Praying as Jesus taught us
Many of us who were raised in "Christian homes" learned to say the Lord's Prayer almost assoon as we learned to talk. Go to almost any gathering of North Americans, and if someone were to say, "And now let let us say The Lords Prayer", odds are that even non-Christians would be able to join in the words. But how many of us have given serious thought to what we are saying when we repeat those words? "Our Father...." The word that Jesus actually used is Abba, a word that implies that one of a child who has an intimate, dependent relationship with a Parent who is loving dependable, trustworthy, and loving. Do you really have that kind of relationshop with God? "Hallowed be Your name, Your Domain come, Your Will be Done on Earth as it is in heaven." Is God's Name Holy to you? As you pray for God's will to be done in your life, are you ready for God to rule your life? It doesn't make sense to say we desire for God's will to be done on Earth, if we can't/won't allow God's will and rulership to control our life! It isn't easy to let go and let God , I know! But perhaps I do try to live like those in the 12-step programs: "Take living the Christian Life one day at a time!" It helps to want to do God's will, and to admit (confess) when I fail. "Give us this day, our daily bread" Perhaps, today, you have enough "bread". It may be that what you think you need, and what God knows you need are two different things. "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." I am really grateful that God does not answer that part of our prayer! I try, and try hard to be forgiving, but sometimes it is so difficult! So, because this prayer is given to us as model. I pray. "Forgive my sins, as I should f0rgive those who hurt me. Teach me, help me to be more like you."
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