June 7, Northwest Trek, WA


Over the Hill Gang members, Marilyn and Mel, taking down trail markers.

A Golden Eagle being cared for at Northwest Trek.

A pair of Bald Eagles being cared for at Northwest Trek.

June 8, Federation Forest State Park, WA

My Dad and I in front of the Green River.

Taking a break before heading up more of the hill.

Checking out a raging spring-time spring.

June 8, Illahee State Park, Bremerton, WA

One of the two big guns in the state park.

Many of the Bremerton homeowners had gorgeous flowers in their yards.

June 9, Camano Island State Park, WA


A stormy day over Puget Sound, but it didn't rain on us for most of the walk.



A windy day on a stony beach.



The strong wind and cool temps called for windbreaker and gloves.


Flowers growing on the face of the bluff.

June 9, Deception Pass State Park, WA


A common garter snake trying to find some heat from the fleeting bits of sunlight.



Somebody had put rock formations on the driftwood.



The walk gave us a good view of Deception Pass Bridge.



This rabbit wasn't too afraid of us.



created and maintained by Chelane Priller
Last updated June 10, 2008