Tell Him


Some things about Me


I am a part of all that I have met or been a

Part of…..

I am a daughter, sister, mother, grandmother,

Friend, and one day will be

Wife again.

I have been a Deputy Sheriff, Correctional Officer

And now a nurse.


I have many stories about my different paths in

This life and if you care to

Learn more about me, you are very welcome

To travel and learn more about

This person I call




Deputy Susan Jewell

Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office



Deputy Susan Jewell

Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Department


My first grandbaby

MeeMee and baby Jack

My daughters, Kristi and Laura

My son Charles & fiance' Stacy and my son Ben in ROTC.

Jack and Jessica, my precious grandchildren

Wedding News
On April 24, 1999, Charles and Stacy were married.
I will be adding some photos here from their wedding.
I also have some new pictures of my family.

Charles, the Groom

Charles with the bridesmaids

Charles with my Mom and Dad

Laura and Tim



Wackenhut, where I work now.

I work in a prison that houses 1,000 inmates,
500 men and 500 not together!
I work in the medical department
with some other wonderful nurses!
Personally, I think we have a really
great team and we work well together!


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