bayou_sue 's Trees page


The Memory of Trees


Come sit with me...this is my thinking place
When life gets a little hectic or I just need some space
I come and sit, close my eyes and listen
Can you hear the birds and the wind in the trees?
Take a deep breath,
do you smell the earth mingling
with the greeness of flowers and trees?
Keep your eyes closed...
can you tell which way the wind blows?
Feel the touch of her kiss upon your face
All nature is at Peace...
breath it in and become one with it!
When all of life seems an endless Merry-go-round,
time for a place in the sun
and a moment of listening to the wind
The wind tells us, with her soft gentle voice,
life is to be savored...
kinda hard to do that on the run,
time to stop, sit, meditate..
learn your place in the scheme of things
listen to the music in your life, become in tune
pause and see the majesty of the mighty oak trees
how they inspire me to sink my roots deeper....
to know that whatever weather
life doles out to me...
I can strengthen and grow and learn
How I long to be as remarkable as such a tree!
Sitting here, I can get back to basics
It's sometimes difficult to keep...
"the main things...the Main things!
So easy to get caught up
in the world of rush, worry, stress..
to loose the joy and more than anything
I cling and hold tightly...
never wanting to loose this most treasured of gifts!
Right now, in this moment of Peace
I fully take in
how very much God does love me!
It is me that causes the break
in the peace,
in the joy,
in the knowing of His Love!
It's me that gets too busy!
I'm you do the same thing?
Just a thought,
but perhaps you could stop by
and visit with me again
and share my thinking place...
just to kinda get a grip on things
and find your way back the You ...
that may have gotten lost somewhere!
Just come sit and listen,..
You don't have to do a thing...just BE!
Go when you must and return when you can
sometimes, we just need to recharge ourselves
mostly, we need to take time to Listen
and to fill our cup a new!
One last thought, it just seems right to say that
As I know that my Father loves me,
I can freely tell you that
you are loved by Him
and also by me!