Dan Calls You to Action!

As you all know, we are going to get blown to holy hell in the year 2000 or so, because there is a lot of millenium tension going on, that Y2K computer virus is going to shut the world down, and there's all sorts of nuclear bombs aching to go off. Therefore, I implore you to live life... before it's too late!


It is pretty well known that I love every part of every Star Wars movie unconditionally, inspite of it's Charlie-Chan sounding Trade Fedaration and it's retarded Gungan. But before I tell you my latest net-findings, can I just say that I am VERY dissappointed with the Episode I action figures! I mean you can only get 8 characters and the movie has been out for over a month now! There is a supposed "3rd set of 4 figures", which includes the cone-head member of the Jedi Council (he has a purple lightsaber. neat.) and that pod racer named Gasgano, but you can only find them online, as stores only carry that stupid ass Chancellor Valorum from the "3rd set". Also, the only pods you can get are Anakin's and Sebulba's... AND YOU CAN'T GET A SEBULBA ACTION FIGURE UNLESS YOU BUY HIS WHOLE THIRTY DOLLAR POD! HOW GAY IS THAT! I still have random cameo characters from the original trilogy in action figure form... Lucas needs to catch up fast before I... uh... complain some more...

Anyway, I found something kind of cool on the Star Wars website, it's called Snapshot, and it features hi-resolution screenshots from Phantom Menace, including behind the scenes and not-quite-in-the-movie shots such as a nice close up of Bib Fortuna and Jabba the Hutt at the podrace. Cool wallpaper material if you are as lame as I am.

Also, be sure to check out Wierd Al's Star Wars parody, "The Saga Begins". Seriously funny shit.

And, Phantom Menace is available, digitally! Check out starwars.com for details.


There is a rumor going around that Jet Lee is going to play Boba Fett in Episode II. George Lucas says:

"Boba Fett will definately be a major character in Episode II, although I will not worry about casting until Fall as I'm still finishing up the screenplay. Have you seen this other movie I released? It's called Star Wars Episode I: the Phantom Menace. Why don't you go see that and shut the fuck up? I am so fucking rich. My toilet paper is pure gold. Anyone want to fire a missile? I can do it. I'm George Fucking Lucas."
-George Lucas


Valentine's Day is rough, y'know, because people realize their hearts are filled to the brim with venom and at the same time they long for the most basic sign of human affection. So I'm going to provide my own little dab of Valentine love for all you lonely guys. Click on the heart!


Time Magazine is holding a poll to see who is the "Person of the Century". Well, a top contender was John Flansburgh from the band They Might Be Giants. TMBG.com has stopped rallying for Flansburgh, but with your help he can return and beat out the religous leaders of our time!