
To Georgia's World

There's a lot things that keep me happy........and many, many more that just keep me busy. Probably, if you ask anyone, they'll say......."She LOVES to cook!!! And they are "RIGHT". Anyone with seven children definitely HAS to cook....or no one would survive...(unless, of course, you're a millionaire).. THAT WE'RE NOT!! So "Necessity is the mother of invention" I think that old quote goes. Now hopefully, you're a GOOD cook! That takes time and practice and I've had plenty of that, too.

Another favorite of mine is gardening. Flowers and vegetables alike. I have always had a deep love of flowers handed down to me from my dear Mom. She always had the 'green thumb' and could start any new plant from an ugly looking twig or stem. There's nothing more rewarding to me..than to see that little seed grow into a huge sunflower or a tomato or a lilac bush in bloom. The Lord's given us such beauty and it's such a joy and a way to even thank and worship our Creator. Believe me...I don't look forward to the prepping of the garden and all the hard work that goes along with tilling the soil or weeding........but the 'real joy' comes in the harvest or the beautiful colors that abound and the fragrances that permeate the yard....I LOVE it!!

One of my greatest joys is singing...Singing about Jesus my Savior and Friend is the ONE way I can express my feelings about Him that I can't do in any other way. When I'm sad or low...I am comforted by music that shares His love and presence to me....When I'm happy...I rejoice in songs of praise and excitement, when I think of what an awesome God He is...And when I witness about the saving grace of such a wonderful Savior...it reminds me of where I've been...and also songs about Heaven remind me of where I'm going...Hallelujah! What a Savior! I sing in church whenever I can....solos or with others..including my own daughters..And that is a joy and privilege in itself! And I sing alone in the quietness of my own time alone with Him......it's my way of worshipping Him. My favorite singer of all times is Sandi Patti and I also enjoy singing the songs by Twila Paris and others...There will NEVER be enough songs written about Him.

On the creative side...that is, besides creating children....Ha..ha...is making Ukrainian Easter Eggs. They are called Pysanky and it's something I've been doing now for over 44 years. I finally have my Ukrainian Easter Egg Page up if you'd like to see what I'm talking about...Click on PYSANKY to go there... If you read my testimony, you'll see I learned this at the church I attended...the Ukrainian Orthodox Church...and it's been something I've never forgotten....It's even given me an opportunity to go into the schools, libraries, local art centers, and many other places to not only teach, but demonstrate this ancient art.

I also enjoy writing....which I mentioned before about starting to write a book..well, I finished it finally after over 20 years (that didn't take too long, did it?). You can read about it and also have a preview from one of the chapters.

"Potty Training To Puberty---THE PITS!!! (with hugs along the way)

Stop by and see what you think. Keep praying because I'm still looking for an editor.

In 1997 the computer was all new to me... and through some prodding, I began my internet ministry in March of 1998. It's become such a blessing to me and given me a wonderful new hobby and a ministry I could have never imagined...

Keep coming back and checking updates....If I can do this...anyone can!!

Here's one of very favorite verses to close with...Psalm 34:1-4..."I will bless the Lord at all times..His praise shall continually be in my mouth...my soul shall make her boast in the Lord....The humble shall hear of it and be glad.....O, magnify the Lord with me.....and let us exalt His name together...I sought the Lord and He heard me......and delivered me from all my fears."

Lord bless you and have a GREAT day!!!!

Georgia's Kitchen
is always open for business.

This is for you, Mama!

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