Your New Bird
And how to develop a new relationship
Chances are, you’ve been getting prepared to bring your
new bird home for several months. You’ve gotten the cage, different toys, a
play stand, food; you’re all set. You are so excited to think that your new
baby will be home today. There is only one slight problem, your new bird hasn’t
been going through these emotions, it hasn’t been in a happy state of
The day you bring your bird home, it has literally lost
everything familiar in its life. Your house will look different from the one it
came from, the cage, the toys, your voices, and the normal sounds in your
house. EVERYTHING! Plus, it’s probably lost its siblings too. It’s alone in a
strange new world; a lot of change all in one big occurrence.
Regardless of how well socialized the bird has been before
coming to you, there are still huge adjustments to be made. Before, the breeder
was probably always nearby when the baby was meeting a stranger. Now, that
breeder is gone also. How each individual bird will transition, no one can know
in advance. It’s one of those things that must be done to know. Some babies are
a little more shy at first, some a little more leery. Even though you are so
full of excitement, you must understand your new bird may not be, and you must
be considerate of that.
Take the bird out of its carrier it came in and talk
softly to it while placing it in its new cage. Give it a little time to absorb
its surroundings and possibly have a drink of water and something to eat. Watch
his body language. Is he relaxing? Does he appear interested in you? If he
does, you can open the cage. Don’t enter the cage with your hand, just open it
and relax next to him again. Allow him to come out on his own if he chooses to.
It’s just another way that he can experience his new environment without you
pushing him.
When he appears more comfortable, you can ask him for a
step up. Keep watching his body language. Allow him the choice of whether he
wants to step up at this time or not. You don’t need to rush things. You have
many years to spend together and empowering your bird now, to have some control
over his environment will show him you can be trusted.
It’s also possible that your newly weaned baby may undergo
a slight regression with food upon arrival at its new home. Warm, moist food
has always been a signal of comfort and security and sometimes it is necessary
to give some warm food again. Ask the breeder what they would suggest you feed
the baby at this time. Sometimes feeding a little formula is recommended, other
times warm weaning pellets may be suggested. You can also feed things like warm
oatmeal, warm mashed vegetables or birdie bread from your fingers. All these
things should signify comfort and safety to your new bird. Don’t be upset if
your bird seems to go through this stage, it is relatively normal. If you weigh
your bird each morning, you’ll be able to see if it is maintaining its
weight. This is a good way to ensure
your new bird is actually eating enough.
Remember that relationships are built on trust and
respect. Whether that is human/human relationships or human/animal
relationships, trust and respect are the underlying constants, or should be.
Without this, a relationship can easily sway from one side of the spectrum to
the other with neither participant ever being sure what the outcome will be and
generally, the relationship fails. Deeper relationships form when we have a
good solid history of trust (on both sides). Each and every interaction that is
positive, each and every interaction that is a warm and fuzzy, each and every
interaction where both sides are pleased and relaxed at the end of it, is
adding to that history. The more history we have, the more we are all willing
to let our guard down. The more history, the more we are willing to trust
This trust and respect should begin on the very first day
you bring your bird home, and should continue its entire life. Respect that the
bird is possibly a little confused, lost, and unsure about its new home. Don’t
push him. Don’t force him to be on you, to cuddle, if it isn’t ready for that.
Allow it the space it requires. Regardless
of if the baby is scared of you, it is learning. It is learning about you and
about behavior. It is learning whether you are trustworthy and whether you will
respect him. It is learning whether desired things or undesired things are
occurring after certain behaviors. It is learning if it has any control over
things in its environment. It is already beginning to store the knowledge ‘for
every action there is a reaction’ and what these reactions may be. You start
right now, positively reinforcing all the behaviors you desire, all the
behaviors that will allow the bird the best opportunity of happiness in your
home. The behaviors you see that you don’t like, you not only ignore, but also
try to see where they came from. Did you ignore a signal? Did you encourage it
As time progresses learn your birds body language. Learn
to understand when it’s had enough cuddling time, enough play time, enough
relaxation time. By learning the body language, you will be one step ahead of
any potential behavior problems, and you will be respecting the bird.
Remember that your bird is an intelligent animal and has
its own likes and dislikes. Allow for them. Allow the bird the opportunity to
make some of its own decisions.
Learn about behavior and what motivates it. Learn how to
change behavior by using the principles of ABA. What is ABA? ABA (Applied
Behavior Analysis) is simply a behavior modification program which focuses on
and then changes, the antecedent and/or consequence of a MIS-behavior . This is
done in a variety of ways but mostly by rewarding desirable responses while
making the less desirable response unattractive or less rewarding. It is based
on the law of behavior that states “behavior is a function of its consequences”.
Think about that. Behavior occurs because of the consequences gained from it.
Every living thing will do or continue a behavior if they like what follows it,
if they like the reward, if they like the outcome.
Start your new relationship without pushing, with
respect for the bird and continually reinforce those behaviors that fit
in your home. Learn how to watch for what
your bird is trying to tell you and show you, in regards to its preferences, and you
should have a long time, loving relationship.