One night while I was traveling,
the stars were shining bright.
I gazed up into the darkness
and then I saw a bright Light!
The Light came down toward me,
and stood right by my side.
I knew it was my Savior when,
He said, "For you, my child, I died!
For you, my child, I took that cross
and walked the hill called Calvary!
I let the soldiers tear my flesh
as they nailed me to that tree!
I let them laugh and scorn at me
with a crown of thorns upon my head.
I could've called ten thousand angels,
but, I chose to die for you instead!"
By then, my eyes were filled with tears
as I listened to my Savior speak.
He gently held me by the hands
and wiped the tears from my cheek.
"I've come tonight to comfort you,
and I am ALWAYS at your side.
So when you're down and lonely,
remember, for you, my child, I died!"
Written by Kaye Des'Ormeaux
Copyright @ 1997
Dedicated to the love I have for my Lord,
and to myself as a reminder that
Jesus loves me & will never leave me!
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