bayou_sue 's Easter Page

Happy Easter

There is Love

What is Special to you about this Season?
Spring is a reminder,
that all things begin a new,
the rebirth of hope and new life!
Trees beginning to "green up" again,
flowers bursting through the soil
and stretching their arms skyward....
signs that a fresh start is happening


Little children in their Easter clothes...
from frills and lace to ties and bows....
always put a smile on our face!
The smiles they have hunting eggs
and eating chocolate...
kinda wish I could join them!

Re-birth has another meaning

Come see a man that saw me and loved me just the same
Come see a man,
that knew all the things I did wrong
and loved me just the same....
come see a man...
that loved me enough to give all that he had for me...
come see a man that promised
He would never leave me
and that He'd always be my friend..


I wanted someway to share a special thought
with you and I have a dear friend
that wrote the following poem.
I must first tell you that she
is battling right now for her life.
She wrote this special poem,
and I know of no better way
to say what is on my mind
and heart, than what she has
said in her poem.


One night while I was traveling,
the stars were shining bright.
I gazed up into the darkness
and then I saw a bright Light!

The Light came down toward me,
and stood right by my side.
I knew it was my Savior when,
He said, "For you, my child, I died!

For you, my child, I took that cross
and walked the hill called Calvary!
I let the soldiers tear my flesh
as they nailed me to that tree!

I let them laugh and scorn at me
with a crown of thorns upon my head.
I could've called ten thousand angels,
but, I chose to die for you instead!"

By then, my eyes were filled with tears
as I listened to my Savior speak.
He gently held me by the hands
and wiped the tears from my cheek.

"I've come tonight to comfort you,
and I am ALWAYS at your side.
So when you're down and lonely,
remember, for you, my child, I died!"

Written by Kaye Des'Ormeaux
Copyright @ 1997

Dedicated to the love I have for my Lord,
and to myself as a reminder that
Jesus loves me & will never leave me!
Kaye's Home Page





Thanks to the following people for the graphics and I'm including their sites

Thank You Rev.Steve for the Cross

Thank You Cottage Row for the urn and bunny

The bluebonnets are mine done by a friend and should I neglect someone, please know it is not on purpose, let me know and I will gladly fix it!