Some Of The Finest People Have Passed This Way

08/28/00 02:40:50
Name: Jim DiPaola
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Nice web site and fabulous book. Its helped my modeling skills as well as my understanding of the vast history of steel in this area. I live about 30 miles from cleveland and I druve through the mill as often as i can. I have been fortunate to get tours of both sides of the river. Thanks and good luck with any future books.

05/14/00 15:19:54
Name: Jerry Nassar
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I grew up near the mining community of Bobtown, Pa., which was owned by J&L steel. I recently moved back to the area after being gone 30 years and noticed there is very little left of J&L.

03/22/00 17:18:04
Name: Allison
My URL: Visit Me

I found this site to help out greatly in my research of the labor issue that was found in the beaver valley area in the last hundred years. I started looking for info due to my report that I am doing for a labor class at RMC

01/20/00 00:17:36
Name: Arthur Lay-Ormrod
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12/31/99 17:15:03
Name: Kris Rossmiller
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Loved your book. I wish you had gone in to more detail about the changes at J&L Aliquippa as the plant was downsizing, but as a corporate history I think it's the best I've read. Thanks.

12/29/99 04:47:04
Name: Paul Lapointe
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Good site!

12/03/99 20:15:13
Name: Dennis Grim
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Don, What a site!! My Uncle Jack Abee spent his working life with J and L Steel after the war. I can remember all to well going with my aunt or cousins to pick him up or take him to work when we would go to spend the summer. Those impressions of Beaver Valley and the mills ill live with me for ever.

12/03/99 02:37:46
Name: James S. Torgeson
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Great site. Please don't take offense, but I think some dates are mixed-up in the paragraph on the Hennepin Works. I think 1996 should be 1966, and 1987 should be 1967, if the plant started operation in 1968.

11/16/99 21:50:21
Name: Eleanor
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Just traveling through. Great site. Really was looking for a particular person.

10/02/99 17:15:06
Name: Bill Dye
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Don, Great article in the RI SIG Journal! I just joined and I'm from Aliquippa!!! I lived there most of my childhood life (1955 to 69) and I worked there summer of '68. I even got to uncouple a train! I'm looking for Industries serviced by the P&LE RR (smaller insustries than, say, J&L). Specifically along or near the trackage between Aliquippa, Beaver and New Castle, PA. Any ideas? I have the topo maps and can see some of these smaller industries, but no names or what they were, or what RR cars and goods they brought in and out. Thanks, Great site and great article ‹ I'm sending it to my dad. He worked at J&L for 25 years! Bill Dye San Jose, CA

09/30/99 22:07:50
Name: Jim Mullen
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Don, great web site. I worked at Crucible Steel in Midland from 1963 thru 1967 after High School. Saw J & L Steel in Aliquippa only from the outside. Will be interested in further Articles on the Steel industry and Beaver County.

09/20/99 21:45:33
Name: Bruce
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Hope to see you in Church Sunday.

08/17/99 16:23:15
Name: Elizabeth McLaughlin
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Hi, Glad to have found your page! I am doing some preliminary research on my ancestor and trying to follow-up on some family stories. I am a descendent of James Francis McLaughlin who supposedly owned a steel mill in Aliquippa, PA. I find that reading abou Jones & Laughlin very interesting and wonder if there is a connection. Your information has been most helpful! Thanks! Elizabeth

04/26/99 03:16:32
Name: David Felts
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this is a great idea. I discovered your site while searching for info on the history of Rochester

03/10/99 23:25:56
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facinating site

01/30/99 01:38:45
Name: Mike Briggs
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Hi Don, Just came upon Patterson Twp.'s web site, Never even knew it existed, and now checking out all the links. Nice job.

01/04/99 03:54:04
Name: Brian Olson
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Great Page! I'm a native of pittsburgh and currently work for Bethlehem Steel, Sparrows Point Maryland Plant. My dad's old company, Swindell Dressler, built the electric arc furnaces at J&L's south side plant in the late 1970's. The engineers involved new it was a half ass moderization. The plant was dead in the water without one or two continous bloom casters. J&L would have been better off just closing the open hearth shop and investing their money elsewhere. It just blows my mind that J&L / LTV m de such poor investment decisions. In the future try to include more pictures of the plant departments.

12/21/98 20:22:28
Name: Matthew B. Perkins
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12/20/98 23:25:46
Name: Bill Macroglou
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Don, Congatulations!! Very well put together I know this is very rewarding to you.Keep up the good work. Bill

10/15/98 01:22:17
Name: Frank Fonner
My URL: Visit Me

Hi Don. This is an impressive site and quite an accomplishment. Your ability to link the past to the present, forever in cyberspace, is to be commended. Keep up the good work. I take it from your bio that you have retired...if so, the Tin Mill will never e able to replace you!! Take care and best wishes.

10/04/98 11:28:21
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
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Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

08/08/98 06:08:08
Name: Darlene Maslek Colaianni
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Thanks for this wonderful site. my Dad worked at J&L for over 40 years and it gave us a great life. I'm in California now but miss Aliquippa and what it stands for. Keep up the great service.

07/02/98 10:05:23
Name: William A. Carswell
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Don, Nice work!

07/02/98 06:31:24
Name: Chester
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Don: You must have put alot of thought into your home EXCELLENT job! Maybe an addition should include some history about the Electronics Shop at Aliquippa and a description of the characters encountered!

06/04/98 10:57:28
Name: Ken Maxwell
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Don - Enjoyed your page. Brought back a lot of memories for me. I worked in J&L's Welded Tube and several other areas when I graduated High School in 73. My father worked in the Blast Furnace for nearly 40 years.

05/29/98 16:48:22
Name: Forbes D. Gilchrist
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Nice to see soemthing about Aliquippa, my hometown. Actually Greegarden Road near the crash site. My family worked for J&L for many years. I could go on and on, but lack time now. Feel free to contact me. Regards, FD Gilchrist

05/22/98 00:38:19
Name: R.T.Swain
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Great job Don (as usual 1st class) as you probably know RGE put me on to you. Best wishes Miss you Guys!!

05/18/98 23:52:11
Name: Rusty Chiodo
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Don, Very well done. I enjoyed the pages. Found out how much more I don't know. Always a learnig experience on the web.

04/11/98 03:41:03
Name: David and Susan Wollman
My URL: Visit Me

Hello from Colorado! We enjoyed your very elaborate home page; it looks great.

04/08/98 19:34:43
Name: robert frioni
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This is awesome. I am 22 years old and am fortunate enough to have caught the tail- end of big steel in Beaver County, as well as in my hometown of Aliquippa. I have been trying to find a site devoted to J&L Steel for 6 months now. I'm glad I have found this. Thanx.

04/02/98 22:06:35
Name: Don Deyber
My URL: Visit Me

Don, looks great so far. Picture quality is better than I expected. We all owe you big time for your tremendous effort. Thanks!

03/28/98 00:42:43
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Don....what a nice touch...really liked the music...just passin thru......Dave

03/26/98 12:30:24
Name: Joe Basile
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Impressive, Hopefully you can mention our project on this! Warmly, Joe

03/26/98 03:36:17
Name: Wes Williams
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Don It looks like you're well on your way to an excellent web site. Nice job. Wes

03/25/98 18:00:30
Name: Jim Ford
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Don, what a great idea and what a great page. I know it will get better. You know my grandfather worked in this mill and lived in Woodlawn before it became Aliquippa, so I feel a little part of it because, even though I was never an employee I sold J&L al the refractories for the caster rebuild in the early 1980s.Great job Don, as usual.

03/23/98 00:45:37
Name: J.D. Almonte
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nice page on the LTV Steel!!!!!

03/19/98 18:04:27
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03/19/98 18:02:26
Name: Julie Churovia
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I am Penn State student majoring in Labor and Industrial Relations, originally from Aliquippa, and am writing my final term paper. I found your information quite usefull and interesting. Thank you!

03/08/98 15:58:39
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Brother Don Good job on your work. I'm sure a lot of people will be visiting your page. We'll have this information for ages to come. Keep being you. Your fellow worker Alan Critchlow

03/08/98 05:40:13
Name: Don Schwenk
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Upper case, lower case. I guess that it's true. Little things DO mean a lot...especially in cyberspace. Nice web site. Looks like I am one of the first people to access your page. I'll check back from time to time to watch the progress. Best wishes. Don.

03/05/98 04:30:12
Name: Bill Livingston
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Hope you like the preliminaries - Once you get the hang of the online editor at geocities, you WILL BE HOOKED. Enjoy!!

03/05/98 03:16:04
Name: Jo Hartoyo
My URL: Visit Me
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Hi Don: Very impressive web page you have there. I got something for you to speed up your web page creation. Jo

03/05/98 02:48:51
Name: John Inman
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Very cool site !!! I rate it in the top 5% of the WEB.

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