Rod Dav4is's

FTM FAQs & Warts

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Example of a "hit" on the key words: find citations
FTM: GenealogyLibrary

... ". Search Index Home Mind-it Top Problems with tools that are supplied to help you find information within the library and within the books that it contains. * A search shows the ... - 21k - 1999-08-03


Here are some bookmarks that you may find useful. Pick the one for your browser/level and include it in the bookmark list. Then, when you are looking at any page on any site, you can highlight a word or phrase, activate the bookmark and immediately search for occurrences of that word or phrase here on Genealogy, etc., including all the FTM Warts and FAQ pages, and my Celebrity Catalog, too.

If you activate the bookmark without highlighting a word or phrase, you will be prompted with an entry dialog.


With Netscape, you should be able to just click and drag the appropriate hotlink below directly to the bookmark QuickFile token on your browser's toolbar. You will probably also want to edit the resulting bookmark to give it a more meaningful name.
  • Netscape 3: Srch: dav4is' FTM FAQs & Warts
  • Netscape 4: Srch: dav4is' FTM FAQs & Warts

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    © 1998 Roderic A. Davis, 2nd
    All Rights Reserved
      Roderic A. Davis, 2nd
      P.O. Box 118
      Hyde Park, NY 12538