bayou_sue's angel page

They're Always Watching

Someone to Watch Over Me
Do you Believe? Well, I do!
Wherever we go, whatever we do...
angels are watching over us.
They come in different sizes and forms
and perhaps you have entertained one...unaware!

Sometimes I think that,
the special friends I have, must
have wings under their clothes
but if not, I'm quite sure,
they should have halos!
A friend comes into our life
and we are never ever
the same again....
what a true gift of love!

Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Joy!

You don't have to be an angel
to do kind and thoughtful things!
If you want to know
the secret of happiness,
try a few of these things
and see what happens!
Smile first....
say hello to someone you don't know...

Pick a flower and give it away....
watch the sun set with someone...
let someone in the traffic line even when you're in a hurry....

These very special angels you see
on this page have come from assorted
places and I will try my
best to not leave anyone out,
please know that it is
not intentional if it happens!

Touch of Heaven
Thanks for Angel of Light and Angel of Grace
Angel Friends!
Touch of Heaven
Sandy's Angels
Marie's Backgrounds
My Friend Margie, I suspect she's one of those Angels!
Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff,
And nudge me when I've said enough!
Denise's Home