The Mission Trip About the Church at Maypearl About the Prison Ministry Contacts
Approximately four years ago Louis Gerber, an associate minister with the Benoni Church of Christ, responded to the request of one inmate in a prison near his home in Benoni, South Africa (a suburb of Johannesburg). Louis sent him a Bible study course not knowing this was the beginning of the most successful evangelistic effort that the churches in South Africa had seen in the last ten years. The timing was perfect for this crucial missionary outreach. Due to recent positive changes in the South African government, the doors of the prison system began opening to faith-based programs. Now, the overall attitude in South African society seems to be that of reconciliation and harmony. Since that first Bible study, Louis has initiated classes and worship services in twenty-five facilities involving over 450 inmates. There have been over 200 baptisms and two new free-world congregations established as a result of this work.
The success and credibility of this program has opened doors of opportunity that require a full time servant. Louis knows the Lord has placed him in this position for such a time as this! However, churches in South Africa are financially unable to support this mission work full time. As it is, they are struggling to support their own ministers and financial obligations. Therefore, Louis has turned to his brothers and sisters in Christ in America to secure the support he needs for his family and to be able to continue this bountiful harvest on a full-time basis.
Louis request is that you would prayerfully consider assisting with financial support and be in prayer for this ministry which is under the oversight of the Maypearl Church of Christ, Maypearl, Texas
"I was in prison and you came to me."
Matthew 25:36
On February 14th, 1998, four men from the Maypearl Church of Christ boarded a British Airways jet at D/FW Airport, at Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas bound for Johannesburg, South Africa. They were on a mission to visit with Louis Gerber at the Benoni Church of Christ to consider the possibility of assisting Louis with his endeavors to minister to inmates in the South African prisons. These men were:
Brad Davis, associate minister with the Maypearl Church of Christ, Regional Director with NewLife Behavior Ministries in Lancaster, Texas, Instructor in numerous Texas prisons, and devoted to teaching the word of God to prison inmates.
Gerhard Pieterse, South African and a faithful Christian now living in Maypearl, Texas and attending the Maypearl Church of Christ, with a God-driven desire to minister to prison inmates.
Craig Tucker, retired IRS federal agent with over 20 years government service, attends the Maypearl Church of Christ, and is devoted to securing the necessary funds to sustain this South African ministry which is moving in the direction that God desires.
John Gage, retired Sheriff of Ellis County, Texas, with over 42 years of police service, is working in close conjunction with Craig Tucker to help secure the funds needed. He has been involved in the Texas prison ministry for the past 12 years, and is a member of the board of trustees for NewLife Behavior Ministries and also a member of the Maypearl Church of Christ.
Upon arrival in South Africa, work started immediately: prisons visited, prison commissioners contacted, inmates baptized, inmates visited in solitary confinement, classes taught, praises sung, and many inmates ministered to as never before. It was a moving experience for the inmates as well as for those ministering to them.
Prisons were not the only places visited. Numerous churches were visited, and the NewLife Behavior courses were presented at each congregation. Instructors, mentors, letter writers, etc. all types of volunteers were solicited. The Lord provided the increase, as over 100 volunteers came forward to offer their support.
The work in South Africa needs the support of churches all over the world. The number of inmates in prison in South Africa is overwhelming. Living conditions are far different than those in the U.S., and Christ is the only hope that many of these inmates have. God loves all people, and we need to share his "Good News" with those of his in prison.
These four men have since returned to the United States with an even stronger determination to assist in any way possible to see that this ministry in South Africa continues.
"Go into all the world and preach the Good News."
Mark 16:15
The Maypearl Church of Christ congregation consists of approximately 150 members who worship in the small community of Maypearl, Texas. Maypearl is located about 50 miles southwest of Dallas on FM 66. many of the members who do not live in Maypearl itself come from the surrounding communities of Waxahachie, Italy, Venus, DeSoto, Grandview, Ovilla, and Midlothian. The pulpit minister is James Beam, Jr.
All of the members of the congregation have agreed to support the South African ministry. They are involved in the Texas prison ministry and help in the financial support of Brad Davis, who is the Regional Director for NewLife Behavior Ministries. They also assist in the support of Patrick Kenee, World Bible School in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Maypearl has two elders who are outstanding men of the Faith. Under the direction of James Beam, Sr. and Don McAlister, the congregation has flourished and grown. These two dedicated men provide the leadership necessary to insure that the South African prison ministry will follow in God's direction.
All of us at Maypearl earnestly solicit your support through prayer, and also financially, if possible, for the continued success of this ministry.
NewLife Behavior Ministries (formerly Family Upreach) has evolved as a comprehensive program to assist prison inmates in behavioral improvement of not only their own lives but of members of their families as well. NewLife Behavior is a ministry of hope, reconciling inmates to Christ, their families, and society.
The ministry began in 1985 when Dr. Hillery Motsinger, a licensed family counselor and professional educator, joined with Wes Whitt and a group of trained Christian volunteers in meeting with prison inmates. Over a period of twelve years, Dr. Motsinger has developed the "NewLife Behavior" (NLB) Curriculum which has been implemented in over 35 prisons in 15 states, with over 2,000 inmate students. In 1994, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) endorsed the program for placement in every Texas state prison.
With the support and guidance of the Skillman Church of Christ, NewLife Seminars established itself as a non-profit organization in 1988 and appointed a multi-ethnic board of trustees of men and women in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.
Impressed with the program's structure and results, officials at TDCJ requested an extension of the existing program to include inmates' families. A pilot program was launched at the Michael Unit in Palestine, Texas in 1993 with the assistance of Chaplain Bill Brewer. Spouses were invited to study with their inmate husbands, thus integrating an essential facet of the inmates' behavioral modifications...the family unit.
Based on that program's results, the decision was made to develop a NLB curriculum adapted to meet the needs of the invisible victims of crime... the inmates' children. Fathers mail the lessons to their children and, under the supervision of their mother, the children do the lessons. The children send them to their father for correction, encouragement, and motivation.
If you are interested in becoming a part of this exciting work within the prisons of South Africa, or if you would like to have additional information, please contact:
1210 L.R. Campbell Rd
Italy, Texas 76651
(972) 483-6816
Craig Tucker
P.O. Box 290
Maypearl, Texas 76064
(972) 493-2410