Heather Mathieson - 11/21/00 15:00:34
My Email:heather.mathieson@bloodservices.ca
Hometown: Tea Hill, PEI

Thank you so much for the beautiful and informative email. Have sent it along to a few newfoundlanders here in Alberta and I am sure it will surely make their day !! Will be visiting this spectacular Province again in the Spring.......cannot wait!!

Sharon M. Mehalko - 11/17/00 01:26:14
Hometown: Stephenville, NFLD

"Hi" from a woman "born on the Rock", but an American. I also take great pride in my heritage. There is a wildness and purity to the place. It isn't for the faint of heart, and nature definitely puts you in your place. It is a country poor in wealth, but rich beyond price in love. Be certain to visit again.

Sandie Miltenberger - 11/15/00 03:28:55
My Email:sandie0069@aol.com
Hometown: Now: Dover, Delaware,USA was West Bay Centre, NFLD

A friend sent me a link to your web-site, knowing that I'm a native NEWFIE. I'm enjoying looking at it, and learning more. Thanks! Sandie Miltenberger Dover, Delaware USA

Lorraine Edwards - 08/03/00 01:30:25
My Email:ledwards@iprimus.ca
Hometown: Dartmouth N.s

Pics are beautiful as a former resident of NFld they stir a lot of feelings and a lot of memories Some of them I would love to paint. Thanks for sharing them with me. L.L.E

jim kelly - 06/13/00 15:21:00
My Email:jkelly@hi.com
Hometown: Boston

Enjoyed your web pages. I'm planning a trip up there this summer.

Russell Hatcher - 05/05/00 16:40:56
My Email:russell.hatcher@northatlantic.nf.ca
Hometown: Pasadena

Left Ramea in 1991 moved to Catalina on to Seal cove White bay Moved to Pasadena in 1993

Leona Van Buskirk - 04/02/00 04:36:08
My Email:bingo634@cs.com
Hometown: Lake Suzy, Fla

Great to be able to listen to the grreat music and enjoyed the great pictures. Do you have any pictures of Broad Cove, Small Point Conception Bay north?

waveypelley - 03/26/00 21:46:39
My Email:waveypelley@hotmail.com
Hometown: beachside nf

I enjoyed the pictures that you have posted. the couple of beachside is realy nice.

- 03/12/00 22:11:26


W.C. Sharpe, S.W - 01/23/00 18:16:19
My Email:SMSharpe@nf.sympatico.ca
Hometown: Twillingate,NFLD

Glad to hear of a Bro. visiting our Province and enjoying it so much for the first time, I visited St' Bride's last summer and even though the south coast is very beautiful, nothing can come close to beautiful Noter Dame Bay, Twillingate is an Island in N D.B. with a Pop.5000 people, We are visited by thousands of people during the summer.

Cheryl - 08/16/99 03:30:02
My Email:CairalBe@aol.com
Hometown: Newport News, Virginia,USA

Hello Newfoundlander, I am writing to tell you that this is a very good website. I am the co-editor for a Newsletter that goes out to almost 400 Newfies and their friends. In fact, it is called Newfie & Friends Newsletter. Our editor is WhitStews@aol.com Deb,she is from (Gander, NFLD.) She started the newsletter now it is in its second year I think. I came to assist her just before she moved back to Canada last year. I have enjoyed finding interesting sites for the Newfies and friends that read the newsle ter I would like to add your site to our next mailing if I could. Please let me know, also if you will send along with your reply a little about yourself. I know the people who receive the newsletter would enjoy hearing about you also. Thank you for a lov ly website. A new surfer to you page. Bye now Cheryl

Michelle Gosse - 08/12/99 20:17:50
My Email:shannon.gosse@thezone.net
Hometown: Clarenville

Great homepage! I'm in the middle of finals exams at MUN and I came upon your webpage, great history info,it really came in handy!

Denise Hunter - 08/06/99 18:00:13
My Email:denise.hunter@mailexcite.com
Hometown: St. John's (currently working in Halifax)

I want to thank you for appreciating something so dear to my heart. I am currently working in Halifax but my heart belongs to Nfld. and I can't wait to return. Sincerely, Denise

Nikki Sullivan - 08/04/99 17:10:41
My Email:nikkis@sattelcorp.com
Hometown: Portugal Cove, NF.

Living in Red Deer for the past two years. loved the little taste of home!

Paul Pike - 08/04/99 01:40:39
My URL:http://www.medicinedream.com
My Email:mikmaqinak@hotmail.com
Hometown: Corner Brook,Nfld.

Very nice site ,I do have one question. You talk about European Nfld.ers,what about first Nation Nfld.ers?My family are Mi'kmaq my Cousin is Saqamaw in Corner Brook,my uncle Norman Gabriel is our oldest Elder on the west coast.I think Nfld. has alot of great cultures ,but it seems that if you h ve a site devoted to people Native to Nfld. ,you should include the Indigenous people ,it only seems fair.Welalin,keep up the great work. Msit Nokamaq

Judy - 07/17/99 01:58:59
Hometown: Swanton,Vt

It is a great place to visit the people are down to earth and friendly. Looking forward to my second visit in the Marystown area. Last year it was to St.Johns and surrounding. To all our Shriner friends Hello! The country is so beautiful.

Judy - 07/17/99 01:53:11
Hometown: san


Judy - 07/17/99 01:53:10
Hometown: san


Calvin Manning - 04/30/99 16:03:55
My URL:http://www.avalongateway.nf.ca
My Email:cmanning@thezone.net
Hometown: Distress?

Touching! In my opinion you are an Honorary Newfoundlander and will be forevever welcome at our place. Hi to all and we'll see you at the Soiree!

Judy Simon - 04/20/99 04:19:58
My URL:/Paris/Louvre/3123/
My Email:judy_art@yahoo.com
Hometown: Corner Brook, Newfoundland

Hi Bud, I do believe you love Newfoundland.It was nice having you here to visit us..I enjoyed showing you around the West Coast..Hoping to see you and Donna in August month.. Good Luck..Judy

ida lebel - 03/10/99 03:50:19
Hometown: California


Gerry Campbell - 02/08/99 19:25:15
My URL:http://www.100pines.com
My Email:100pines@thezone.net
Hometown: Port Blandford, Nf

Enjoyed your web site. I notice you have Newfie music as well. My music only plays in Internet Exployer. I also viewed your site in Netscape and it crashed. Hope you return to the Rock someday. We'd love to have ya'

Hal Barrett - 01/04/99 18:29:00
My Email:halcat@roadrunner.nf.net
Hometown: St. John's, NF.

Had an initial look at your site and congratulate you on the research and layout. It appears to be quite complete and am sure will give me a great deal of pleasure in the coming days.

Vanessa Hoyles - 11/27/98 19:50:50
My Email:vanessa.hoyles@comdev.ca
Hometown: Brookfield, B. Bay, NF

I really enjoyed your Tribute to Newfoundland webpage. You're right, it is a fabulous place to visit; and I might add, a fantasitc place to grow up!

George McLord - 10/09/98 17:19:53
Hometown: Richmond

Great site, I love the rich history. I think that Newfoundland is lovely, if not heavenly. Keep it up! George

10/04/98 11:28:03
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Sheila Newhouse - 09/10/98 16:23:13
My Email:sheilan@access.mountain.net


Allan Cox - 07/27/98 12:26:00
My Email:coxey@bigpond.com
Hometown: Melbourne Australia

Congratulations on a lovely site.

SW - 07/19/98 17:30:41
My Email:


Jan Paas (Goodyear) - 07/04/98 16:15:29
My Email:o.k.noggins@bc.sympatico.ca
Hometown: Kelowna, BC

Love reading anything about the Rock!! We have a cottage in Harcourt where we normally spend the entire summer. My parents are there, and many relatives... my husband fell in love with the place on his first visit in '95 - the cottage we now own came up for sale that same summer, so we bought it!!! Plan to retire there - can't wait.

Sheila - 06/10/98 20:48:49

Way to go !!!!!

Rich Jeroszko - 06/10/98 00:07:18
My Email:RLJ300@aol.com
Hometown: Scotia, N Y

Hello There, Enjoyed your website yet again. Not long before we'll be heading to the Western side. Keep up the great site.

Randy Hann - 06/06/98 21:42:05
My Email:randyhann@hotmail.com
Hometown: Carter's Cove, NF

I enjoyed your site very much. It's nice to know that people from away enjoy what us Newfoundlanders sometimes take for granted.Keep up the good work.

Marilynne Stephenson - 05/25/98 14:50:00
My Email:mstephenson@oln.com
Hometown: Thunder Bay On.

Awesome page .. and such a wonderful tribute to the beautiful province of Newfoundland .. I do indeed agree with what you say about the land .. but most especially the people .. some way cute dudes livin on the ROCK :-) Have a great summer M

Bud - 05/15/98 19:02:52

test on May 15, 1998.....entry #1

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