
Andrew McGillem and his wife Elizabeth came to Pike County, Indiana from North Carolina in 1827. They had 9 children, 7 of which were boys. When the Civil War started most of the boys joined the Union Army. Three were killed in this bloody conflict leaving their widows and children to carry on the name. Most of their descendents stayed in the area of southern Indiana.

Direct Descendants of Andrew McGillem


1 Andrew McGillem Abt 1790-1846 North Carolina

..+ Elizabeth Abt 1802-1870

..........2 Andrew J. McGillem 1848-1865

............+ Mary Adam Lamb 1831-1899

...............3 Mariah McGillem 1859-1939

.................+John Krieg 1857-1910

........................4 Lovie Adam Krieg 1882-1974

..........................+George Adolph Schupp 1866 - 1953

................................. 5 George Edward Schupp 1926 -

...................................+Dorothy Lois Kowarsch 1928 -



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