Walk thou softly upon this good earth and treat her with respect as she deserves
she nurtures us, feeds us, provides our needs
Step lightly on the path through life, remembering always that we are not the only ones here
We have sisters and brothers beyond counting, beyond our ability to know
They may look different, may walk on 4 feet or a hundred or none
They may fly through the skies and race the very wind or swim beneath the cool waters
Some are furred, others feathered or scaled
It matters not as all are of value, all have their place in the scheme of things
We are neither the first, nor the last
the greatest or the least of the multitude
It would behoove us to remember this
to honour all life and the earth, our shared mother, from which we came.
Yvonne Johnson yjohnson@wkpowerlink.com
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