Love Is
"I love you…..I do……
re-discovered how much …..again…
recently……rough trip....but worth it..for me….."
Love is kind..never demanding…love is gentle…
Yet, can be a fire……..
Love is unselfish..but also…wanting not to share…
Love is a torment….love is the mender of all things and all people,
Love can kill, love gives us reason to live and Pull through impossible times,
Love hurts, love heals,
love is a gift, love can't be found…. in looking for never find it….. It happens……without our help
But requires nurturing… Love cannot be contained……it would suffocate….
Stop growing…cease to be…..but needs tending to at times..
With careful gentle touches, kisses, hugs, smiles…
Sometimes tears.
Love never acts badly…doesn't get "puffed up", is kind..
Kindness is a true mark….
Without love…life has no music, no "color",
No aroma…..
Love smells like a rose after rain,
Coffee perking in the kitchen,
Cookies baking on cold days,
Vicks to a bad cold----
Love smells like the scent on a pillow...
Where your true love slept the night away,
The scent of a mother's touch when in pain,
Love has no boundaries…
And if you glimpse a look at it…
It changes right before your eyes….
It's an illusion…and it's real…
No man has ever been able to define, contain,
Find on purpose or buy it…
it comes Into our lives and if we are very, very lucky…
It stays to keep our heart warm, gives us the strength to face
Another day, another hour, another moment…
Gives us the strength to see ourselves as….who we are…
And accept that person…not that,
We are completed…we aren't…but accept that..
God made this "me" and He has a reason and
Purpose for this "me"
And If I can stay out of His Way…He will do a Work with
this "me" and it will be good…and this "me"
Can offer love, kindness, caring…
all the things that Love is… to another.![]()
Love can endure anything..yet..somehow..can be destroyed..
It isn't happy over lying or deceit…Love behaves..never acts badly in front of others or
to others..isn't easily provoked…but could fight
A war single handily over the loved one… and win….
Believes all things..whether seen, heard or known of..
Believes in the loved one…more than
that person could ever hope to know and understand…and
Should a person seek to find love…
by giving away all that he or she has,
though they can speak
With golden words, sing with an angel's voice,
Play an instrument expertly, do all things well…
And do so without "love"…they are nothing..
Love is able to believe in miracles..
Mountains can be moved..
Love although seen…
It is every color..every shade,
Tone, shadow…highlight…it is every sound..
From a giggle to the sweetest instrument
Playing the song you love the most…
A person can go through life and gain wealth,
Honor, public worth…but…
If he/she doesn't have love…they have nothing…
It is the one thing that gives reason to living..
It gives guides us in the dark…
Holds our hand in bad times…holds us close during grief…
embraces us..for moments of passion..
Kisses us gently even when we aren't so lovable…
Love is a gift..unsought….
If your life is touched by it…savor it…
Cherish it…fight for it..![]()
Help it grow…without smothering ..fencing in..
Containing..but just let it be itself and walk in the
Glow of it and Know… You are special…
You have been given would pay for at any price…and die for..
And you have not earned it or bought it..sought it..
It came and lives with you and shines it's warmth on you..
Thank you…you have once again touched my heart..
As only you can…and I love you without measure..
Without "strings"…I love you..
I breathe you in…and I am consumed with...
Something I can't put a word to…
because it would limit it and it is over flowing..has no limit…
You give my heart a song…and I want to dance…
And the music is so beautiful…I'm sure it's from Heaven…
I am glad….I am so glad…
Hold my hand through these moments….
We can do this…I believe in You…I believe in Us.. And I believe in Love and all of its magic..
Have I told you recently…
I love you..![]()
And you are making my dreams unbelievably Beautiful…
I never knew it could be so… Beautiful.
You have such a loving heart,
you Have an art at loving…let it grow..
It's a rare talent…
If you like..pull up a chair and sit by my heart..
There's a fire built and a warm rug on the floor…
The cold is shut out and there's candles and music..
You can sit there and warm your hands…your heart…
You can sit there and just be…no words…just us…
Just be…and I will warm you and let you be…
Just surrounding you with the warmth and light,
Of my love….. Always…..
and being with you.. Is being home….
My dream come true…
by Susan Jewell