We hope you have enjoyed visiting with us here at our site. You and your family are invited to join us in worship every worshiping hour. We meet for Sunday school at 9:45am every Sunday morning and services begin at 11:00am. Services Sunday nig t begin at 6:30pm and Wednesday night at 6:30pm.
Won't you please come and be apart of our family?

allen & sharon noah - 07/24/00 03:14:35
My Email:odiesacres@hotmail.com
Saved?: yes
Have visited us?: yes
sharon and i started coming to church in febuary 2000. mr. windle invited us and we finally came i am glad we did if not for mr. windle we would not have came. god bless him on the first marvoleus monday sharon and i joined a great church. bro don we could not ask for a better pastor or church family. sharon has been saved and baptist but i have not on monday july 31 i will be baptisted and she is going to be baptisted with me what a wonderful wife i have. agian bro don thank you and this fine church family in helping me find jesus christ as my savior and letting us be part of a wonderful church family. god bless each and everyone of you. allen

Rev. James Taylor - 07/11/00 20:01:04
My Email:eph24@hotmail.com
Saved?: Yes!
Thanks for your outstanding website! Hephzibah is a wonderful church and even though it's been 12 years since I was a member there(Baptized in 1985) I have fond memories for the Lord blessed me through your love. Hephzibah is often in my prayers. Praise od for how He is working!

Trina Hughes Sessions - 07/04/00 10:54:34
My Email:tsess34@hotmail.com
Saved?: yes
Want to visit us?: Member for 5 years

Todd Stearns - 11/09/99 16:33:14
My Email:tstearns@fbctt.org
Saved?: Yes
It was great to have the Ladies' Group from your church worship with us at First Baptist Temple Terrace the past weekend. I hope they had a safe trip home. The Lord bless you in your work! Todd Stearns

roger waldrop - 10/01/99 14:07:42
My Email:ldrop@snowhill.com
Saved?: yes
just checking out assoc. web sites. i like yours. keep up the good work!!!

Lawrence Stokes - 09/29/99 04:55:29
My Email:lgstokes@mindspring.com
Saved?: yes
Problems?: finances
I love this church and the love it shows to others to reach out and bring in the lost to the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I think I've been coming to Hephzibah for about 28 or so years and I've seen a lot of changes, mostly for the better. The new sanctuary is just beautiful. GLORY TO GOD! I thank God for our pastor Bro. Don and all he does for the Kingdom. I also am very humbled for great work that God used in Heaven's Gates/Hell's flames. Just Awesome!! In his Grace, Lawrence Romans 8:28

Shelly Dunn - 09/28/99 01:28:59
My Email:shelly@gurlmail.com
Saved?: no comment
Unsaved?: no comment
Problems?: no comment
Need a prayer partner?: no comment
Want to visit us?: I have
Have visited us?: Yes
I've only been once to your church once. I enjoyed the "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames" skit. I lost my father about 2 years ago and that was the first time I've even been inside a church in 2 years. I enjoy church, but find it hard to go in because all I an picture is my father lying in a coffin on the table. I do however plan on visiting more often now that I've been once.

Mark Powell - 09/24/99 19:32:51
My Email:dragonhawk93@yahoo.com
Saved?: yes

Rev. and Mrs. Jeff Fuller - 09/22/99 03:47:51
My Email:Wwinlou@aol.com
Saved?: yes
My wife, Tina (Self) was saved at your church during her years at Troy. God has richly blessed our lives and called us into ministry. She was excited to see the web page. God bless you and the work that you are doing.

Bradley Grantham - 07/30/99 15:44:32
My Email:bmgrant@surfsouth.com
Want to visit us?: Already have
Have visited us?: Yes, many times
Just want to say hey!!

Allyson Railey - 06/20/99 20:51:25
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/amrspage
My Email:Allyson_13@hotmail.com
Saved?: YES!
Problems?: NONE.
Need a prayer partner?: have one already!
Want to visit us?: I'm a member!
HEY GUYS!!! We just got back from Centrifuge in Black Mountain, NC and I have to say first and foremost, our God is AWESOME!!! He worked wonders in my life last week. I rededicated my life and assured myself that my name was in the Lamb's Book of Life! It is a wonder ul feeling to know that God is always there for me and that he is always there for everyone else too. Centrifuge is and was a life changing experience for more than 600 people this past week. Always remeber that the ministry starts outside of the worship ervice and the church.! Keep The Faith Troy Alabama! I LOVE YOU ALL! Love in Christ, Allyson Michelle Railey

Sam Spade - 05/27/99 23:50:29


Burt Mclendon - 01/24/99 17:33:31
My Email:snaburt@mindspring.com
Saved?: yes
I'm a member who just got on the internet and am glad to see we have a web site. I think it will reach many new prospects for our church. Keep up the good work.

susan spann - 09/19/98 21:04:11
My Email:susan@snowhill.com
Saved?: 5 months; almost
Problems?: unspoken
Need a prayer partner?: yes
Want to visit us?: yes on Wed. nights
Have visited us?: yes for progressive supper through BCM
Would like to visit on Wed. nights prior to SHMACK group at BCM. Would need ride to and from though. Would have to leave early if i did so. Would like to visit on either Sep. 23 or Oct. 7. Would like to commend you on the appetizers. Very interesting Would like someone to e-mail me. Bye!

Lynn - 08/29/98 19:49:06
My URL:/Heartland/Plains/2343
My Email:agape@gower.net
Saved?: You bet cha
Unsaved?: Nope
Problems?: NO
Nice page. Come visit ours sometime. We would also love to have you and others join our International prayer chain. Just sign up on our home page. Lynn

Bryan Dunn - 08/29/98 00:34:16
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members/friendshipbaptist/
My Email:bryandunn@juno.com
Saved?: No doubt about it!
Found you through the SBC Ring queue, looking forward to your addition to the ring soon! Keep up the great work for His glory!

Lawrence Stokes - 06/17/98 23:01:21
My Email:lgstokes@snowhill.com
Saved?: Yes
Have visited us?: member

Larry Spann - 06/11/98 13:43:18
My Email:larry.spann@powersouth.com
Saved?: Yes
Need a prayer partner?: Yes, please help us pray for 1) that my wife and I would have the wisdom of God to raise our son, 2) for God's direction in buying a new home/homesite
Want to visit us?: yes
Have visited us?: no
To Pastor Don and to Cousin Don S., Great site! Great youth program! May God continue to bless your efforts and add to the church. Hope to come and visit some day (if Don and Bonnie will let us sit on the same pew with them). Have a blessed day! Larry

Sheba - 04/30/98 04:59:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/6814
My Email:myshebababy@hotmail.com
Saved?: yes
hi just got your addy from one of your church members ...nice to see local churches here ...take care and God Bless ...always Sheba

Ed & Brenda Johnson - 04/26/98 19:53:55
My URL:http://edjohnson@metronet.de
My Email:edjohnson@metronet.de
We are former members of your church. My sister Amanda Jones and her husband Steven are curently memebers. We are living in Germany while serving in the Airforce. We know and love many of your church family. Keep doing God's work. Ed and Brenda Johnson

Bill McKnight - 04/22/98 17:15:26
My Email:mcknight@ixi.net
Saved?: yes
Problems?: no more than most.
Want to visit us?: if ever in Alabama
Have visited us?: no
Wish you all the best. By living about 2,500 miles away in Montana, I doubt that we will be frequest visitors. My cousin is W. Bird of Headland. I'm sure that he gave you my address. I was born in Alabama but have been here in "yankee land" for almost 0 years.

Ellie Miller - 04/22/98 15:06:24
My Email:camel@desertlinc.com
Saved?: Yes
Problems?: Every day...
Need a prayer partner?: no
Want to visit us?: If I'm ever in your area...
Have visited us?: no
Congratulations on your new website. May your message reach around the world! I always find it so comforting to know that Jesus never fails to send me the answers to all problems, whether large or small, that he is with us every hour of every day. That s true comfort! God Bless!

Donnie Hatchert - 04/17/98 21:15:22
My Email:Hatcher21@aol.com
Saved?: June 13, 1984
Want to visit us?: Yes!
Have visited us?: Yes!
The page looks good so far. I hope you get everything worked out so that it'll attract a lot of web searchers! Donnie

Wanda Bird - 04/14/98 16:18:17
My Email:wanbird@yahoo.com
Saved?: yes
Problems?: some
Need a prayer partner?: no
Want to visit us?: as often as possible
Have visited us?: yes
We were in your Easter Sunday service and were blessed by both the message and the music. Great things are in store for Hepzibah Baptist Church of Troy. God is ALWAYS there and supplies all needs!

Larry Spann - 04/13/98 13:40:14
My Email:larry.spann@powersouth.com
Saved?: YES
Unsaved?: N/A
Problems?: son, Tyler, health
Need a prayer partner?: Always
Want to visit us?: Yes
Have visited us?: No
Great website! God bless!

Lewis Hulett - 04/13/98 07:44:38
My Email:trey314@frost.snowhill.com
Have visited us?: no

Willis Terry Bird - 04/13/98 02:46:31
My Email:wbird@ala.net
Saved?: YES
Problems?: Don't we all have 'em?
Want to visit us?: no
Have visited us?: yes
Love the friendliness of your church in our three visits to it. Looking forward to your new building during the year. Always remember...the "church" is the people and not the building. Looking forward to another visit.

Don & Bonnie Simmons - 04/12/98 23:46:21
My Email:dshadow@p-c-net.net
Saved?: Yes
We are members of Hephzibah and love being apart of the family. God bless all!!!!

Anna Kelley - 04/12/98 23:31:32
My Email:m91485@p-c-net.net
Saved?: yes
I love Hephzibah!!!

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