnames are you researching?: Estes & De' Este
I am looking for a friend of mine to see if she can find information about the De'Este family that was here long before the Estes family. If you have any information about the De'Este family please email me and let me know how i can find out more about th
s. Thank you.
Nancy - 08/01/00 17:25:25
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/clbc
My Email:daeg_luv@georigadogs.com
How did you find me?: Rinding the rail
What surnames are you researching?: none right now
Great site! Pleae visit mine and sign the guest book!
peter topping - 07/31/00 06:17:31
My Email:chilli_topping@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: looking for a cousin in NZ
What surnames are you researching?: Topping
I am a Topping from Aberdeen, they migragted up the coast from near dundee sometime in the 1800s lots of them worked for English Customs .There is a monumnet to the wives 3 in all of a relative at
Cockburns Path near Bwerwick,they all died. There is a large number of Toppings in customs dispropotional to the rest of the population.
The name appears to be from fround the firth of
forth on the west coast (part fact, part intuition there are lots in Carlise and other NW English towns and some accross the Irish seas in N. Ireland, which is indicative of a a NW english/scotish borders name).
Good luck Peter .
Debbie Langdon - 07/25/00 21:15:42
My Email:pgadeb@hotmail.com
What surnames are you researching?: Langdon
I am searching my back on the paternal side of the family. My father is Roger Langdon, his father was William Stillwell Langdon, and his grandfather was Edward Langdon.
Good luck with your searches!
Don McCormick - 07/25/00 19:29:25
My Email:macmy1@home.com
How did you find me?: searching
What surnames are you researching?: Showalter
My Grandmother was a Showalter. I am looking for Buck Showalter(mgr of Diamondbacks) actual name and which line he is descended from.
- 07/23/00 18:20:22
Bob Doms - 07/23/00 01:09:48
My URL:http://www.rdoms.com
My Email:rdoms@home.com
How did you find me?: Looking for Thorne
What surnames are you researching?: Thorne
Wife's family were Loyalists on Long Island and moved to Canada duringt or just before the Revolutionary War.
Nancy showalter - 07/19/00 04:50:44
My Email:berejeaa@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: surfing
What surnames are you researching?: showalter
I'm sure i'll be back to visit again. I'm very new to the computer,the internet, and tracing down old family roots. Any and all help would be greatly appreiciated.
Terina Orr - 07/12/00 03:13:42
My Email:terina.orr@sympatico.ca
How did you find me?: Prince Edward Co. ont, Canada webpage
What surnames are you researching?: Badgley
HI, I am researching the Badgleys of Prince Edward Co., Ontario, Canada, starting with Stephen Badgley, his son, Peter Nelson Badgley was born in Desoronto, Ont, and the line goes from there, does any one have any information?
Great Web Page, glad i found it!!
Robert Boatman - 07/05/00 01:45:46
My Email:billyboat1@harborside.com
How did you find me?: asked jeeves
What surnames are you researching?: Boatman
Bruce Bunn - 07/01/00 17:19:34
How did you find me?: sbbunn@home.com
What surnames are you researching?: Bunn
Do you know what the history of Bunn is?
ronald topping - 06/24/00 15:03:44
My Email:rontop@worldonline.co.za
How did you find me?: searching ancestry
What surnames are you researching?: topping
hi i am from south africa .
John Showalter - 06/14/00 19:40:14
My Email:ShowalterJ@msn.com
How did you find me?: mamma search
What surnames are you researching?: Showalter, Shipley, Howland
HAROLD L VANDEVER - 06/04/00 03:28:50
My Email:hlmsv@aol.com
How did you find me?: grazing
What surnames are you researching?: vandever
Matthew Francis Dumont - 06/02/00 16:21:27
My Email:matt.dumont@mkhoward.co.uk
How did you find me?: search under dumont
What surnames are you researching?: Dumont
Am I related to anyone?
Debbie Langdon - 06/02/00 00:17:54
My Email:pgadeb@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: surfing
What surnames are you researching?: Langdon
Just starting looking at the Langdon family roots...possible lineage to Woodbury Langdon of New Hampshire if anyone has any info on that...
Zaug Fabien - 05/12/00 07:29:31
My Email:f.zaug@ac-nancy-metz.fr
What surnames are you researching?: Zaugg
I am french and I am rechearching people who have informations about the Zaugg of the Canton of Bern in Switzerland before 1765.
Dee Biehl - 05/10/00 02:50:01
My Email:dbattumtum@gateway.net
How did you find me?: links from yahoo
What surnames are you researching?: estes and livingston
was surprised to find the right ones. Thanks it very helpfull.
Dee Biehl - 05/10/00 02:47:53
My Email:dbattumtum@gateway.net
How did you find me?: links from yahoo
beth - 05/06/00 13:19:58
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bethspage/bethpage1.html
My Email:bethpage1@aol.com
How did you find me?: just lucky, i guess
What surnames are you researching?: it seems we have no common surnames. i'm almost surprised! ;-)
what a wonderful page! you did a fantastic job, and i especially love the scanned lace backgrounds!
Andrew Bentz - 04/24/00 14:00:49
How did you find me?: in my sixth grade computer lab
What surnames are you researching?: c.s. lewis
I think Charles Sholtz was a very interesting person. I really liked snoopy. I hope someone continues in his foot steps and continues the comics that he started.
JoAnn Smith - 04/20/00 03:29:56
My Email:jo_annsmith@hotmail.com
Just browsing around,what beautiful handkerchiefs. geneology is a lot of work. i leave it to others. Lazy i guess.
Barbara Farnham - 04/13/00 17:05:55
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/6694/genealogy.html
My Email:Barbara@Farnham.net
How did you find me?: Heartland Genealogy Society Web Ring
What surnames are you researching?: Bourne, Newberry, Tobey and many more
I enjoyed going through your site. I saw that you had a Funk and I wanted to see if it matched the Funk in my Newberry lineage. Alas, it did not, but I had fun looking.
Sandra Rogers (Fankhouser) - 04/03/00 15:16:41
My Email:silkenstrand@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: My mother sent me the url
I know little of our ansesors my mother Patrie Fankhouser is doing all the work and sending me the results God Bless her
Sandi Rogers ( Fankhouser )
Allan T. Funkhouser - 03/30/00 17:44:21
My Email:allan81@excite.com
How did you find me?: goto.com
What surnames are you researching?: Funkhouser
Have a good one!
Ann Branch Adamson - 03/27/00 17:27:55
My Email:grandmaw@alltel.net
How did you find me?: Pike CO
What surnames are you researching?: Henderson,House,Wagner,Davis,Branch,Presley,Adamson
Loved your page. I have some inf. but am just getting started. Ann
Bonnie Zaugg Shaffer - 03/19/00 03:13:03
My Email:shafzaugg@cs.com
How did you find me?: searching
What surnames are you researching?: Zaugg
If anyone can help me with the Zaugg name I would appreciate it. We are trying to fill in empty spots. Thanks
Christopher Brodbeck - 03/10/00 08:10:17
My Email:chrisbrodbeck@bigpon.com
How did you find me?: surfing
What surnames are you researching?: Brodbeck
A great page - lots of fun reading.
Darlene Lapensee - 03/09/00 19:17:13
My Email:lapensee@hawk.igs.net
How did you find me?: Lennox & Adding Web Site
What surnames are you researching?: Park Badgley Hailstone Dafoe Benn
Very nice site and lots of great family information. Will be back again. Im researcing a Rebecca Ricky Badgley m. Solomon Parks who's daugher Rachel or( Rebecca ) as we have found as being the same person m. John Haistone looking for marriage on this coup
Wuethrich - 02/27/00 18:30:40
My Email:guido.wuethrich@bluewin.ch
How did you find me?: my son
I make since 35 years familytrees and had write 4 books over Wuethrich-name. The name go back until 400 years after christ. More informations by
Guido Wuethrich, Rietstrasse 92, CH-8640 Rapperswil, Switzerland.
Emma Jean Ponder Wood - 01/30/00 14:22:16
My Email:jwood@cei.net
How did you find me?: Rootsweb
What surnames are you researching?: Henderson, Bradley, Ponder, and Oldham
Serching for William Henderson in Albemarle, Va who had a daughter Elizabeth who married 1st John Nunn and 2nd William L. Bradley in Union Co., AR in 1834, William Henderson was murdered in Lawrence Co,. AR in 1825
Dusty Girard - 01/27/00 17:37:53
My Email:dusthead@texoma.net
Just looking around...starting a family tree of my own.
Shirley Wuthrich Grimm - 01/25/00 17:44:18
My URL:http://www.excite.com
My Email:gramma@mtco.com
How did you find me?: looking for Wuthrich
What surnames are you researching?: wuthrich
actually, my brother is the genealogist of the
family. our grandfather, fred wuthrich,sr. came
from switzerland. our grandmother, elizabeth
blunier wuthrich, was born in roanoke, ill. of
german parents.
Jack Hyde - 01/24/00 01:10:33
My Email:j.c.hyde@worldnet.att.net
What surnames are you researching?: Hyde & Randall
I love your song "Sentimental Journey" That was a
favorite of My wife & me JACK
Alice Smith - 01/23/00 19:23:33
My Email:a.e.smith@usa.net
How did you find me?: Tarbell tree
What surnames are you researching?: Tarbell & Smith
seth mccarthy - 01/23/00 02:34:49
My Email:seth2056@aol.com
How did you find me?: i know u
What surnames are you researching?: mccarthy,Sage
i live in orient i atend Oysterponds UFSD
B.Klein - 01/11/00 23:54:14
My URL:http://bullterra.aunz.com
My Email:webmaster@bullterra.aunz.com
How did you find me?: on the net .....hehehehehehehe
What surnames are you researching?: klein
nice page ...but the plug in is a bit to xsy
George Allen Scott - 01/09/00 11:56:53
My Email:jgscott@hsnp.com
How did you find me?: through afriend
What surnames are you researching?: lawrence
You have avery nice home page.
Nancy L Habeger - 12/16/99 05:44:30
My Email:nancylhabeger.net@worldnet.att.net
How did you find me?: By looking up Habeggers
What surnames are you researching?: Habeger/Habegger
I am related to Nikaus Habegger who was born 1602.
I plan on emailing you
Betty Jinks-Hedlund - 12/01/99 14:31:12
My Email:ahedlund@niagara.com
How did you find me?: word of mouth
What surnames are you researching?: Jenckes-jinks Badgley-Dyer -Young-Gilbert-
We will print your Badgley page and check it against ours. great Page
Betty Hedlund
Elizabeth - 11/29/99 02:06:38
My Email:veas@alltel.net
How did you find me?: surfing
What surnames are you researching?: ALFORD
Barry Fraser - 11/27/99 03:45:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com.anexplorer
My Email:fraserbl@idirect.com
How did you find me?: Web Ring
What surnames are you researching?: Fraser, Shepherd, Crawford, O'Connor, Lindsay etc.
Beautiful page, sorry I could find no connections!
Paul Gooch - 11/25/99 21:16:23
My Email:pwgooch@dow.com
How did you find me?: chance
What surnames are you researching?: gooch
Happened to see that you were researching the Gooch family, and that there was an English connection. My family is from Suffolk, but there is believed to be a connection to a Sir Daniel Gooch of Great North Wesyern Railway fame..
patrie eberly fankhouser - 11/25/99 20:15:50
My Email:PatrieF@webtv.net
How did you find me?: looking around
What surnames are you researching?: funkhouser
maiden name eberly links--- funkhouser,frankhouser&fankhouser. im now lookig for links with fankhauser. i figure if it is with them, it should be there also? patrie
bernard peck - 11/23/99 02:20:04
My Email:bernardpeck@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: family tree maker
What surnames are you researching?: peck
Don Henderson - 11/18/99 05:59:49
My Email:dwhenderson@erols.com
How did you find me?: Rechecking the site.
You have done a great job. One small correction is that Donnie Wilson Henderson, Jr. has only been married one time and that was to Tanya. Patricia Sullivan is the second wife of Donnie Wilson Henderson.
Hope to see you over the holidays. We are having a party for Mother to celebrate her 80th early in December.
Shirley Hall - 11/12/99 12:12:55
What surnames are you researching?: Elam, Henderson, Hall, Doyle, McGirth, Crabtree, James, and Jolly
Tracy Dotson - 11/11/99 02:08:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/firstnamesinc/index.html
My Email:tadot_2000@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Surfed In
Very nice looks like you put a lot of work into it hope to see you at my webpage soon have a great day
Pam Brown - 11/10/99 23:23:17
My Email:pabrown@prodigy.net
What surnames are you researching?: All Showalters
Anything I can help you with let me know.
Pam Brown
Showalter Historian
Joseph Dittmann - 11/06/99 04:48:02
My Email:josephd@mail.megsinet.net
How did you find me?: Through genealogytoolbox.com
What surnames are you researching?: Dittmann
My great grandmother was named Anna Mathilda Klein born in 1869 and died in 1952. She was married to Albert Charles Dittmann (1862 - 1945)
Wendy Lawrence - 10/31/99 19:29:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/estillgen
My Email:weneslaw@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Mamma.com/Lawrence Genealogy Web Ring
What surnames are you researching?: Lawrence+see homepage
Very nice page, even nicer since I find that you and my hubby are connected on the Lawrence line.
Check out my page, click on my Lawrence/Lorentz line, then have to scroll down. This is so cool!!!
Denise - 10/24/99 05:59:46
My Email:cdcritchfield2juno.com
I love the family web site. Keep up the good work!
Larry E. Harris - 10/09/99 23:54:38
I am giving you some info for your page. Lawrence Clarence Hunter , Died Feb.5,1981 in Columbia Station,Oh . Robert Fred Hunter, B. 10-18-1942, D 2-21-1993 in Toledo,Ohio while on the road.
Josephine Hunter - 10/09/99 14:23:44
My Email:Hunter69@flash.net
How did you find me?: e-mail from you
What surnames are you researching?: Henderson
I'm looking foe info. on my ggrandfather, his name was William B. Henderson, he married Amanda Ludlow/Ledlow in Feb. 15,1847 in Tuscalloosa County,Al.They had 5 children, one being my grandfather, Newton Henderson, he and his wife Mary Ann Gregg Henderson
and his children moved to Larmor Country Texas in the early 1880's to Atlas,Texas,that is south of Paris,Texas.
Larry E. Harris - 10/09/99 03:07:16
I will be back.
Larry E. Harris - 10/09/99 02:33:32
- 10/02/99 17:44:00
Betty Distad - 09/24/99 20:01:25
My Email:GmomDistad@aol.com
How did you find me?: message on Internet
What surnames are you researching?: Phillips, others in Dallas Co.
Elaine, I enjoyed your site a lot. I am just sure that we have conversed before.
GEORGE KLEIN JR - 09/24/99 01:24:38
My Email:GKLEINJR@aol.com
How did you find me?: web search
What surnames are you researching?: klein
am interested in my family name am curious as to my past is all
Art Peck - 09/10/99 22:17:50
My Email:diskkiller_1excite.com
How did you find me?: surfing
What surnames are you researching?: Peck
I'm searching for Jasper Peck,(b)1767 in Figheldon,Wiltshire,England.(d)1853;I'm his 3rd great-grandson.
Carol - 09/08/99 23:05:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/8014
My Email:cdivan@aol.com
How did you find me?: PYFT webring
What surnames are you researching?: Divan,Gustafson,Cronkrite,Garman,Southard,Brantner,Signell and many more
I really enjoyed my visit to your page. Love the background! Great work. Yours in research......Carol
Mary Lou Perry - 09/02/99 16:42:16
My Email:marylouperry@yahoo.com
How did you find me?: Pike Co., AR web page
What surnames are you researching?: Harris, Auston, Perry, Speegle, Mitchell, Dye
Just took a chance with the Harris name since you had a link to Pike Co. page. Eliza Jane Harris married to William Alvin Auston lived there around 1900. Have not started research on the Harris name so that is all I know. Eliza was my granfather Auston'
first wife. Great page. Loved the old lace.
Lynda Lawrence-Homan - 08/27/99 22:58:43
My Email:Pink121@Aol.com
How did you find me?: cyndis list
What surnames are you researching?: Lawrence, Homan, Chancellor, Terrell, Carter
Cheryl Sullenberger Rubin - 08/27/99 18:35:24
My Email:mcdrubin@juno.com
How did you find me?: internet search:genealogies
What surnames are you researching?: Sullenberger, Crumpton
I am very interested in finding out more about your Sullenbergers and if there are any links we may have. I have a partial genealogy with a Samuel Sullenberger born 1788, died 1855 who married a Martha Scott in 1807. This info was taken from the history
f Highland County VA. Monterey, VA 1911. That is the farthest back that I have. e-mail me though!
Tomas - 08/26/99 23:01:22
My URL:http://www.clicks,to/gregorson
My Email:tomas.gregorson@swipnet.se
How did you find me?: ICQ ring
A very beautiful site.
Jerri - 08/25/99 23:14:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/2099
My Email:msgelati@msn.com
How did you find me?: Surfing HGS
What surnames are you researching?: Wilson, Smith, Landers, Keen, Brooker, more
Stopped by looking for relatives. No luck here, but invite you to look on our site for family.
Karla Showalter - 08/15/99 05:06:54
My Email:karlas@im3.com
How did you find me?: search
What surnames are you researching?: Showalter
Looking for a possible connection thru Jacob to Ulrich to Henry who married Mary Billhimer. Hopefully they had a son named James Henry or Henry James.... Nothing conclusive yet.
MARIE ESTES HOBBS - 08/07/99 01:31:50
My Email:mariesweet@aol.com
How did you find me?: just looking,
What surnames are you researching?: ESTES,JOHN WESLEY
really a very nice site to search for Estes, thank you and keep up the good work,if you happen on my JOHN WESLEY ESTES born 1824,his father WILLIAM J, ESTES born 1799,PATRICK ESTES born 1770,,,i would appricate anything,
Howard Brodbeck - 07/14/99 00:54:36
My Email:hbrodbeck@aol.com
How did you find me?: starting to research my family
What surnames are you researching?: Brodbeck, Knorr
My Great Grandpop Johan George Brodbeck came to Philadelphia at age 16 in about 1890. He married a Marie Knorr.
Had a bakery on 2100 block off Market St.
Judi (Funkhouser( Vanderpool - 07/12/99 00:09:00
My Email:jvanderp@cdesd.k12.or.us
How did you find me?: Searching Funkhouser name
What surnames are you researching?: Funkhouser, Ruth, Roof, Snapp
My father's family (Funkhouser) is from the Shenandoah County in VA. I have a Funkhouser book that may have some information you need. I need to look closer at the names Abraham and Jacob. I will let you know. Judi
Cassandra - 07/07/99 03:20:25
My Email:cmitchocbu@aol.com
How did you find me?: search engine
What surnames are you researching?: FORCE,BETZ,ALEXANDER,CASTOR,MITCHELL,GILMAN,and on and on and on...
I find it interesting in your listing of your surnames, that there are about 1/2 a dozen names I remember from grade school in Joplin, MO. Such as: English, Gooch,Peck, Smith, Ware, etc. Great work...superb site!
Grace Case - 07/06/99 23:57:29
My Email:gcase@arkansas.net
How did you find me?: E-mail from Myers
What surnames are you researching?: HENDERSON , DAVIS
Great site. Very informative. U'm related to several Pike Co. surnames that you have listed.
Roxie Kline - 07/01/99 14:05:01
My Email:RoxieK@webtv.net
How did you find me?: Gen. Portals search
What surnames are you researching?: Kline/Klein/Cline, Cook, Butz (also; Berger, Schoen, Silliman
Bethan - 06/28/99 20:01:09
How did you find me?: you visited my page ( :
Jay (my preschooler) and I loved the midi on your page, we boogied while surfing!
barbara koger callahan - 06/27/99 04:43:26
My Email:becalla@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: surfing
What surnames are you researching?: spurlin
specifically i am looking for any info on my paternal grandmother. name is lorena spurlin or could be elizabeth lorena spurlin. married william porter koger lived in or near pall mall tennessee. please help
Robert E. Louton, Ph.D. - 06/24/99 10:34:29
My Email:zlouton@esu6.esu6.k12.ne.us
How did you find me?: surfing
What surnames are you researching?: Louton, Rucker, Crawford, Moore, et al
Looking for connections, dead and alive, for grandkids. Great service!
Steve Habeger - 06/22/99 22:05:39
My Email:Shystev99@aol.com
How did you find me?: Surfing Geneaology sites
What surnames are you researching?: Habeger, Habegger, Hawbaker,Habecker
Katherine - 06/18/99 16:28:33
My URL:http://kat.genealogy.org
How did you find me?: Family Connect
What surnames are you researching?: Livingston, Levingston, and others
I'm sorry to say that I didn't find any connections with your family, but I enjoyed my visit anyway. Please visit my website, Katherine's World of Happy Genealogists to post a query for your Livingston or Levingston ancestors! It's free.
Kathleen Ostrander Jakel - 06/16/99 17:38:40
My Email:kjakel1021@aol,com
What surnames are you researching?: ostrander,proper, lent
I am the corresponding secretary of the Ostrander Family Association. We have a webpage at http://home.earthlink.net/~ostrander/index.html
Marilyn Williams - 06/16/99 05:08:16
My Email:williams@rmi.net
How did you find me?: Surfed by
What surnames are you researching?: Whyman, Windle, Brobeck, Collins, Champion, Hoisington, Wade, Foster
I'm searching for the line of Mary Ann Brobeck, b. 1813, VA; m. Abraham Windle, 10 Dec 1831, Shenandoah, VA; son, Jacob Windle, b. 1833, Shenandoah, VA, m. Tryphena Wilcox. Their daughter, Mary Ann Windle, my great-grandmother, was b. 1860, Union Co., O
. I've seen Brobecks, Brodbecks, Brubecks, Brumbacks, etc., in the same family trees. Can't find parents of Mary Ann Brodbeck. If you think we're related, please email me. Thanks!
Don Langdon - 06/11/99 12:14:19
My Email:Tachel@hotmail.com
What surnames are you researching?: Langdon
I just starting to look around at the Langdon clan......very interesting..
I am from Deer Lake, Newfoundland Canada but now living in Ottawa. Nice page
Bill Anderson - 06/10/99 16:40:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~banderson205/
My Email:billfl@atlantic.net
What surnames are you researching?: Giltinan,Gilman,Anderson,Powers,Thomas,Ford,VanCamp
Nice site,,I am looking for history on
Giltinan,Gilman,Anderson,Powers Vancamp and
others for my web site..
My G.Grandfather William Giltinan,was born
Country Cork Ireland,,1825,,Married Margaret
My Grandfater Axel Anderson,,born in Sweden.
Dinah Alford McPhearson - 06/04/99 18:55:23
My Email:mcphearsonda@arlaw.com
How did you find me?: Surfing
What surnames are you researching?: Alford, Freeman
My grandfather was Benjamin Cleveland Alford (deceased 1970) married to Annie Freeman (deceased in late 20's or early 30's) - Walthall County, Mississippi. Some comments refer to Pike County (which is next to Walthall County in Mississippi). Are you in
ississippi? Dinah McPhearson, Jackson, Mississippi
Darlene Martin - 06/02/99 17:15:00
My Email:dbmartin@excite.com
How did you find me?: Saw the name Sampsel
What surnames are you researching?: Sampsel,"Sampsill"
You have a great page. Catherine Sampsel is of my
Kathy Freeman - 05/28/99 14:07:49
My Email:hungrymother@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: helms toolbox
What surnames are you researching?: holdway
I need to understand how the Holdways fit in and if I can find out who the parents of William T. Holdway are. It is a great lead for me. Thanks
ROBERT M. ALFORD - 05/25/99 14:04:50
How did you find me?: SURFING GENAOLOGY SITES
What surnames are you researching?: ALFORD, BACOTE, ANTRUM
Frieda Funkhouser Wilson - 05/21/99 18:13:55
My Email:fewilson@aol.com
Where did you find your information on the FUNKHOUSER family.
Bari - 05/19/99 20:27:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~nirenberg
My Email:nirenberg@geocities.com
How did you find me?: Heartland Critique & Review
Hi! I'm here doing a review for Heartland Critique & Review. You should be hearing from me soon.
Cathy Pratt - 05/17/99 23:51:38
My Email:cpratt52@aol.com
How did you find me?: looking
What surnames are you researching?: Force
Tracy Dotson - 05/12/99 11:42:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/firstnamesinc/index.html
My Email:tadot@eastky.net
How did you find me?: surfed in
very nice looks like you put a lot of work into it hope to see you at my webpage soon have a great day
Diane - 05/11/99 14:03:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/Vineyard/6812
My Email:bellongtodanny@excite.com
How did you find me?: You signed my book *S*
What surnames are you researching?: None....but my married name is Wilson
Thank you so much for visiting me and signing my guestbook. I love your page and found all kinds of interesting things. Keep up the great work and good luck in search for your family tree *S*
I checked through your surnames and I don't think we can make a connection to the English name as yet. One never knows? Thanks for the nice compliments you paid me in my guest book. Come back again real soon.
Robert John Covell - 05/09/99 19:05:38
My URL:http://cso@acad.udallas.edu
How did you find me?: Browsing on the net
What surnames are you researching?: Covell & Basham
I am not familiar with Thomas
Barbara Wilkie Tedford - 05/07/99 00:15:26
My Email:btedford@neumedia.net
How did you find me?: Chatham County, NC list
What surnames are you researching?: Clark, Wilkie
I read the Schoolfield pages and was interested in the Henderson-Clark connections, since my great-great grandmother Elizabeth Clark Wilkie might be descended from people listed there. She was born in Jan. 1804 in either Chatham or Orange County, but I h
ven't been able to find her father or mother. She married Tobias Wilkie, and I have lots of information about Wilkies. So it's interesting to read about the Hendersons.
Paul G. Henderson - 05/03/99 15:51:51
My Email:hazellucile@earthlink.net
How did you find me?: Looking for HENDERSONS
What surnames are you researching?: HENDERSON,BEHREND,HILLE,CASE, STINTON, STONE, WEBB, h
There were so many Hendersons that it is really a job trying to trace them. I've got mine going back to Thomas Henderson, 1710, County Antrim, NIR
Paul G. Henderson - 05/03/99 15:48:09
My Email:hazellucile@earthlink.net
How did you find me?: Looking for HENDERSONS
What surnames are you researching?: HENDERSON,BEHREND, h
Betty D Harris - 05/03/99 03:03:24
My URL:http://BB_76036@webtv.net
My Email:BB_76036@webtv.com
How did you find me?: MSNBC
What surnames are you researching?: Harris
I was just curious with this page.
My faher name is Edward L Harris b 9/9/30 d 11/26/87
Barbara L. Ostrander - 04/28/99 01:58:15
My URL:http://www.
My Email:barbarao@netzero.net
How did you find me?: Ancestery Daily News
What surnames are you researching?: Ostrander, Carr, Brown
Checking for Dorcas Carr, daughter of Aaron B. Carr of Milford, PA. 1813 Pike County, PA. Browns, from Orange County, New York , all married Ostranders.
Barb Seyler - 04/25/99 22:52:41
My Email:Ropetracer@prodigy.net
How did you find me?: Browsing
What surnames are you researching?: Seyler
Very interesting site and full of good information. Keep up the good work!
Wilkie WILKINSON - 04/02/99 19:58:37
My Email:wilk100@aol.com
How did you find me?: ARBRADLE-L
What surnames are you researching?: SAUNDERS-PALMER
Saunders is my wife's line. She is in Switzerland at this moment. I believe her Saunders were in NC, maybe in 1770, plus or minus. You had a Palmer on one of your messages. Is that an Arkansas, Alabama, or Georgia Palmer?
Haemi Balgassi - 03/30/99 03:35:17
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/~balgassi/
How did you find me?: The Rail
What surnames are you researching?: Balgassi
The quote from your brother is wonderful.
ron henderson - 03/26/99 15:01:30
My Email:jrhenderson@alltel.net
How did you find me?: pike county homepage
What surnames are you researching?: henderson, alford
check out www.themyers.org site
Levica Alford and Abner Henderson were my
g.g.g. grandmother/father. We live in Pike Co.
and are helping others update their lists. The Myers pages are some of the most complete on our family.
- 03/22/99 03:10:58
My Email:fewilson@aol.com
This looks like a copy of my research which I published in 1978.
My name is Frieda Funkhouser Wilson.
What is the source of your work and where do you vome into the family.
Kristinia - 03/21/99 18:04:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/3015/
How did you find me?: Teletubbie Page
What surnames are you researching?: Bagwell
Hi, I saw you in a guestbook. I think it was your grandchilds. :) Visit my site sometimes and sign the guestbook, please. ~ Happy Spring ~
Oh, I have cyber adoptions: clowns, bees, fairies,
cats, and mice. :)
Jennifer Badgley - 03/17/99 15:17:34
My Email:Shrink.inc@worldnet.att.net
Kate Lutton - 03/13/99 23:55:57
My Email:kazzz7@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Lycos search engine
What surnames are you researching?: Lutton
Cool page
David showalter - 03/13/99 06:18:22
My Email:dshowalter@lafarge.ca
How did you find me?: search
What surnames are you researching?: Showalter
Tiffany Cowart - 03/13/99 01:45:50
My Email:tccowart@alltel.net
How did you find me?: Pike county records
What surnames are you researching?: Henderson
I to am a decendent of Abner and Levica, I am a decendant from Lewis their son. Do you know anything about him and Victoria Elam?
David L. Showalter - 03/09/99 19:49:12
My Email:dshowal@accessus.net
How did you find me?: Ask search engine for Showalter(s)
What surnames are you researching?: I have, I believe, a Samuel Showalter, as my greatfather.
Bruce Roubin - 02/28/99 03:32:04
My Email:broubin@optusnet.com.au
How did you find me?: Websearch self reference
What surnames are you researching?: Roubin
My paternal grandfather was named Roubin
apparently through a step-great grandfather somewhere in Nothern Europe - maybe Poland.
My father claims however that my grandfather changed the spelling of his name from Rubin to Roubin upon arrival in Australia. My aunties
dispute this, and I haven't checked.
PAUL ZAUGG - 02/22/99 19:35:06
My Email:pzaugg@iastate.edu
How did you find me?: Searching family name
Vicki Lawrence Hahn - 02/14/99 01:45:57
My Email:vhahnrn@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: searching altavista, got lucky!
What surnames are you researching?: lawrence and hahn
Cool! Do you know where any other German Lawrence web sites are? Maybe we're related!
Stephanie Riffle - 02/13/99 06:24:29
My Email:msriffle@erinet.com
How did you find me?: Alta Vista
What surnames are you researching?: Showalter
I'm trying to establish a link between Christian
Showalter b.1717 d.5-17-1805. His son Christian Jr.b 5/29/1768, and his son Michael b. 6-25-1806 d.5-27-1901
I cannot find documentation and I need to prove this link to apply for DAR. Can you help?
gordon Boatman - 02/11/99 02:30:51
My URL:http://Bloomnet.com
My Email:Flash@bloomnet.com
How did you find me?: AltaVista engine
What surnames are you researching?: Boatman
Looking for Robert Boatman who was married to Nancy Cockrell Late l700 Virgina, Penn. Ky.Have history from l834 to present on Peter Thornton Boatman family Gordon Boatman
gordon Boatman - 02/11/99 02:31:01
My URL:http://Bloomnet.com
My Email:Flash@bloomnet.com
How did you find me?: AltaVista engine
What surnames are you researching?: Boatman
Looking for Robert Boatman who was married to Nancy Cockrell Late l700 Virgina, Penn. Ky.Have history from l834 to present on Peter Thornton Boatman family Gordon Boatman
gordon Boatman - 02/11/99 02:28:06
My URL:http://Bloomnet.com
My Email:Flash@bloomnet.com
How did you find me?: AltaVista engine
What surnames are you researching?: Boatman
Looking for Robert Boatman who was married to Nancy Cockrell Late l700 Virgina, Penn. Ky.Have history from l834 to present on Peter Thornton Boatman falily Gordon Boatman
Bill Walkup - 02/02/99 13:19:19
My Email:wwalkup376@aol.com
How did you find me?: gen-search
What surnames are you researching?: Lawrence
Very impressive web-page. I would like to know more about it.
Morris Myers - 01/29/99 14:45:10
My URL:http://www.theMyers.org
My Email:morris@theMyers.org
What surnames are you researching?: MYERS HENDERSON ALFORD KEY BARNES
Please allow me a way to stop the silly music. I like to spend time on your page but I CANNOT abide the music and short of turning off ALL sound can't stop it.
- 01/17/99 23:50:17
Glenn Kennedy - 01/08/99 23:16:02
My Email:bobhil@swbell,net
How did you find me?: Howard Co
What surnames are you researching?: Jones
I was looking for Jones,Tollett ,I Noticed
Lawrence Family . I had Relative in Taney Co Mo
Name Of Samuel Lawrence dob 1811 Son Reed Lawrence
Dob 1847 . Will Share
Barbara Botens Hanstine - 01/02/99 21:32:24
My Email:barbarah@hancock.net
How did you find me?: The Mining Company
What surnames are you researching?: Botens
My grandgather is August Botens. He married Cicily Mongan Botens.August is one of many children. My father is John Botens. I always thought we were basically Irish but know that the family came from Allsaise Lorraine. Do you know of any Botens people
n this country?
I was always taught that if someone was a Botens that they were related because the name is a derrivation of Bounton. I am not sure of this spelling.
David R. Jansen - 12/30/98 09:18:40
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/3265/index.html
My Email:drjansen10@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Through the Web Ring
What surnames are you researching?: Abell, Bosch (Bos / Bush / Ter Bosch), Comfort, Dockstader (Doxsteder), Hoffman, Lothrop (Lathrop / Lothropp), Maul (Mol / Moul / Mool / Mouw), Redway, Sager (Seeger / Sagar), Schoonmaker, Swartwout (Swartout), T
n Broeck (Ten Brock), Van der Marke (Vander Merke), van Kuykendall, Van Wagenen (Van Wageningen), and Vermilye (Vermeille).
I like your background. You have a well done web page.
Andy Zaugg - 12/27/98 01:52:53
How did you find me?: browsing my name
My grandfather was Wesley Zaugg of Wooster, Ohio, USA. My father was Wesley Jr, and I have a brother Michael in Seattle, Wa, who is the keeper of our family geneology, and fluent in German. I have a sister in Wa, DC named Cecile Srodes.
Morris Myers - 12/24/98 23:00:51
My Email:gmm00@amdahl.com
How did you find me?: Arkansas Geneology page
What surnames are you researching?: MYERS, HUGHES, JONES
Great site! You've clearly done a tremendous amount of research! Thanks for sharing.
Alison Sullenberger - 12/06/98 17:47:37
My Email:mx%"sulleam@okra.millsaps.edu."
How did you find me?: searched my last name
What surnames are you researching?: my own
I was completely surprised to see my last name! I've never researched my family before...
Don Henderson - 11/30/98 15:53:00
My Email:dwhenderson@erols.com
How did you find me?: surfing
Your information is very good. I may be able to provide some information after I know who is researching the information.
Harold L. Smith - 11/21/98 05:13:04
My Email:budimr@rmi.net
How did you find me?: surfing
What surnames are you researching?: Powell, Gollaher, Miller, Crady, Smith, Clark
Am searching for background on great-great grandfather Peter Rentsch Powell, LaRue Co. KY and father of George Powell,Civil War Veteren. Your site is the first mention of Rentsch that I have found. Do you have information on this particular family line b
fore KY.
Christine Eason Louton - 11/09/98 20:52:38
My Email:louton@erols.com
How did you find me?: searched on louton
What surnames are you researching?: louton
Pauline Dodd - 11/02/98 23:56:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5564
My Email:pajama@itl.net
How did you find me?: Browsing
What surnames are you researching?: Tuthill/Tuttle etc
I have a copy of a pedigree of the TUTHILL family of Saxlingham, which is the one you are researching. It takes your line back to John TUTTELL of Saxlingham Norfolk born C 1480 =
Alice HODGES(2) first wife not known.
Sadly I can't as yet link up with it..my family is from Central Norfolk
Gregory Lutton - 10/25/98 12:02:50
My Email:nitro_667@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Alta Vista search engine
What surnames are you researching?: Lutton
Interesting to read the change in spelling of the name Lutton over the years.
Gregory Lutton - 10/25/98 12:02:43
My Email:nitro_667@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Alta Vista search engine
What surnames are you researching?: Lutton
Interesting to read the change in spelling of the name Lutton over the years.
Sally Walker - 10/24/98 05:07:15
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Sally64Jay/index.html
My Email:Sally64Jay@aol.com
How did you find me?: surfin' the railroad
What surnames are you researching?: Walker, Walbrecht, Crigler, Cathey, Castle, Braga, Silva
Great pages! I especially love the background of the old lace.
- 10/19/98 11:34:20
10/04/98 11:32:41
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Melinda Pearson - 09/18/98 17:19:17
My Email:melinpear@aol.com
How did you find me?: search under Noe
What surnames are you researching?: Noe, Dumont, Trembley, Cosart, Cox, Sutton and many more
Jo Ann Cooper - 09/13/98 13:21:41
My Email:cooper@inet-direct.com
How did you find me?: NC roots page
What surnames are you researching?: Edwards, Pugh,Dean,Cooper,Long,Rook,Donoho,Britt,Davis
Well done, wish I was as organized!
Jessica Skeens - 09/12/98 03:10:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/9829
My Email:JJSkeens@aol.com
How did you find me?: From E-Mail
What surnames are you researching?: Skeen, Justice, Beverley, Stanley, Robinette, McCoy, Crabtree, Elkins, Dotson, Sargent, Kiser, Rees, Moore, and many more!
Great Page!
Edith - 08/30/98 12:33:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/2778/
My Email:epb1937@blue.net
How did you find me?: WebRing
What surnames are you researching?: Polston/Poston/Goodman/Edwards/Herrod/Orange/Presley/Bastin
Enjoyed your Sentimental Journey in Time. The scanned handkerchiefs is a very clever idea. Enjoyed the picture pages.
Ed Showalter - 08/29/98 19:34:00
My Email:edshowal@gte.net
How did you find me?: Referred by Barbara Akins
What surnames are you researching?: Showalter
Great Web Site. As soon as I figure out my connections, I'll be in touch.
I'm New to this so Im looking for any information I can find. My line comes from John S and Barbara Falley.
Pam - 07/15/98 15:09:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/Pointe/7245
My Email:bigred@hsnp.com
How did you find me?: well I had not choice you came with my husband
What surnames are you researching?: You know and so far we can not find a match!!!!
You need to come check out the page it has changed...the content is still the same but it has a new look!!!!!! See you later Momma!!!!
Nancy - 06/29/98 12:55:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1067
My Email:Grumpe@chicago.avenew.com
How did you find me?: HGS webring
What surnames are you researching?: Greenwood, Boisvert, McGarvey, Fodor, Stefanik, Balint, Croak, Balszar, Meszaros
Your site is really a sentimental journey and thanks for sharing it with me. Your love for your family is so evident and I was touched.
Constance R. Everitt - 06/22/98 10:21:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/2131
My Email:severitt@sno.net
How did you find me?: Through Roots computing.com
What surnames are you researching?: Studley, Moscrop, Kay, Warburton, Perry, Ward, Crawford, Everitt, Dunkerton, Boniface, Beattie, Clarke.
Greetings from Kitimat, British Columbia.
You have a very nice site, I really loved the lace background. Keep up the good work.
Regards, Constance R. Everitt
Norma - 06/06/98 00:38:48
My Email:Norma.Frisch@gte.net
How did you find me?: Just surfing by !!
What surnames are you researching?: Tutthill,Alford,Haynes,Hunt, and alot more.
I wandered in but I'm bookmarking because I'm not just a cousin to your husband; I believe that we are also cousins.
Wanda June Brown - 06/02/98 06:06:07
My Email:WBrown1956@aol.com
How did you find me?: you told me
What surnames are you researching?: FUNKHOUSER
This is a very very beatifull page. Nice job. Happy Hunting
Wanda Brown
Nancy - 06/01/98 21:59:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Nancy1956
My Email:nancym@ip.net
How did you find me?: through my sister Wanda Roach Brown web site.
What surnames are you researching?: Funkhouse was my great grandma name
Hi i was look at my sister site and she got your site link to hers. Our Great Grandma was a Funkhouser.
Bettyboop - 06/01/98 02:07:29
My URL:http://geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/8972
My Email:bettyboop1967@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: I never lost you
What surnames are you researching?: The same as you
Love your page we have done good havent we. I think everything is coming along great cant wait until it is done.....although i guess i never will be huh, can always find more to add. Love you Mom take care
Peggy Dunnig - 05/31/98 12:42:39
My Email:PJKD@AOL.com
What surnames are you researching?: Barb/Funkhouser/etc. Shenandoah Co., VA
Baarbara Akins - 05/31/98 06:40:46
My Email:bsnakins@aol.com
How did you find me?: you e-mail me
catch you later. It has been awhile since we corresponded. Barbara
Ray W. - 05/30/98 22:43:03
My Email:rwaddin427@aol.com
What surnames are you researching?: badgeley, Otter/Utter, Doty
other names of course....but this is the poin of closest congruence.
Virginia Marin - 05/30/98 08:54:06
My URL:http://www.suite101.com/articles/article.cfm/7625
My Email:richmond01@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: ring
What surnames are you researching?: wright, lee,mahaffey, prior, babb etc.
You have made a pleasant site. I enjoyed it very muchy. Did not find any of my surnames, but good work!!
Charlotte McIntire - 05/29/98 09:35:45
My Email:Crmcint@AOL.com
How did you find me?: your Email
What surnames are you researching?: Northrop/Cox/Moore
Brad Wickes - 05/29/98 04:29:37
My Email:bford@pacbell.net
How did you find me?: Your e-mail
What surnames are you researching?: Loper/Melyn
Great start! I'm impressed. Thank you again for the Loper info you provided me.
David A. Henderson - 05/16/98 20:24:20
My Email:dahenderso@aol.com
How did you find me?: you found me
Not bad
jim baucom - 05/14/98 22:51:15
My Email:jim0400@aol.com
What surnames are you researching?: Henderson
It appears that your Hendersons that were in Morgan Co., AL had come and gone before my Alfred Henderson came to Morgan Co.
Thanks for the reply and good luck.
Betty Boop - 05/14/98 00:51:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/8972
My Email:bettyboop1967@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: By helping you
What surnames are you researching?: The same ones you are!
Love your page will keep watching to see how long it takes for the rest of the links. And I know we are related..... Love you Mom. Will help when I can.
Wanda June Brown - 05/06/98 23:26:13
My Email:WBrown1956@aol.com
How did you find me?: You inform me
What surnames are you researching?: Funkhouser, Beck....
You have a beautifull page. Hurry and get moved in.
Kim Taft - 04/30/98 15:37:50
My Email:taft5857@aol.com
How did you find me?: you told me about this
What surnames are you researching?: Showalter/Murray
Hi Elaine.....can't wait for you to add your
Showalter information....good luck on your page !!
Gail Lies - 04/30/98 14:14:40
My Email:nglies@nex.net
How did you find me?: Your letter
What surnames are you researching?: Henderson, Alford, Davis, Patterson, Baumgardner etc!
Great start for your page! Yes, if your descended from Abner and Levica "Visey" Henderson then we are related! I'll see what more I can share with you! Give me a couple of hours! Thanks for contacting me!