Melting Pot is a collection of genealogical goodies acquired throughout many years of
researching my family tree. Although it does not focus on any one county, state, or
nationality, it is my hope that fellow rooters out there in cyberspace will find the
genealogical information presented within these pages of value. --Sue Miller Bosevich
This page is best viewed with Netscape Navigator
or Microsoft Internet Explorer
Search My Surnames
(Under Construction)
Pennsylvania ...Features:
Church, Lehigh Co.,
St. Paul's
Church, Northampton Co., &
1875 Carbon Co.
Atlas Business Notices.
Slovakia Updated
March 12, 1999!
Genealogy Links
Photos of My Cats (Hey, they're
family too!!)
If you can't hear music after this page
fully loads,
to load Crescendo!
If you have comments or suggestions, please email me at:
I'm always looking for additional material for this page and would be happy to convert
your Microsoft Word documents to HTML and create a link to it off of my page. Of course, I
would give you the credit for its compilation! If interested, email me with the subject
matter so I can determine its appropriateness to my home page.
Copyright © 1997-1999 All Rights Reserved.
Sue Miller Bosevich
Individuals may create links to this site freely. However, any duplication,
publication, or distribution of information contained within this site requires the
express consent of the author!
Page accessed
times since March 1, 1998