For my sisters of LOTH

For my Special Sisters of "LOTH"

Relationships - Poetry by Javan

I am an idea
Conceived in the mind of the Universe
And interpreted in the minds
Of the individuals I meet

Within myself I am constant
Yet I am as ever changing
As the people who interpret me

I can control my actions
But I can not control their thoughts
Therefore, I must do what I think right
And let others -
Think what they will

From the book - Footprints In The Mind
Copyright © 1979, Javan

Ladies, you have been such a blessing
Kari sure does have a big heart
to keep all of us in touch
a big thank you and hug to her!
I'm a new sister and hope to
add something to this outstanding
group of ladies!


Kari, our loving founder

Angels Among Us

Relationships - Poetry by Javan

We are born into the World
Like a blank canvas
And every person that crosses our path
Takes up the brush
And makes their mark
Upon our surface

So it is that we develop

But we must realize there comes a day
That we must take up the brush
And finish the work
For only we can determine
If we are to be
Just another painting
Or a Masterpiece

From the book - Meet Me Halfway
Copyright © 1981, Javan

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Ladies of the Heart




