Full Name :  patrice
email :  p.hilton@att.net
Comment 1 (250 letter limit) :  It was a blast! Not enough time to catch up with everyone though. Maybe next year, more of you will make it up on friday also. More time to catch up and get reacquainted. Looking forward to next year. Great to meet you Carol or should I say being reintroduced
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Full Name :  Carole (Tibbetts) Richardson
email :  carolejtr@aol.com
URL :  
Comment 1 (250 letter limit) :  I agree! The reunion was great! Thanks for including me, even though I moved away from Lisle before graduating....
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Full Name :  Stuart Bryan
email :  stuartb@illinoisalumni.org
URL :  
Comment 1 (250 letter limit) :  It was great!!
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Full Name :  Debbie (Lennon) Keever
email :  keedeb@mail.holmen.k12.wi.us
URL :  
Comment 1 (250 letter limit) :  Hi everyone, looking forward to having a good time Saturday night.
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Full Name :  Rebecca Brown (Becky Roberts)
email :  rebmalmon@aol.com
URL :  
Comment 1 (250 letter limit) :  Hi everyone. I dont know if I can make the reuion. My son, Malcolm is in a professional Opera and it is closing night. If I can arrive late or maybe come to the breakfast on Sunday, I will do so. I just found out about this gathering. I sure would like to
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Full Name :  Bruce Holt
email :  lisleseniorhigh@yahoo.com
URL :  www.geocities.com/lisleseniorhigh
Comment 1 (250 letter limit) :  Please check out the newspaper article on the News link concerning Roger Nelsons passing.
Comment 2 (250 letter limit) :  As for the reunion, I regret I will not be able to attend. I wish I could! Now, as I tried to do a moment ago (and found a flaw in the Guestbook posting), I make a request...
Comment 3 (250 letter limit) :  Those who are digitally adept, please take pictures at the reunion and email them to me, a few at a time due to space constraints. I will email you back when I have more space and can accept more pics. HAVE FUN!

Full Name :  Al Cafaro
email :  acafaro55@aol.com
URL :  
Comment :  Nice to see this get together happeneing. Bruce, If I find pics from the 20th reunion, can they be posted on this somehow? I will be unable to attend the 30th reunion but, I must say in the most noble way I can think of, I miss all of you and wish all of

Full Name :  Roelf Styve
email :  Styve5@aol.com
URL :  
Comment :  looking forward to seeing everyone again

Full Name :  Scott Cawley
email :  scottcawley@cox.net
URL :  
Comment :  would like very much to be a part of this reunion after all these years! Already had plans for that time frame but will try to change things around if possible..

Full Name :  Bob Kendall
email :  bob4113@attbi.com
URL :  www.flowersoflisle.com
Comment :  need to make a few changes but hope to make it. let me know if i can help. best reach me at flowers of lisle.

Full Name :  Mary Ellen Johnson
email :  mellen@oceana.net
URL :  
Comment :  Im glad to hear a reunion is underway.I hope to see everyone again after 30 years..if I can help, let me know.

Full Name :  Stuart Bryan
email :  stuartb@illinoisalumni.org
URL :  
Comment :  Yes there will be a reunion!! Judy got it together: Hi all, I took it upon myself to see about availability for the Lisle Hilton. We can book a dinner and a block of rooms for those staying overnight for the night of June 14. Dinner with cash bar

Full Name :  Frank A. Jindra
email :  Jindaddy@aol.com
URL :  
Comment :  sure would like to know about any reunion and what classmate are up to. I live in Rockford, but make it in for Lisle days.

Full Name :  Theresa (Vodicka) Rudnick
email :  dtj7141@aol.com or trudnick@macneal.com
URL :  
Comment :  Looking forward to seeing everyone after 30 years. sometimes only seems like yesterday

Full Name :  Ken McCreedy
email :  kmccree@iccnet.com
URL :  
Comment :  Hello ALL!....Im looking forward to our 30th reunion also. As well if I can help in any way let me know!

Full Name :  Faith Tracey
email :  ftracey@attbi.com
URL :  
Comment :  Looking forward to the reunion! Cant believe its been thirty years!

Full Name :  Ken Herout
email :  fdbigtoe@maxiis.com
URL :  
Comment :  Looking foeward to hearing from you all. Hardly, beleive its been almost 30 years.

Full Name :  Joan (Bender) Turcotte
email :  jesusjoyful@yahoo.com
URL :  
Comment :  Im looking forward to a class reunion as well. Let me know when and where and if you need any help, I would be happy to assist.

Full Name :  Bruce Holt
email :  lisleseniorhigh@yahoo.com
URL :  www.geocities.com/lisleseniorhigh
Comment :  30 years have almost gone by since graduation. Is there interest in a reunion? I'm interested... I am compiling a list of classmates and their mailing and email addresses. If you have this info for any of our classmates, please email it to me! I assure you your information will be kept private!


Last Update: 19 April 2004
Copyright © 1998-Present Bruce A. Holt