2005 Product Descriptions and Prices for Madam Q and the Case of...



A. VBA Curriculum Guide: Madam Q and the Case of Joseph, the Dream Master. Use this comb-bound, 3-part guide with step-by-step directions for putting on your adventure. You name it- we wrote it! Besides humor and inspiration, you'll find job descriptions, time schedules, meeting plans, 50 pages of activities (music, art, games, special events, service project), plus recipes, copy-ready art, diplomas, name-tags, letters, and more! (120 pages) $28.95.

B. Skit Package: Madam Q and the Case of Joseph, the Dream Master. (a five-day audience- participation event). The famous Madam Q has a new client who needs help from your gum-shoes! Begin each day at Headquarters with a twenty-minute briefing by Madam Q as she unravels the who, what, when, where, why, and how of this intriguing case! (5 scripts) $25.95.

C. Egyptian Wrapping Paper. Set the mood of the land of Pharaoh with this authentic Egyptian design paper! Use to wrap clues, decorate posters, and enhance your Dream Tunnel. (Four designs on four 18 x 24 inch sheets of glossy paper.) $4.50

D. Egyptian Punch-Out Mummy Case. Create this inexpensive, authentic case with multiple uses for your event, then use this attention-getter for advertising purposes, with Day III sublesson, as a clue on Day IV, and during your OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM. Easy-to follow, illustrated directions. (Finished size: 11 x 3-1/2 x 4 inches) $5.95

E. Egyptian Cut-Out Temple Model. Excite and educate your gumshoes about the grandeur of ancient Egypt with this scale model! Complete with characters, viewers grasp how small Joseph must have felt standing before the mighty Pharaoh! Use as the major clue in DAY III briefing, during sublesson time, and at your OPEN HOUSE. A great addition to your Sunday school resource library! Step-by-step, illustrated directions. (Finished size 23-1/2 x 18 inches) $9.95

F. Book- PHARAOHS AND PYRAMIDS, by Tony Allan. Wander back in time and discover ancient Egypt in this fascinating, concise, fully-illustrated book for children of all ages! Two pages explore the temple model above in detail; another two, an estate similar to Potiphar's! Use as a display in the Dream Tunnel, in DAY III sublesson, at your OPEN HOUSE, and as a permanent resource in your church reference library. (32 pages) $6.95.

G. Music from the kids praise Chorus Book by MARANATHA! MUSIC. Although no longer in print, L.P.P. has purchased the rights to reprint and resell eight classic songs from it. Each song (2 with new lyrics in curriculum guide) has been especially selected and coordinated for use with this curriculum. $4.95.

H. Blueprint map of Canaan and Egypt. What's a mystery or a clue hunt without a map?! Purchase this kid-friendly, simple map of the Middle East that points out the major landmarks in Joseph's life. Use first as a clue, then in daily briefings at HQ. Display at your OPEN HOUSE. May be colored before using. (Finished size: 22 x 17 inches) $4.95.

I. Set of four reusable plaster molds. Purchase these inexpensive plastic molds for a museum project your gumshoes will treasure for years! Three of the raised design molds contain Bible verses learned by your youth during the week. The fourth, (also in the briefing), contains Thomas Moore's famous words- There is no hurt that heaven cannot heal! Full directions in curriculum guide. (Sizes 6 x 9 in.; 6-1/2 x 8-1/2 in.; 4 x 10 in.; and 5 x 10-1/2 in.) $13.95

J. AIRID Spray. Spray molds lightly with this liquid before pouring in plaster. Plaques come out smooth and free of air bubbles! One 8oz. bottle easily does 80 molds. $2.95.

K. Book- The Usbourne Book of DECORATING T-SHIRTS by Ray Gibson. This delightful full-color craft book contains several ideas for your gumshoes to create original T- shirt "coats" of many colors! Paper-back. Great addition to your craft library! (32 pages) $7.95.

L. Joseph Preschool Curriculum Kit.. Include the youngest children in your event. This six-page addendum (not pictured) contains dozens of creative ideas for a separate, but equal program, plus all information needed for director and sergeants to tie in with main program. Kit also includes the colorful 32-page full-color pre-school picture book Joseph and his Amazing Coat, retold by Heather Amery. Soft cover. $8.95.

M. "JOSEPH" Invitation Scrolls. (not pictured) We've done the hard part for you! Black and white promotional scroll has been adapted and enlarged from the curriculum guide cover design and is ready for you to fill in the specifics of your event. Color as desired, and then hang. (Size: 17 x 22 in.) $1.95.

Save money! Order one of the kits below!

Includes items A, B, and G. $55.95

Includes items A-K plus 3 of Item M. $115.95

P. DELUXE KIT.Includes items A-L plus 5 of M. $125.95

Questions? Call 1-888-557-7284 or e-mail us: Lightedpat@aol.com.