Welcome to Lighted Path Publications Christmas Play homepage!

Briefly, we have four Christmas plays to offer. All use simple sets, costumes, and props. All can be performed within the space limitations of most church sanctuaries. All contain a Christian message for your audience.

Based upon the traditional Christmas carol, "The Friendly Beasts", Stable Mouse's Gift tells the story of the first Christmas, as seen through the eyes of the animals living in the stable where the Christ Child was born.

Cow and Sheep are pleased with the birth, but Dove is indignant over the "noisy, dirty creatures" who dare to invade her home! As for young Stable Mouse, his (or her) delight knows no bounds. But then time passes, and he watches as each of his friends comes forward with a unique gift for the baby Jesus. What, he wonders sadly, could only a tiny mouse give the son of the Creator? A surprise ending reveals that Stable Mouse indeed has his own special gift!

Simple set, easy costumes, traditional carols, and flexible casting (both in gender and number). In addition, play can be done by both smaller and larger churches.

Cast- 4 males; 3 females; 10 either; plus baby, pre-schoolers, and choir (or audience as choir).
Playing Time- 25-30 minutes.

Basic skit package- 12 scripts, play program, plus rights to print up additional scripts, as needed.
Price: $22.95, plus shipping and handling.

Deluxe Kit- includes all of the above, plus a 32-page full-color book of face painting.
Price: $27.95, plus shippping and handling.

For more information or to order, please call 1-970-884-9539.

Talk-show host, Miss Sally Asks-It-All, invites several local church members to discuss the topic, What Christmas Means to Me. The show begins on a high note only to digress as the true feelings of Sally's guests surface. POP (that's "Pooped-Out-Pastor) Wagner of the First World Apathetic Church is discouraged planning Advent Services few of his congregation attend. Harry Normal is upset with bills; his wife, her additional workload. Teen Depressed has grown cynical about Christmas. And the twins' major concern? "Presents! Presents! We want lots and lots of presents!" And then there are the slightly flawed "gems" of the church- Diamond, Ruby, and Pearl, whose facets need just a little polishing ...

Enter the voice of The Unexpected Guest to remind us all that Christmas is not about trivial secular materials, materialism, and stress. Christmas is about love- expressed in God's gift of Jesus to each of us!

Humorous, yet meaningful. Simple set; minimum props; easy costumes. May be effectively done by either a cast of all ages or simply youth.

Cast- 5 males; 7 females; 3 either.
Playing Time- about 20 minutes.
Basic skit package- 10 scripts, play program, plus rights to print up additional scripts, as needed.
Price: $21.95, plus shipping and handling.

For more information or to order, please call 1-970-884-9539.

Sometimes, the Lord intervenes in the best-laid plans of us mortals. Take, for instance, Norman Rose, the struggling new owner of a small run-down family inn, who dreams of his establishment being filled each Christmas Eve with loving, stable Christian families. But such is not to be the case this Christmas Eve, when an unexpected blizzard causes all of his "Norman Rockwell" families to cancel out!

Instead, the Lord ushers in a most diverse group of guests to spend the night. There is the Jewish couple, the mysterious young man, the intoxicated truck driver, and the flamboyant owner of the local roadhouse. Each arrives with his own personal baggage, little knowing that at the end of the evening his or her burden would be lightened. After all, who would believe that a group of rag-tag rambunctious orphans, led by a harried nun, could deliver a message from a our Lord?

Based on the essay, "One Solitary Life", your guests will leave entertained, yet thoughtful about the message presented in this one-act play, Elbow Room at the Inn. As Angela the cook so aptly puts it, "What most folks don't know is this: Sometimes the Lord's gotta' make himself a little elbow room, so's He can reach in and touch our lives!"

Simple set; easy costumes. Children perform a short program within this play.
Cast- 7 males; 6 females; 8 or so children.
Playing Time- about 45 minutes.
Basic skit package- 14 scripts, play program, plus rights to print up additional scripts, as needed.
Price: $28.95, plus shipping and handling.

For more information or to order, please call 1-970-884-9539.

In this one-act family/church play, If Angels were Mortals , little Laurel Mitchell falls asleep and dreams of what might have occurred in heaven the days preceding the first Christmas IF the celestial beings had human personalities and IF they managed heaven like we mortals run our present-day world. Meet Michael, heaven's CEO and father of Gabrielle, paradise's not-so- dependable messenger. And meet Hal A. Leujah, paradise's chief accountant who is vainly trying to control the spending of Gloria, heaven's travel agent. Oh, and let's not forget Harold, heaven's talent scout, pushing the dubious talents of the Swinging Seraphim and Cherubim Cheerleaders. So what's the problem? Time is running out when Michael discovers that all of his team's hard work is not in line with what the scriptures foretell!

A play that's lots of fun, but also carries a message for many of us foolish mortals.

Cast- 4 males; 4 females; 1 either, plus 5 or more extras.
Playing Time- about 45 minutes.
Price-$4.50 per script, plus a small performance royalty.

(For ordering information and exact pricing, please call Pioneer Drama at 1-970-884-9539.)