bayou_sue 's Southern Page
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Affair To Remember from Sleepless in Seattle

Southern Belle with Southern Style

Title Scarlotte

There's not a better image of a southern belle than Scarlotte
She shows so many of the qualities
that we are taught even from the cradle.
We are taught how to act,
talk, walk and always with "class".
There is an inner strength to endure,
survive and fight for family, home and beliefs.
Never forget beneath that dainty, coy
and bewitching behavior,
lies a firey and spirited woman
that is not afraid to do what is necessary!
PinkrosePinkrose Pinkrose PinkrosePinkrose Pinkrose


Burke, I love it!
Be sure to visit her "Charm of the South" page.

This Southern Women Webring site owned by Susan.
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One cannot think of the south without thinking
of this beautiful flower.
The fragrance alone...speaks of the gentle south!
If you are a true Southerner,
then you know about Grits. If not, you need to visit this site
for some real help!
Grits Homepage
Another true sign of a southerner is,
ya just love eating boiled peanuts.
Boiled Peanuts
Here is a great site for all kinds of Southern Links,
yall just be sure to come back now, ya hear?
For a little southern music, try this site
Dixie's Music Page
Anything and everything you ever wanted to know about Cotton
King Cotton
Is it possible to be Southern and not like the Braves?
The Braves
Being southern does not make one a Redneck, but if in doubt,
you can always check out these redneck sites.
The Redneck Page
Also I will add some personal favorites from Southern Sites I visit.
The list will grow, no doubt, just check back often.
Southern Delights
Rhett's Gone With The Wind Site
Canjun Granny's Recipes