Hopelessly Devoted to YOU

Gift of Love



Unaware you came… and my life is forever changed…..



And into the night, with seagulls rested for flight anew the next day,

The two met and talked

A thousand months, a thousand years.

It really didn't matter

For they were blind to time and it's throttle on them


When I touch the stars in my dreams, I forget that you are so much closer.

When I awake and see you next to me, I realize I already touched a star.


When a man and woman truly love each other,

not even the most tumultuous event can separate them emotionally.

Not anything.

In touching you, I will touch the sky

If just for a blink of the eye

In holding you, the world will seem

Such a wonderful place full of dreams

In waking with you, I will surely know

How such feelings can magically grow.



When the right hands from the right man and right woman touch each other,

it's as if they had been a part of one another for oh so very long.

Even though at times they may let go, the clasp is more so from within their hearts anyway, so they never really let go.

And when the midnight winds give way to early morning dreams, there you shall be found.



To dance with you would be to touch the sky,

to kiss you would be to see the sun set, to lay with you would be to see the earth born.

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes my heart jump?

Could it be that it is not jumping; rather, it is reaching....for you perhaps?


And in the morning, as their eyes met, their hearts were as one.

When the day comes when my body is weak and twisted from age,

I will look back and remember, with a smile, maybe a tear, and perhaps my last breath....


Perhaps the greatest perfume of all is the scent of your smile. :)


The warmth of the night is surpassed only by the warmth within you.



Remember Today

Sometimes we tend to forget,

You have a purpose that is all your own,

No one else is you.

You have dreams and hopes and desires,

Listen to your heart for a while.

Remember today all the blessings you have,

There's beauty in every direction you look.

Enjoy the abundance that is already yours,

The world is a wonderful place and you're here.

Remember today that you get what you give,

Your world is a mirror of your inner self.

Love will be yours when you give it away.


Remember today that life is creation.

As long as you live, you can always contribute

your own special voice.


Remember today is a special time,

Make the best of it while you can.



You are Worthy

Do not undermine your worth

by comparing yourself with others.

It is because we are different

that each of us is special.

Do not set your goals

by what other people deem important.

Only you know

what is best for you.

Do not take for granted

the things closest to your heart.

Cling to them as you would your life,

for without them,

life is meaningless.

Do not let your life

slip through your fingers

by living in the past

nor for the future.

By living your life one day at a time,

you live all the days of your life.

Do not give up

when you still have something to give.

Nothing is really over

until the moment you stop trying.

It is a fragile thread

that binds us to each other.

Do not be afraid to encounter risks.

It is by taking chances

that we learn how to be brave.

Do not shut love out of your life

by saying it is impossible to find.

The quickest way to receive love

is to give love;

The fastest way to lose love

is too hold it too tightly;

In addition,

the best way to keep love

is to give it wings.

Do not dismiss your dreams.

To be without dreams

is to be without hope;

To be without hope

is to be without purpose.

Do not run through life

so fast that you forget

not only where you have been,

but also where you are going.

Life is not a race,

but a journey

to be savored

each step of the way.



Strawberries, wet with morning dew

Wind chimes tinkling in the breeze

Cool sheets on a Summer night

Raindrops dancing in the sun

Passion in the eyes of my beloved.


Words that drip like honey from my tongue

Children's' laughter drifting up from the playground

Cool water on a hot afternoon

A baby's sweet warm innocence

Saltiness on sun warmed skin.


Butterflies in rainbow fields

The open road rushing beneath my wheels

Haunting fragrance of Lilacs drifting through an open window

Summer sweet taste of peaches

Soft spent breathing against my cheek.


Church bells on a Sunday morning

Rainbows through a storm drenched haze

Earth warming in the noonday sun

Singing lullabies to my babies

Warm flesh yielding beneath cool fingertips.


Sunshine peeking through the clouds

A soft guitar in the evening twilight

The heady scent of musk on passion warmed flesh

Solid earth after being blown will-nilly

A lingering whiff of Old Spice... that lets me know you are near.

These are the things I love.