Last Updated: 06/23/01
Scott Billigmeier's...
Memorial" Website
This site is migrating to a newly created Hastings domain at
Please visit us there (and bookmark it) for the most current information
on the ancestry and descendants of Thomas Hastings.
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Welcome to the "Hastings Memorial " website! This new site (which has a long way to go) will eventually house the fruits of my research on the ancestors and descendants of the familiy's progenitor Thomas Hastings (c1605-1685) who came from England to America (Watertown, MA) in 1634. The title for this site comes from the Hastings family genealogy by that name published in 1866 (it is available for purchase through the New England Historic Genealogical Society). My ultimate goal is to publish an update to the Hastings Memorial genealogy which will expand the lines presented and carry as many of them as possible forward to the present day. |
Do you think you descend from another Hastings immigrant other than Thomas? In the drop down boxes below are listed all of the known immigrants by the name of Hastings prior to 1890. They are arranged by state and order of arrival. Listings include name, date of arrival, and place of arrival or first home after arrival. Inclusion does not mean that they remained in America but most probably did. As far as is known, none of them are related to Thomas Hastings of Watertown. Those who arrived in bondage (indenture) have entries that end in (Bond).
How can you help to save the farms, villages and towns of our ancestors?
Site Contents
How to
Find and Visit the first American Home of T. Hastings
Other Related Families Mentioned in Hastings Memorial Genealogy
Hastings Family: Geography and Mobility
My Lines...HASTINGS and Related Families
Amidon | Bass | Barron | Blake | Bliss | Bowen |
Browne | Bullock | Cady | Cheney | Child | Clark |
Cole | Coolidge | Dunster | Dimmick | Eddy | Eire |
Fiske | Flagg | Fox | Foxwell | Frost | Fuller |
Goddard | Greenaway | Guy | Hapgood | Hale | Hall |
Harwood | Haynes | Heard/Hurd | Heath | Howe | Hyde |
Ingraham | Jennison | Johnson | Kerley | King | Kingsley |
Masters | Miles | Morse | Payne | Pierson/Person | Ravens |
Rice | Robbins | Sawyer | Scullard | Seaker | Shattuck |
Shelly | Sherman | Smith | Stevens | Stone | Taber |
Tainter | Thomas | Tillinghast | Treadway | Wait | Ward |
Warren | Warfield | West | Whipple | White | Whittaker |
Wignall | Wilder | Willard | Wilson | Woods | Woodward |
And Related Families on the Web...
Related families Mentioned in Hastings Memorial Genealogy
Note: This is an extract from the
index and only includes the surnames mentioned more than once or twice.
Abbott | Adams | Allen | Andrews | Arnold | Ayers |
Baker | Ball | Barnard | Barnes | Belknap | Bemis |
Benjamin | Bennett | Bigelow | Billings | Blakely | Bond |
Boylston | Bray | Brewer | Brigham | Brocas | Brooks |
Browning | Bruce | Buckminster | Calahan | Caldwell | Capen |
Cary | Chamberlain | Champlin | Chenery | Clark(e) | Coffin |
Cooper | Copeland | Cummings | Cushing | Cutting | Dalrymple |
Davies | Dennie | Dickinson | Dwight | Eager | Eaton |
Ellis | Farmer | Fay | Field | Fisher | Foster |
Gardner | Garfield | Gates | Glazier | Goodenow | Goodridge |
Gould | Green | Grigg | Hagar | Hammond | Harriman |
Harrington | Hayward | Hazeltine | Hemenway | Henshaw | Hobbs |
Holbrook | Holland | Houghton | Howard | Hubbard | Jones |
Judd | Kellogg | Kendall | Kibling | Knowlton | Lamb |
Lane | Lawrence | Learnard | Lermond | Libby | Little |
Livermore | Lovell | Lush | Marrett | Marshall | Masten |
Maynard | Mayo | Mead | Melcher | Metcalf(e) | Miller |
Mills | Mixer | Moore | Morgan | Nelson | Nevinson |
Newhall | Newton | Nichols | Norris | Page | Park |
Parker | Parmlee | Peirce | Pennell | Peters | Phillips |
Phipps | Pierce | Pollard | Pomeroy | Porter | Pratt |
Proctor | Ramsdell | Rappleye | Reed | Richardson | Ruggles |
Russell | Sanderson | Sawin | Seymour | Sibley | Simonds |
Snow | Sprague | Spring | Stearns | Stowell | Tavner |
Taylor | Temple | Thompson | Thurston | Thwing | Townsend |
Trowbridge | Viles | Wait(e) | Walker | Ware | Waters |
Wells | Wheeler | Whitney | Williams | Wiswall | Wright |
Wyeth | York | Young |
Would you like to contribute?
This photo is of my great-grandparents Almon W. Hastings (1839-1922) & Maryette E. (Person) Hastings (1842-1927) and their three children (my grandfather, not shown, was the next and last to be born). The photo was taken in about 1870. Shortly thereafter, the A.W. Hastings family became the first of my line to leave New England (in this case Jamaica, Windham Co, VT) and move West. They settled near Jefferson, Greene Co., Iowa, where many members of the family still reside. |
If you are a descendant of Thomas Hastings, think you may be, or are a member of one of the other families mentioned on this page I would like to hear from you. I have a 17,000 plus name database of mostly Hastings descendants. This will form the basis for my eventual update of the Hastings Memorial. If you would like to submit lineage information (e.g., a GEDCOM file, etc.) please send me an email.