bayou_sue 's Home Page
Welcome!Ya'll come in and sit a spell.
Cotton Fields
Hi, This is my first ever web page,
I began in 11/98 and have learned alot,
thanks to all the help
from many kind and caring people.

You know what I like?
People, love making new friends...
poetry..the language on our "inner being"
music, can there be life without it?
The web, you can touch the stars here!
Nursing, An Art of Caring
Art, flowers, them
Trees...their Character and Grace...
and so many other things....
but must always be with
Might be why some folks
call us Steel Magnolias
Southern Women can do most anything, just ask my mama
but what we do...we do with Class!
Now this is Bayou country
Say BYE-U ..

Our state bird, the brown Pelican...who's bill can hold more than his belly can!
Also made famous by John Grisham's book "The Pelican Brief"
Now this site is Family Friendly, that means..
keep it clean Bubba! There's a time and place for most things
but, see here now, we are gonna be "cooth" here!
Friends Welcome
No such thing as a stranger here in the South,
we may not know ya yet but it's bound to happen.
Sure will miss ya!
Yall come back now, ya hear!
My Pages
American Style Sue's
Animals of a Different Kind
Gift of Love
Southern Belle with Southern Style
Angels, They're Always Watching
Love is like Lightning
I Am A Christian
Just for Kids (0f all ages)
Poems,Phrases and Special Thoughts
Easter Thoughts
My Texas Page
My Thinking Place
My Links Page
Love Is
Yes Dear
Christmas Memories
Happy Birthday Jesus
My Son Charles,Marine Special Forces
Dedicated to Our Service Men and Women
Kari and my LOTH Sisters
Eddie's Story
Dedicated to Bridget and Clyde
So You want to Know about Me
Sign Guestbook
View Guestbook

My First Award, Thank You so much, Margie!

Burke, I love it!

I have found many wonderful graphics
and I will share these sites with you on another page but
for this background I visited a special place, included below.

Please come visit my Webrings and Links Page
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