Looking for a way to include God in your marriage? You'll discover how to do just that on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones -- and focus on each other and God's place in their relationship. If you'd like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you'll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can make! Join millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive. National WWME Home Page Has squeezing the toothpaste tube from the middle doused the flames of romance in your marriage? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can rekindle the sparks you felt on your wedding day! Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones -- and focus on each other and God's place in their relationship. If you'd like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you'll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can make! Join millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive.
Your whole family deserves the love Mom and Dad discover on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend! Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones -- and focus on each other and God's place in their relationship. If you'd like greater depth, growth, and enrichment in your relationship, you'll like the difference a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend can make! Join millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep their marriage vibrant and alive. The Marriage Encounter weekend is a positive and personal experience offering married couples an opportunity to learn a technique of loving communication that they can use for the rest of their lives. It's a chance to look deeply into their relationship with each other and with God. It's a time to share their feelings, hopes and dreams with each other.

The emphasis of the Marriage Encounter weekend is on the communication between husbands and wives. The weekend provides a conductive environment for couples to spend time together, away from the distractions and tensions of everyday life, while encouraging them to focus on each other and their relationship.

It's not a retreat, marriage clinic, group sensitivity, or a substitute for counseling. It's a unique approach aimed at revitalizing marriage. This is a time for you and your spouse to be alone together, to rediscover each other and together focus on your relationship for an entire weekend. Every marriage deserves that kind of attention!

Last update January 27, 2009
Maintained by Larry & Sandra Waguespack and Mike & Pat Blanchard
Please send corrections to:

Larry & Sandra and Mike & Pat