Dear Family and Friends,

The year has been so smooth and uneventful we wondered what would we say to you in this Christmas letter.  So instead of the parents writing the letter on our own, we thought we’d elicit the help of our boys.  Here is what they enjoyed this year.

Zachary (10): Everything I did this year except I didn’t like it when my toenail came off at the beach; I liked walking through New Orleans and eating French donuts at Café du Monde; scoring 12 goals during soccer season; visiting my Grandpa/ma Gingerich on the farm; visiting Grandpa/ma Coblentz and seeing their cows; going to Canada (for his cousin Derek’s wedding) and staying in the homey placey.

Nicholas (8): I can’t remember anything except going to Camp Liz for the first time; the beach; going to Grandpa and Grandma’s (both); staying in the cabin at the Gingerich reunion.

Bill: It was been another good year.  We survived reproofing the house.  This was a particularly interesting project since part of our house has a flat roof on it.  Many friends and family came to help.  The boys continue to attend the  Calvary Christian School.  Zachary is doing a great job this year in 4th grade.  Nicholas is enjoying 2nd grade and doing a very good job there.  I am continuing to be more involved in music at church and play at a local correctional facility once a month as well as at a local coffee house. I am trying to put my investment in instruments to good use. I took on the job of caring for a student in Nicholas’ class after school. 

Karla: God reveali9ng Himself to me in a new way; wanting to savor every moment with the quickly growing boys; realizing that Zachary’s feet were bigger than mine; my ability to run once again as my broken ankle recovered;’ screaming at the top of my lungs during soccer games; being in awe of my husbands talents and abilities; being a part of my brother, Chris, and sister-in-law Sue’s adoption of Jacob and then hearing of their pregnancy (due in January!).

We have enjoyed visiting with many of you this year.  Our lives are enriched because you are a part of it.

Have a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Christmas letter 2004


Our lives are enriched because you are a part of it.