<BGSOUND SRC="http:// www.geocities.com/btfly0/Tunes/nutcracker.mid">

Welcome To "Butterflies Are Free"

Welcome to my "Butterflies Are Free" Homepage of graphics. All of the gifs and jpgs are free for the taking. If you need help with uploading, then please go to the Graphics, Midis, Etc. Links page and try one of the Transloading Services. It's all automatic, even if you have Webtv.

I have collected these gifs and jpgs from everywhere. I have tried to be careful not to take anything that had copy-rights on it. If I did, please, let me know and I will remove it or add your link to my site. I apoligize for any inconvience that this might have caused.

I hope you enjoy my butterfly pages. Please, come back and visit often. I will have frequent changes and additions. If you find any broken links, repeats, or have any suggestions or additions for me to add, please, do not hesitate to e-mail me. I always appreciate any comments whether it is bad or good. I also appreciate anyone who puts a link to my page on theirs. If you link my page, please e-mail me so that I can check your site out. Also, please e-mail me with any broken links that you may find. Thanks

"Butterflies Are Free" Menu

Please, give each a page a minute to load and then start scrolling down. There are 50 images on each page. If there is a "--", then the image has not been placed there yet. Thankyou

My Home Page
Animated Butterflies
Non-Animated Butterflies
Butterfly Backgrounds
Butterfly Lines
Fairy Butterflies
Butterflies, Plus
Hippie's Stuff
My Animal Pages
Graphics, Midis, Etc. Links
Butterfly Links
Homeschool Links


My awards!

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click on image

If you would like to link my site to your site, you may use the following gif. Please, save it to your computer and then upload the gif to your site. Thankyou.


E-mail me with any questions or comments

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