Janet Jackson - 11/29/00 02:39:52
My Email:gmj@fullnet.net
I forgot to log in my Email
Janet Jackson - 11/29/00 02:36:30
Your #1 Surname?: Nelson
#2 Surname?: Sneed
My gggrandmother's name was Sarah J.Himes born in Ohio in 1840. I dont know if this clicks but do hope so.She married a man by the name of Ellington H.Nelson in 1858.
Ralph L Ball - 11/28/00 17:09:50
My Email:rlball@bigplanet.com
Your #1 Surname?: Ball
State of Interest?: Idaho
#2 Surname?: Mooney
State of Interest?: Nebraska
Robert Hough - 08/21/00 06:12:53
My Email:bobh@nidlink.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hough
State of Interest?: Indiana
#2 Surname?: Hough
State of Interest?: NC or SC
trying to find parents of Daniel Lambert Hough and his siblings. Daniel was born Apr 1833 near Lexington IN. He died 1915 in Butlerville, Jennings county Indiana. He was in the 37th infantry volunteer regiment. Discharged 1864 or 1865.
Paul Phillips - 08/11/00 00:37:25
My Email:xlpe@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Huntington
State of Interest?: England
My mother's ancestry is Huntington from Cumberland in England. I have extensive records on that branch of the family. Also have a copy of "The Solway Plainsmen" (1995) which deals with the Huntington family in Cumbria back to the 12th Century
bill - 07/02/00 04:59:19
My Email:chaplain@ponyexpress.net
Your #1 Surname?: Griffin
State of Interest?: blood relative
Dennie, Dennis, Denney, Griffin born 1822, TN,
md Mohon, AR, 1855,
my gggrandfather. Have no info on him pryor to that. Searching. Any info greatly appreciated.
Unknown, simply "reply to author", "no info"
Thank you
cindy wine matsumoto - 06/20/00 04:33:35
My Email:alanm@wolfenet.com
Your #1 Surname?: Wine
State of Interest?: Missouri
I'm looking for info on Elmer Bernard Wine...b. april 25, 1924 in Brookfield Mo. to Ivan Wine and Clara Lockwood Wine
Dixie Lee McCormick - 06/18/00 02:17:12
My Email:dial3@digitalexp.com
Your #1 Surname?: Adkins
My maiden name is Adkins, of the Adkins' from around Sandy Hook,Kentucky. I don't know much about my dad's family and was just checking to see what I could find. Dad's mom was Russia Mae Adkins and his dad was Robert Lee Adkins. Russia was born Nov. 20, 1
00 but don't know when Bob was born. Thank you Dixie (Adkins) McCormick
Charles J. Simmons - 06/17/00 18:29:46
My URL:http://www.beverlybooks.com
My Email:bevbooks@xsite.net
Your #1 Surname?: Byram
State of Interest?: high
I am putting together Byram information now. If you are interested in what I have[mostly earlier & further East than yours], let me know.
Helen Guscott - 06/15/00 19:14:56
My Email:h.guscott@cableinet.co.uk
Your #1 Surname?: Bliss
State of Interest?: Any
I see you are interested in the surname BLISS. I don't know if we have a connection as I am very new to this & have made very little progress tracing my ancestors. My paternal grandfather was Frederick Bliss, deceased England 1964, married to Caroline, ne
Faulkner, deceased England 1969.
Do you think we have a connection?
Regards, Helen.
Sue Adkins Martin - 06/04/00 19:28:12
My Email:Nana76@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Adkins
State of Interest?: Kentucky
Just surfed in to check surname Adkins. Most of your Adkins' were in Missouri. My Adkins line are from Kentucky (Pike County), Virginia and Sandy, Bedforshire, England.
Nice web site.
Paulette Anita Bliss Ranville - 05/28/00 17:17:00
My Email:pauletteranville@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Bliss
State of Interest?: Missouri
#2 Surname?: Leonard
State of Interest?: Iowa?
My interest isn't in geneology. I am trying to trace any information that might be my family. My fathers full name was Paul Phillip Bliss and My mothers maiden name was Helen Lucille Leonard. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Miranda Griffin - 05/27/00 09:39:41
My Email:mirandagriffin@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Griffin
State of Interest?: Va/NC/Ky
Very interested in your James Griffin and Delphia Adkins. Was your James Griffin in the 1850 cesnus of Ky. Somerset listed in household #604 under Rachel Thompson??? I am very interested in their children; James could be a likely canidate for my ggg-gr
ndfather; in the 1840 census of Rockingham Co. NC; Western Section there was a pensioner James Griffin age 79 listed in the household trying to find out who he is.. Thanks
e. Rancier - 05/23/00 22:04:12
My Email:erase@postoffice.pacbell.net
Your #1 Surname?: Kelsey
State of Interest?: CT
#2 Surname?: Belding
State of Interest?: CT, NY
Doubt this will ever reach. I have no skills.
2d day on net. Can't figure why we were match by LDS.Need proof Mary Kelsey married Ebenezer Belding at Saybrook,Ct.(Westbrook)Have no idea if Email address even works.Of course I am afraid to answer mail due to the virus. None this will probably make any
sense. 1312 e. 215th Pl., carson, CA 90745. Regular mail can reach me.
2d day on net. can't figure why we matched by LDS.
Jim Hough - 05/21/00 19:32:32
My Email:houghja@email.com
Your #1 Surname?: HOUGH
State of Interest?: MICHIGAN
#2 Surname?: WILSON
State of Interest?: THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO
During research into our family tree we have discovered that my grandfather's uncle Harry Hough emigrated to USA. We are trying to complete his part of our family tree.
The only information we have is that he was born in 1885 in Cheshire, England and imigrated to Michigan, where he started a family. His sister Annie had emigrated to Thunder Bay, Ontario and started a family.
The only other information we have is that during WWII two service men came over to Cheshire, one was certainly Annie's son, we can only guess that the other was the son of Harry.
I would be most grateful for any help on this matter.
L.L. Gilson - 04/22/00 23:15:49
My Email:shagil@uswest.net
Your #1 Surname?: Gilson
State of Interest?: NY,OH,MI,IL,KA,OR
#2 Surname?: Frisbey/Frisby
State of Interest?: PA,OH,IN
Descendents of William Frisbey and John Frisbey.
Duane M. Tollaksen - 04/18/00 16:20:43
My Email:DTOLLAK@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Bliss
State of Interest?: Iowa/Washington/Colo.
Looking for descendents of Lynn B. Bliss of Denver, Colorado area--he died in 1908. His sister, Iva Bliss(Thompson)--died in 1910. Need any info possible. My grandmother was their sister, Myrtle Lucretia Bliss Tollaksen, born in Sutherland, Iowa Januar
14, 1878 and died in Washington, DC on June 5, 1961. Their parents were Amos Goodwin Bliss and Josephine Hannah Shepard Bliss.
Patsy adkins palmer - 04/17/00 21:32:40
My Email:chantel918@EXCITE.COM
Your #1 Surname?: Joseph Adkins
State of Interest?: Va. and Ohio
#2 Surname?: Mary E. Mc.Gee
State of Interest?: Va. and Ohio
I have tried to find any of my family on the Adkins. Unable to locate any info. Going to visit Salem, Va. this summer and try. I knew my father was born there and has az twin brother buried there. They left there at an early age and went to Ohio.
Kevin Wicklund - 04/16/00 18:28:00
My Email:kwicklund@ameritech.net
Your #1 Surname?: Wicklund
#2 Surname?: Bliss
State of Interest?: Mother's Maiden Name
Danielle - 04/12/00 19:54:23
My Email:jefstate@gte.net
Your #1 Surname?: Adkins
State of Interest?: WA, SD, OK, OH
I am looking for any information on my grandfather Murl Robert Adkins. My dad was born in Tacoma WA in 1944 and then moved to South Dakota shortly there after. He might have been from South Dakota. His father left when he was 4 or 5. We think he might h
ve been from Oklahoma or Ohio I am not sure.
Katie - 04/08/00 16:51:55
My Email:Katiewine@AOL.co.uk
Your #1 Surname?: Wine
i am looking to see if there are and other people in the world with the surname 'wine'because as far as i know we r the only ones in the uk.
Duane M. Tollaksen - 04/02/00 14:47:15
My Email:DTOLLAK@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: BLISS
State of Interest?: Kansas, Iowa,Washington
Mary Crance - 03/23/00 16:28:38
My Email:moroni1035@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Brunk
State of Interest?: Ohio
Searching to prove my theory that a member of the Brunk family joined the LDS Church in Ohio (Clermont County) in the 1840's-1870's. Any information relating to the family of Zachariah Taylor Brunk and Mary Stouder would be helpful.
colin adkins - 03/07/00 08:29:59
My Email:the.adkins@clear.net.nz
State of Interest?: open
just searching the web for any information relating to my surname.
jovani bigelow - 02/18/00 00:41:12
My Email:mercedessadie@juno.com
Iretha Parker - 02/04/00 18:06:03
My Email:iretha@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Adkins
State of Interest?: Missouri
Would like to know if you are related to our line up in Northwestern Missouri... Please feel free to contact me...
Diana Hunsaker Myers - 01/26/00 17:12:47
My Email:deedeehm@yahoo.com
My great-grandmother was Kalla Lilly Frisbey Hunsaker. Her father was Cary Clay. His father was George Pack. I would love to exchange information with you.
george solhan - 01/23/00 12:35:27
My Email:knightbear@yahoo.com
Your #1 Surname?: solhan
State of Interest?: indiana
#2 Surname?: disborough
hello my moms name is disborough and i know it goes back to the 1600s there was even a witch trial in this past....if you have any ? email me thank you george anthony solhan mother mary disborough
Shirley Titus - 01/21/00 21:05:51
My Email:cetitus@mountainwest.net
Your #1 Surname?: Titus/Bigelow
State of Interest?: New Hamp/ Mass
#2 Surname?: Stong/Scudder
State of Interest?: Iowa/Kansas
Been working on various lines for 20 years. Now have time to spend and computer to do the work.
Have Titus back to 1500 in England. 1700 Joseph Titus married Mary Bigelow-= Her par. Jedediah Bigelow and Tamerson ??? My grandmother was Eva
Edna Scudder and I have not done much on this line.
Shirley Titus - 01/21/00 21:02:07
My Email:cetitus@mountainwest.net
Your #1 Surname?: Titus/Bigelow
State of Interest?: New Hamp/ Mass
#2 Surname?: Stong/Scudder
David Frazee - 01/14/00 05:29:43
My Email:dfrazee@ci.escondido.ca.us
Your #1 Surname?: FRAZEE
State of Interest?: California
Did Martha Jane FRAZEE actually get married 6 days after her tenth birthday?
Dad: "OK, Martha, it's your birthday, and you're so special to me, I want to give you anything you want, so what do you want?"
Martha: "A husband."
I hope my 10-year-old waits. : )
Patsy Adkins - 01/10/00 03:18:27
My Email:chantel918@excite.com
I am looking for my ancestors from Ohio, which were Adkins. I know so little to tell you about them.
abrams - 01/08/00 22:16:31
My Email:abrams@ harborside.com
Your #1 Surname?: kelsey
State of Interest?: Ct
I see some common old Connecticut families among your list of surnames including Kelsey, Disborough, Bigelow, Hall ,Griffin and Spencer. We are probably connected at Kelsey/ Disborough at least. Could not access your tree to see.
steve huntington - 01/03/00 09:48:54
JOHN DOSIER - 01/02/00 02:18:38
Your #1 Surname?: DOSIER
State of Interest?: ILL
#2 Surname?: DOSIER
State of Interest?: WEST VIRGINA
Sandra Davidson Brunk - 12/14/99 10:46:01
My Email:sbrunk1039@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Davidson
State of Interest?: PA
#2 Surname?: Brunk
State of Interest?: NY
I'm just getting started, have beginnings of maternal and paternal lines for myself and my husband. My family,( Davidson , Marshall) have back to 1830's My husband's ( Brunk) only to 1900, and his maternal line( Palmer) to 1700's
chris schaden - 12/02/99 04:11:40
My Email:cschaden@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hough
State of Interest?: Illlinois
#2 Surname?: Winslow & Bliss
State of Interest?: IL., WI.that's as far as I go
I don't understand your connnection to the Hough family???? I am related to Wm. Hough of ChicagoIl. married to Emma Winslow and with a connection to his mother in law Caroline Bliss. Can anyone HELP me connect my grandma Emma Hough. She died in Jan.1899 i
Chicago Il. with three children Wm.,Caroline & my grandmother Mabel
Kathy Hight - 12/01/99 20:26:35
My Email:khight56@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hough
State of Interest?: Michigan
#2 Surname?: Alyea
State of Interest?: Michigan
I have recently started my families genealogy. My Grandmother's maiden name is Rhea Bernice Alyea. Her father was Frank Alyea and her mother was Nellie Mary Hough. Other Grandfather's names from her line are Charles D., Ebenezer Belcher, and Jedediah B H
ugh. Her father, Frank Alyea, I have been hard pressed to find much information about.
Kathy Hight
Kathy Hight - 12/01/99 20:12:23
My Email:khight56@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hough
State of Interest?: Michigan
#2 Surname?: Alyea
State of Interest?: Michigan
I have recently started my families genealogy. My Grandmother's maiden name is Rhea Bernice Alyea. Her father was Frank Alyea and her mother was Nellie Mary Hough. Other Grandfather's names from her line are Charles D., Ebenezer Belcher, and Jedediah B H
ugh. Her father, Frank Alyea, I have been hard pressed to find much information about.
Kathy Hight
Ronald Kelsey - 11/29/99 19:00:35
My Email:kssr@cris.com
Your #1 Surname?: Kelsey
State of Interest?: PA & MI
#2 Surname?: Weed
State of Interest?: PA & MI
looking for
Lewis Kelsey born PA Married Maria Weed PA
found them in MI 1850-1890 Census Midland county
Her father's name was Daniel Weed from NY. any help much appreciation. Thank Ron Kelsey
Gerald - 11/27/99 03:54:23
My Email:jbigelow@eznet.net
Your #1 Surname?: Bigelow
Hi ,Was going thru A book on cattaraugus county N.Y. and it got me thinking about how far back i could go with my family history.
I was born in goodland kansas in 1935.The only other thing I know is That I moved to N.Y. state in A clothes basket .
my grand fathers name was George ellsworth Bigelow
My grandmothers name was Laura.About all I know .If you could let me know how to go further I would sure apppreciate it.
Sincerely Gerald Bigeloq
Carol Brunk/Dehnert - 11/20/99 22:01:52
My URL:http://www.jefnet.com
My Email:archery2@jefnet.com
Your #1 Surname?: Brunk
State of Interest?: Mo,Ark,Ok
#2 Surname?: Maustain?
State of Interest?: Mo Ar Ok
Searching Father, Bodie Brunk, father Henry Pernot Brunk, father Nicholas Brunk. What is your connection to Brunk?
Melissa Arnold - 11/16/99 07:48:49
My Email:m.r.s.bee@ivilliage.com
Your #1 Surname?: Lathrop
I am trying to find information on my great grandfather, Christian Horace Lathrop. He married Augusta Wilsey prior to 1911 and they had a son on May 29, 1911. His name was Eugene Milton Lathrop, and he was born in Chicago. Christian was born during the 18
0's to the best of my knowledge. Please let me know if you think he falls into your family somehow. Thanks! Melissa
C. Chapman - 11/10/99 16:35:42
My Email:http://buckfeverooi@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Bigelow,
State of Interest?: Ill.
#2 Surname?: Chapman
State of Interest?: Ala or S.C
I had and Aunt whos maiden name was Pack in OK.if interested e-mail me.
Osbert Bigelow is who I'm searching he was in Ill. a short time around 1876 Shawneetown,
Elaine Rosenberg - 11/09/99 04:14:25
My Email:davidelaine@bigpond.com.au
Your #1 Surname?: Huntington
State of Interest?: Lancs UK
#2 Surname?: Rogers
State of Interest?: South Wales UK
I came across your website when looking for Rowland Huntington who would have been born about 1640. He may be an ancestor of mine. My Huntington connections are from Liverpool UK. In the late 1800's early 1900's they were flour millers and bakers. (My mot
er's maiden name)Some of the family emigrated to the West Indies and probably the US.
Elaine Rosenberg - 11/09/99 04:11:37
My Email:davidelaine@bigpond.com.au
Your #1 Surname?: Huntington
State of Interest?: Lancs UK
#2 Surname?: Rogers
stephanie d. kellogg - 11/08/99 01:06:16
susan wadeson wiles - 10/31/99 14:47:12
My Email:mrb1215@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: huntington
State of Interest?: nc
#2 Surname?: wadeson
State of Interest?: ala
I couldn't find where you are linked to the Huntington's. Can you tell me? I am related to Roswell Huntington, son of Ebenezer Huntington b. 1740 to Simon Huntington and Sarah Leffingwell
susan wadeson wiles - 10/31/99 14:27:46
My Email:mrb1215@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: huntington
State of Interest?: nc
#2 Surname?: wadeson
State of Interest?: ala
I couldn't find where you are linked to the Huntington's. Can you tell me? I am related to Roswell Huntington, son of Ebenezer Huntington b. 1740 to Simon Huntington and Sarah Leffingwell
Ellen Bigelow - 10/30/99 21:22:15
My Email:EBig4114@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Bigelow
State of Interest?: NY
#2 Surname?: Yund
State of Interest?: NY
I have been trying to find ansetor previous to Peter Bigelow(Biglow) who is said to have been born in Germany. And his Wife Matilda Yund born in France. Both are buried in Amsterdam,NY
Marian Bliss - 10/30/99 15:31:23
My Email:bliss@mscomm.com
Your #1 Surname?: Bliss
State of Interest?: Missouri
I am married to Francis Bliss, grandson of Herbert Bliss who lived near Crane, Mo. and Hurley, Mo. He died around 1950. What is the connection you have with the Bliss surname. Francis Bliss's father was Royal Bliss. Lawrence Bliss, Royal's brother als
lived near Crane until his death. I am looking for information on Zenas Bliss, Herbert Bliss's father. He lived in Buda, Ill. Thank you. Marian Bliss
Carol - 10/22/99 02:40:58
My Email:archery2@jefnet.com
Your #1 Surname?: Brunk
State of Interest?: Mo
#2 Surname?: Maustain
State of Interest?: Mo
My maiden name is, searched your info, did not see reference to Brunk. Where's the link? If you e-mail me back be sure to use Brunk reference.
Mona Wade Turner - 10/14/99 22:22:43
My Email:pdldmk@mciworld.com
Your #1 Surname?: Leach
State of Interest?: grandfather
#2 Surname?: Royall
State of Interest?: grandmother
Trying to find Dabney Leach (b.5/1852 d.07/12/1912 TX) mar ROSE ALTHA BELSURA ROOMER, had son: Harold M. Leach (b.09/11/1876 Lima,OH d.03/28/1962 TX) mar 1900 in Tx, VIRGINIA S. ROYALL. Dabney par are unkn. Dabney's bro/sis: John, Henry, Lance, Bonapar
, Tom. Do know that Harold attended Univ of AR and moved to Wolf City,TX by 1900. Hope you can help.
Amanda Hough - 10/09/99 16:27:35
My URL:http://www.hougha@csi.com
My Email:hougha@csi.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hough
State of Interest?: Ohio
Bill Dixon - 09/26/99 22:32:12
My URL:http://www.wildlifehunting.com
My Email:bigbill@Lcc.net
Your #1 Surname?: Dixon
State of Interest?: Texas
#2 Surname?: Walters
State of Interest?: Texas
My fathers family has been hard to trace to say the least. I have found them in Freestone Co. Texas, 1880 U. S. Census. My dads name was Robert Dixon, his dad was James W. Dixon, his dad was Robert Dixon and his mothers name was Mary Walters. I have been
t this sience the 1960s and can go no further back. I would like to hear from anyone looking for the DIXONs in Texas around that time, 1880. Other names in family Waltz, Cannon, Skains, Humphries, Watkins, Combs, Leatherman, Wiggins, Spivey.
Carl Murdock - 09/22/99 17:46:26
My Email:cmurdock@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Murdock
State of Interest?: Eastern Ohio
Lorraine Ball - 09/19/99 05:43:08
My Email:Balldan@cs.com
Your #1 Surname?: Huntington
State of Interest?: missouri
Charles Ralph Huntington of Bowling Green, Missouri circa 1870's. Does that name sound familiar?
Duane David - 09/14/99 14:24:11
My Email:wzbngpop@worldnet.att.net
Your #1 Surname?: Bigelow
State of Interest?: Wisconsin
#2 Surname?: Brunk
State of Interest?: Kansas and Illinois
I just surfed on in here from the LDS site. Even though she has already written a book on the family, my aunt has asked me to do some computer searching for her on James Brunk, born 26 September, 1871 in Christian County, Illinois, married to Mary Wren H
rsey 1893 in Johnson County, Kansas. I noticed others on your guestbook researching Bigelows in Wisconsin also. My great-grandfather on the other side of my family was Charles Bigelow, born in Canada, married to Christabelle Butler in Eau Claire, Wisconsi
in 1878.
G A Huntington - 09/06/99 23:42:30
My Email:GAHuntington
Your #1 Surname?: Huntington
State of Interest?: Father's Family
#2 Surname?: Stewart
State of Interest?: Mother's Family
Lot of work listed here but hard to read, had to print it out to read and sort into some sort of tree.
Thank you
G A Huntington
Peggy Hanks Eutsler - 09/02/99 15:37:14
My Email:peutsler@oasisonline.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hanks
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
When searching on Uriah Hanks son of Jacob Hanks and Mary, I get a hit on your site. Do you know if Uriah had siblings and if so, their names?
C Day - 08/26/99 23:10:19
My Email:wizzzaerd@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Stewart/Newell/Soule/Hagaman/Saunders/Day/Reynolds/Bullock/Smith/Green/High/Hoch/Cook/Koch/Walters/Freeman/Thomas/Chamberlain/Hubbard/Brockway/Simons/Chan
State of Interest?: Ont.
State of Interest?: MI,PA, NY, RI,NE,ONT,
I am looking for John Newell 1765-1847 who married Mary Leach. They were wed in 1800 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England.
Joe N. West - 08/25/99 23:36:41
My Email:townadma@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Ary
#2 Surname?: Warren and Casey
State of Interest?: great grand parents
i noticed you interest in the name Ary. My great grandfather married Margaret Mahalia Ary in Missuri somewhere, and i am trying to trace all of the names, Warren, Casey, and Ary, thanks for the work you have done Joe N. West, Whitesboro, Texas
frances etter engel - 08/25/99 02:23:20
My Email:wmengel@infowest.com
Your #1 Surname?: andes
State of Interest?: wilhein thru george are direct ancestors
#2 Surname?: baer
State of Interest?: again, direct ancestors
george andes b. 1772 had daughter anna b. 1806 who married jefferson etter b. 1803. would like to hear from you . today is 24 aug 1999
Darrel Fortune - 08/22/99 19:06:38
My URL:http://angelfire.com/wa/fortuneunlimited
My Email:dfortune@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Fortune
State of Interest?: Ireland
#2 Surname?: Gullion
State of Interest?: Ireland
My mother's name was Bigelow. Where's your connection? I have names and dates pretty well straight back, and a little bit to the side.
charles cortland young - 08/20/99 05:51:59
My Email:ccyironleg@webtv.net
Your #1 Surname?: Lathrop
State of Interest?: WI-NY
#2 Surname?: young
State of Interest?: pa-de-wi
I am the ggg-gs of freeman lathrop, webster, monroe cnty ny, his son irwin giles young was one of the early settlers of Beaver Dam Wi circa 1841. preumably Freemans father was Isaac Lathrop, he was listed in the us census in monroe cnty in 1820. intereste
in finding out who Isaac's father was. Also interested in inf on my g-gf harry piesrson young born w va circa 1850,his wife, alice b. slack b. pa circa 1850, couple resided in de cnty pa late 1880's. son charles cortland young born de 1883.
cathy dixon - 08/18/99 18:34:00
My Email:lola-bruce@erols.com
Your #1 Surname?: dixon
State of Interest?: ireland england
#2 Surname?: dixon
State of Interest?: NY & NJ
surnames dixon, flannery, duke, cox
do not have very much on any except mayber dixon
email back.
thanks. clarence edmond dixon david dixon richard
dixon clarence (buddy) dixon anna dixon. my father brothers and sister.
Dennis Hall - 08/18/99 02:56:48
My Email:dnshall@cyberhighway.net
Margaret Monteleone - 08/17/99 20:10:56
My Email:mmonteleone@msn.com
Your #1 Surname?: Rhea Huntington
I put in the name of Rhea Huntington and your information came up. I read through your information but do not see the connection. Does that name ring a bell?
Kathleen Lathrop - 08/17/99 03:44:14
My Email:k_lathrop@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: Lathrop
State of Interest?: Wisconsin, New York
#2 Surname?: Gallea
State of Interest?: Minnesota, New York
I noticed you were interested in more about Lathrops. Let me know if I can help you.
Kathleen Lathrop
Deanne Hancks Jones - 08/16/99 00:45:36
My Email:dandd64@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hancks
State of Interest?: Mo.
Juli Andes - 08/15/99 23:51:22
My Email:djandes@earthlink.net
Your #1 Surname?: ANDES
State of Interest?: Kentucky or Tenn.
Hi. I was just interested if you have any information concerning an Elbert Andes b: 7 Jun 1844 in Tennessee and m: Elizabeth Moore 16 Apr 1863. My husbands line goes through William Terry Andes b: 1 Jun 1868. We are at a loss for the parents of Elbert and
where to track him to, so if you have any clues I would appreciate it if you could send them along.
Shirley - 08/15/99 03:14:20
My Email:gvanatta@tecwrite.com
Your #1 Surname?: Stultz
State of Interest?: Indiana
#2 Surname?: Dillinger
State of Interest?: Indiana
Hi Susan, Your page looks very nice. Please email me or call. I have some news for your mom and the rest of the family.
James Murdock Spence - 08/13/99 20:39:07
My Email:JSpence255@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Spence
#2 Surname?: Murdock
I am interested in your Murdock research. My mother was a Murdock, born in Houston County, Texas as I was. She married James O. Spence also born and raised in Houston County, Texas. I know that there were Frisby's in Houston County, Texas as a sister t
my grandmother Murdock was married to a frisby.
Shirley Davis - 08/13/99 00:16:09
My Email:sssdavis@showme.net
Your #1 Surname?: Burkhart
I am looking for the father of my greatgrand father.my greatgrand father is Anddrew J. Burkhart. He had a lot of brothers,IsaacM., George W. Harrison H. Lewis, all were in the Civil War. Their father is Peter.Peter with his wife Nancy were in the 1850 Rut
ford Co.Tenn.Census. They had a lot of children. In 1860 I found Peter no wife in Newton Co. MO. He only had three children with him at that time,one being my great grand father. I could not find Peter after that.If you have any information on the above m
ntion names, I will gladly exchange information .Yours Truly Shirley
Mary Bigelow - 08/12/99 02:18:04
My Email:m.bigelow@mciworld.com
Your #1 Surname?: Bigelow
State of Interest?: Wisconsin/Michigan
Where's your Bigelow connection?? Who are you looking for with the Bigelow name??
Renee - 08/08/99 20:12:12
My Email:rkleffner@uswest.net
Your #1 Surname?: Byram
State of Interest?: IL...Mo
#2 Surname?: Carr
State of Interest?: same
Trying to find the link between divorced parents..grandparents from chester Il is as far as I have gotten....thanks for the help..Wish I was as organized....
Nancy Steel Morris - 08/07/99 21:29:29
My Email:nsmorris@pobox.alaska.net
Your #1 Surname?: Kelsey
State of Interest?: NY (or Canada)
#2 Surname?: Steel
State of Interest?: NY
seeking info re: JOHN KELSEY (b.8/8/1778) wife Elizzbeth. Son JOHN KELSEY (b.7/10/1804;d.8/20/1863) married Susanah A. Lawrence (b.8/5/1807) 8th Presby. Church NYC.
Son ANDREW JACKSON KELSEY (b.6/15/1840) married Hester Ann Verien (b.12/25/1840;d.10/22/1889) Daughter SUSAN ANN KELSEY (b.9/25/1858;d.7/27/1917) married George HEnry Steel(b. 11/2/1854;d.8/17/1931)
ALAN - 08/01/99 13:51:26
Your #1 Surname?: BIGELOW
Carl W. Cavagnaro - 07/31/99 20:28:21
My Email:CWCava@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Detrick
I contracted www.familysearch.org in my research for my family. They asked for information on my wife, and your site was a match.
My wife Virginia (Ginny) is the daughter of Robert L. Detrick. Bud was born February 11, 1912; he was born in Agra, Okla. His father was Frank Detrick and his mother was Margaret Devaraux. Ginny's dad past away on April 11, 1995 having been a resident
f Vineland, New Jersey for over fifty years. Ginny's grandfather, Frank, was a Doctor and he practiced general medicine at various locations in the United States.
Carl Cavagnaro
Betty Stinecipher - 07/27/99 22:45:00
My Email:stinecipher@ofgeorgia.com
Your #1 Surname?: Burkhart
State of Interest?: Missouri
#2 Surname?: Hilderbrant
State of Interest?: Missouri
Iam looking for additional information about my great grandparents,JOSEPH BURKHART who married AMERICA HILDERBRANT Aug.1867 Jefferson Co.,MO. I found their marriage record in a book"Marriage Records of Jefferson Co., MO.Vol.I 1821-1848. They were listed a
Joseph Berryguard and America Rogers.With a strong German accent Berryguard can sound like Burkhart.America was married. to a ROGERS before Joseph Burkhart. It has been rumored that the Rogers was connected to the famous Will Rogers. I think that America
Burkhart died around the Jefferson Co., or the St Louis Co., Mo. area between 1880-1900. Betty Stinecipher email stinecipher@ofgeorgia.com
chris schaden - 07/27/99 21:52:25
My Email:c.schaden@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hough
State of Interest?: extremely
#2 Surname?: Bliss
State of Interest?: extremely
I have aconnection to Hough ,William Saunders Hough b.11/25/1855. Married to Emma Winslow. I think her sisters married name was Bliss,Caroline. You have a clue to both names but I don't see what it is.????He is my great grandfather and that's why I am l
oking for help
Jonathan Ary - 07/27/99 17:00:10
My Email:aryy@yahoo.com
Your #1 Surname?: Ary
State of Interest?: AL
I have found many people with the last name Ary over the internet, however I personally do not know anyone. If someone could tell me where my last name came from it would help me alot.
PAIGE BLACK - 07/26/99 21:43:31
My URL:http://www.familysearch.org
My Email:Danieldoright@juno.com
Your #1 Surname?: ADKINS
State of Interest?: MISSOURI
Dear Susan,
I enjoyed the home page. I will E-mail you the info. I have on my Adkins line that moved from West Virginia to Missouri in 1841.
Paige Black
Linda Riley - 07/19/99 15:48:27
My Email:jimriley@iland.net
Your #1 Surname?: Hanks
State of Interest?: KY
#2 Surname?: Sparrow
State of Interest?: KY
My family are trying fill some blanks in our history book. Looking for information on several members of family Lucy Nancy Shipley-Hanks married Henry Sparrow. She had a daughter from her first marriage, her name was Nancy Hanks-Lincoln her son was Abraha
Lincoln. But I am looking for information on Nancy Hanks halfbrother
George Sparrow he married Susan Ingram had a son John Sparrow and he married Martha Huffman (we are looking for her time of death and where she is buried.) they had a son Steven Sparrow and he had a son Leon Neville Sparrow and he had a daughter Barbara S
arrow-Kriesel and she had a daughter Linda Kriesel-Riley. If you have any info
about our family please feel free to let us know.
Thank You
J. D. Hanks - 07/14/99 02:24:03
My Email:jdhanks@hotmail. com
Your #1 Surname?: Hanks
Have traced ancestors back to peter hanks I born about 1680,died july 27,1733, trying to obtain any more info but lots of missing links.
Martha Bliss glenn - 07/12/99 23:25:33
My Email:marthafletcher@netscape.net
Your #1 Surname?: Bliss
State of Interest?: Ohio, Indiana
#2 Surname?: Brodie
State of Interest?: Indiana
My father was Charles Bliss born in 1894 in Luton, England, son of Charles Thomas Bliss and Martha Maria Brodie.
His father brought the family to Indiana in 1906 and bought a farm in Ripley County near Elrod.
I am searching for the older Blisses and Brodies.
Any connections?
Good luck, Martha
Nancy Hanks Alexander - 07/04/99 18:58:22
My Email:nalexander@cjnetworks.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hanks
State of Interest?: MO & IN
I'm trying to connect Ackland to I think his father Nicholas. Ackland would have been my great-grandfather.
dawn bigelow - 07/02/99 07:58:15
My Email:dawn.bigelowingram@gteNET
Your #1 Surname?: BIGELOW
State of Interest?: MAINE
#2 Surname?: TAPPA
State of Interest?: WISCONSIN
Burkhart - 07/01/99 13:31:34
My Email:stefan_burkhart@yahoo.com
Your #1 Surname?: stefan
State of Interest?: very interested
#2 Surname?: johannes
State of Interest?: not very interested
IŽam german and I hope to help you with my name.
If you like to find out more about my family in Germany, write me a Email.
Sincerly yours
Stefan Burkhart
P.S: My Email-add. is stefan_burkhart@yahoo.com
DAVID HANKS - 06/29/99 04:04:02
Your #1 Surname?: HANKS
State of Interest?: OKLAHOMA
#2 Surname?: REAGAN
State of Interest?: TEXAS
DAVID HANKS - 06/29/99 04:03:14
Your #1 Surname?: HANKS
State of Interest?: OKLHOMA
#2 Surname?: REAGAN
State of Interest?: TEXAS
Laura Simonson - 06/28/99 01:12:02
My Email:HM8485@aol.com
#2 Surname?: Huntington
Oops! I left this off of my previous message. I have Huntington ancestors on my maternal grandmother's side.
Laura Simonson - 06/28/99 01:09:08
My Email:HM8485@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Burkhart
State of Interest?: Tennessee
My maiden name is Burkhart. I am a descendent of Peter Burkhart(Burkhardt)of Germany. Most of his descendents settled in East Tennessee.
carol trei - 06/27/99 17:50:38
My Email:treis@siebring.com
Your #1 Surname?: adkins
State of Interest?: Nancy adkins
#2 Surname?: stewarts
I just have to same surnames nancy adkins came from missouri.
carol - 06/27/99 17:46:11
My Email:treis@siebring.com
Your #1 Surname?: adkins
State of Interest?: Nancy adkins
#2 Surname?: stawarts
I just have to same surnames nancy adkins came from missouri.
debra.wilford - 06/25/99 13:41:58
My Email:debra.wilford@co.hennepin.mn.us
Your #1 Surname?: bigelow
State of Interest?: wisconsin
#2 Surname?: wilford
State of Interest?: wisconsin/minnesota
my great aunt's name is ball and my great
grandmother's name was bigelow.
Ruth Hundley - 06/23/99 23:08:38
My Email:mhundley@isbe.accessus.net
Your #1 Surname?: Griffin
State of Interest?: Rhode Island
I read through your generation page and did not see the GRIFFIN name. I am searching back to 1642 in E. Greenwich, RI. for Susannah Griffin Spencer and her family back to England.
Thank you for a response.
Tammy Broker - 06/23/99 03:01:07
My Email:CBroker489@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Hanks
Are you a subscriber to the Hanks Historical Review? If not, email Nancy Hanks Baber at baber1@erinet.com and check out this site: http://homestead.com/hanksforthememories/hanksfamilyreunion.html
Jo Peterson - 06/23/99 02:27:48
My Email:waynejo@telusplanet.net
Your #1 Surname?: Anderson
#2 Surname?: Bowerman
Hi, Susan
Just found your web site so thought I would sign the guest book. Haven't been to active lately in the research department but hope to get at it shortly.
BECKY ILOILO - 06/21/99 23:56:23
Your #1 Surname?: HUNTINGTON
Bob Cutler - 06/21/99 18:35:24
My Email:rcutler@idirect.com
Your #1 Surname?: CUTLER
State of Interest?: Vermont
Trying to trace Jean (John) Cutler who married Ellen ???. Their son Francis Joseph Cutler married my grand-mother in 1888 in Canada. He was probably born about 1850 and was married prior to marrying my grand-mother. His first wife died.
- 06/21/99 04:06:59
My Email:chf56
Your #1 Surname?: hannah adkins
State of Interest?: g.g.grandparent
#2 Surname?: jasper scrivner
State of Interest?: g.g.grandparent
Hannah Adkins moved from Boulder Colorado with her children and husband about 1885 to Tucson Arizona. I think she was born in Quincey Ill. But met her husband Jasper in Cloud County, Kansas.This could even have been a second marriage for her.
Great site,there is a lot of good work here.
Bruce - 06/20/99 21:34:46
My Email:hanks_sabino@bc.sympatico.ca
Your #1 Surname?: hanks
State of Interest?: kansas
State of Interest?: south dakota
looking for a Charles Wesley Hanks connection.
Bigelow - 06/19/99 20:49:59
My URL:http://familytree.com
State of Interest?: IL OK
Jo Handley - 06/19/99 01:00:27
My Email:joelson@swbell.net
Your #1 Surname?: frisbey
State of Interest?: Missouri
My grandmother is a second generation Frisbey, which I found on your site. She is Bessie Evelyn Frisbey, daughter of Issac. I can't tell you how excited I was to see this. Thank you!
Maryanne Adkins Talmadge - 06/18/99 13:57:05
My Email:mat@altinet.net
Your #1 Surname?: ADKINS
State of Interest?: Tennessee
#2 Surname?: BOWLIN
State of Interest?: Tennessee
I am searching for any Adkins' information beyond my father Howard Franklin Adkins,1916-1998, his father has been impossible to find anything on other than from Red Hill, NC born around 1872 and died 2-2-33 in Tennesee. Fathered 15 that I have some info
n. Married to Alice Grindstaff and Vertie Katherine Bishop. Like your site, the information I have would take a while to read, so far my search includes over 2800 names with marriages etc from these 15 known childre. This really takes a lot of time and
work and I wish I had more time to do my own online like this. Thanx for allowing me to read it. Mat
nancy broadway - 06/18/99 05:16:42
My Email:n.bway@mciworld.com
Your #1 Surname?: adkins
State of Interest?: kentucky
Good work. I know it represents a lot of energy
and time outlay. My mother completed her family
tree and even found a book on the King family
origin. My maiden name is Adkins. My Dad has
dead end prior to 1827 with Harvey Lee. I agree
with your reasons to search. Take care, Nancy
George Tregaskis - 06/17/99 22:13:51
My Email:gkt@albany.net
Your #1 Surname?: Kelsey
State of Interest?: NY
#2 Surname?: Bliss
State of Interest?: NY
Philander Kelsey married Hannah Bliss, dau of Samuel who m Eliz Pembroke all of NY, Columbia and Rensellaer CO. My grandparents. Yours? Polly Scudder also in line.
debbie kellogg - 06/16/99 05:44:34
My Email:dbkellog@home.com
Your #1 Surname?: kellogg
State of Interest?: NY/ IA / NE
jennifer cutler - 06/15/99 18:27:33
My Email:jennifer_cutler@hotmail.com
Your #1 Surname?: cutler
State of Interest?: Indiana, Ill.
Mavis Kelsey - 06/15/99 16:16:14
My Email:MKelseySr@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Kelsey/Kelso
Descendant of Samuel Kelsey, Jr.
Ruth E. Clewis - 06/14/99 21:54:05
My Email:RuthC50@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: FRENCH
State of Interest?: Ohio
#2 Surname?: FRAZEE
State of Interest?: Ohio
1 Ruth Ellen FRENCH
2 Clarench John FRENCH
2 Dorothea OPPITZ
3 Louis K. OPPITZ
4 George Washington GRISWOLD
4 Louvina Mariah RAPP
5 John Frazee RAPP
6 Benjamin RAPP
6 Sarah FRAZEE (1809-1841, Ohio)
7 John FRAZEE (1786, MD-1846, Ohio)
8 Benjamin FRAZEE (1766, NJ-after 1810, Ohio)
9 Samuel FRAZEE (1784/3, NJ-1765, NJ)
10 Isaac FRAZEE (1697, NJ-1775)
11 Joseph FRAZEE (1640-1714/5)
12 Samuel FRAZEE
13 Ephraim FRAZEE
I do not have all the proof of this information, but thought we might be able to tie some of your information with mine? Thank you,
Ruth E. Clewis (RuthC50@aol.com)
Pat (Boden) Martin - 06/14/99 14:56:17
My Email:pmartin35@yahoo.com
Your #1 Surname?: Bliss
Very thorough.
Terry Lee Walton - 06/14/99 02:12:58
My Email:twalton@jvlnet.com
Your #1 Surname?: Walton
State of Interest?: WI
#2 Surname?: Rager
State of Interest?: N.D.
Gary J. Kellogg - 06/12/99 14:41:58
My Email:Gkel102870
Your #1 Surname?: Kellogg
State of Interest?: Father Of CHristopher K.
William H WINE - 06/11/99 16:17:23
My Email:BJWINE@worldnet.att.net
Your #1 Surname?: Wine
State of Interest?: ancestors family tree
Richard F. Valentine - 06/10/99 17:51:46
My Email:rfvalentine@worldnet.att.net
Your #1 Surname?: Hanks
State of Interest?: Maine
#2 Surname?: Adanzo
State of Interest?: Connecticut
Norman Hanks married Jennie Adanzo (b. Ireland). A search on the LDS Web page returned your Web page as the only reference, but I couldn't find any reference to these people. I'm interested in finding their parents.
sandra anne chapman sparks - 06/09/99 03:06:06
My Email:sandra.sparks@cwix.com
Looking for info on Hattie Ann Kelsey of Holmesville, Ohio born about 1892.
Theresa Voelkel - 06/09/99 03:02:28
My Email:tvoelkel@yahoo.com
Your #1 Surname?: Stewart, Casey
State of Interest?: TN-AL-TX
#2 Surname?: Curtis, James ,Sr.
State of Interest?: Same
David K. Ambro - 06/09/99 01:27:55
My Email:dambro@univ-wea.com
Your #1 Surname?: Kelsey
State of Interest?: NY/VT
#2 Surname?: Stewart
State of Interest?: NY
From your list, Kelsey and Stewart are in my family, my mother's side, upstate NY. Henry L.
Stewart was a crewman on whaling ships 1830's.
he was my mother's mother's father's father, native of Caroline, Tomkins County, NY, near Ithaca. My mother's father was Charles E. Kelsey, born Green Island, NY (near Troy), his father from VT. Are we related?
Also, my father's side goes to Barnesboro, PA, George Ambro immmigrated from Austria-Hungary around 1899 (my father's father's father).
Good luck!
charles king detrick - 06/08/99 03:13:18
My Email:kingdetrick@webtv.net
my fathers family is from kc mo.
i have a large family tree on the family tree maker composit tree web site.
detrick was listed as a part of your intrestes
Nancy Adkins - 06/08/99 01:08:47
My Email:nladkins@mindspring.com
Your #1 Surname?: Adkins
State of Interest?: Kentucky
#2 Surname?: Lewis
State of Interest?: Kentucky
In particular I am trying to locate information on Brock (Brack) Adkins before I can search any further.....He was my great grandfather.....I can't find anything on him....GREAT PAGE:) Nancy
Liz medley - 06/08/99 01:08:12
My Email:Almedley@aol.com
Your #1 Surname?: Dr. William Hunt, Quaker, 1829-1900
#2 Surname?: Elizabeth Pruitt Hunt
I have some good information about the Quaker doctor, but nothing about his wife...
Thank you so much for your fine page!
Sue Brunk Stevenson - 06/08/99 00:10:10
My URL:http://www.ellensburgrealty.com
My Email:sue@ellensburg.com
Your #1 Surname?: Brunk
State of Interest?: WA
All I know at this point is that I am related to the Brunks, Baker's & Buckner's out of Virginia and originally from Holland area.
Sue Brunk Stevenson - 06/08/99 00:09:50
My URL:http://www.ellensburgrealty.com
My Email:sue@ellensburg.com
Your #1 Surname?: Brunk
State of Interest?: WA
All I know at this point is that I am related to the Brunks, Baker's & Buckner's out of Virginia and originally from Holland area.
Dr. Dixon G. Stevens - 06/07/99 18:23:12
My Email:dixondoc@netsync.net
Your #1 Surname?: Murdock
State of Interest?: PA
#2 Surname?: Stevens
State of Interest?: NY
Searching for ancestors of maternal grandfather, Lawrence Marvin MURDOCK b 16 dec 1871, Spartanburg, Crawford Co, PA, m Austa Ann Arthu 21 Oct 1896 in Idaho Springs, CO. r
Dr. Dixon G. Stevens - 06/07/99 18:22:45
My Email:dixondoc@netsync.net
Your #1 Surname?: Murdock
State of Interest?: PA
#2 Surname?: Stevens
State of Interest?: NY
Searching for ancestors of maternal grandfather, Lawrence Marvin MURDOCK b 16 dec 1871, Spartanburg, Crawford Co, PA, m Austa Ann Arthu 21 Oct 1896 in Idaho Springs, CO. r
Lou Xanos - 04/25/99 00:54:40
My Email:louxanos#konnections.com
Your #1 Surname?: PRIOR
State of Interest?: MASS,CONN, OHIO, IOWA
Suzie Shelton - 04/17/99 13:15:54
My Email:Irvinw@compu.com
Your #1 Surname?: Shelton
Looking for information on Buckner Shelton to present.
Carol Pack Urban - 12/06/98 18:29:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/4606/gen.html
My Email:riverridge@webtv.net
Your #1 Surname?: Pack
State of Interest?: WV/VA
#2 Surname?: Lilly
State of Interest?: WV/VA
I'd like to know how George Pack Frisbey got his name. I didn't see a connection to any Packs on your page. Can you elaborate?
10/04/98 11:32:14
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
- 03/15/98 21:11:54
your link to My Family page is not working.
- 03/15/98 21:08:18
just looking at surnames. no match
- 03/09/98 22:15:14
- 03/09/98 22:13:16
My URL:http://www. familytreemaker.com/users/f/r/i/SusanFrisbey/
Dalina - 03/09/98 16:38:20
My Email:dits@swbell.net
Your #1 Surname?: Stevens
State of Interest?: Tx, Ar, Ga
#2 Surname?: Sutton
State of Interest?: Tx, Tn, Pa
I got my questbook on but I Have the word mail in there I can't get it off. I,m not sure what I did.
Mom counter is there, but I'm not sure it is counting. Looks like you added some more here.
- 03/08/98 23:37:27
MY guest Book Is not on here.
Dalina - 03/07/98 04:35:46
I got on yesterday and the link to my website worked, because I went to it but now it doesn't. I updated my page today, and put a link on to your page.
Dalina - 03/07/98 04:32:23
My Email:dits@swbell.net
Your #1 Surname?: Stevens
State of Interest?: Tx, Ar, Tn.
Ok now you can show me how you did this, as I played with it all morning and couldn't figure it out. You need change your green words, I can't read them, but very nice !!!!!
Mildred Thomas - 03/06/98 23:35:36
My Email:miltho@msn.com
Well it looks pretty good
- 03/06/98 20:13:59
link to sisters page is not working.
- 03/06/98 20:05:01
- 03/06/98 01:41:18
just look'n for surnames.
- 03/06/98 01:01:09