Delona Caroline Feezor
Delona Feezor of Danville, IL and Orville W. Butler of Danville, IL
were united in Holy Matrimony at Danville, IL on 21st day of March, 1921
Source: Marriage Certificate, Vermilion Co., IL
George Feezor
Groom: George Feezor; Residence: Pope Co., IL; Age next birthday: 20; Color: White
Race: Caucasian; Birthplace: Marshall Co., KY; Father's name: George W. Feezor
Mother's maiden name: Mary Binkley
Bride: Martha M. Parmely; Residence: Pope Co., IL; Age next birthday: 17; Color: White; Race: Caucasian
Birthpl: Pope Co., IL; Father's name: Samuel Parmely; Mother's maiden name: Melinda L. Griffin
Married at Samuel Parmely's in the Co. of Pope, State of IL, Sept. 17, 1890 by Wm B. Lewis, MG
Witnesses to marriage: Frank Wooten and Otto Parmely
Source: Marriage License #1126, Pope Co., IL
George Feezor
Husband: George Feezor; Wife: Joicie Reid; Ages: Legal; Marital: Widowed
Husband's birthpl: Marshall Co., KY and Residence: Danville, IL
Wife's birthpl: Graves Co., KY and Residence: Marshall Co., KY
Husband's Parents: Geo. W. Feezor and Nancy Feezor; Wife's Parents: Chas. Lyles and Sarah Lyles
Occupation of Husband: Boilermaker; Date of License: December 23, 1921
Married at Paducah, KY on December 23, 1921 by S. H. Winstead, JP
Source: Register of Marriage #100, Commonwealth of KY, Marshall Co.
Thomas J. Feezor
Groom: T.J. Feezor; Residence: IL; Age: 22; # of Marriage: 1; Occup: Farmer; Birthpl: KY
Birthpl of Groom's Father: KY; Birthpl of Groom's Mother: KY
Bride: Susan Lawrence; Residence: IL; Age 23; # of Marriage: 1; Birthpl: IL
Birthpl of Bride's Father: KY; Birthpl of Bride's Mother: KY
Marriage at McCracken Co. Courthouse, KY on August 5, 1891
Source: Marriage Bond, Commonwealth of KY, McCracken County
George W. Feezor
On the 8th day of August, 1872 the Rites of Matrimony were legally solemnized by me between G.W. Feezor
and Mary L. Binkley at the residence of B.F. Binkley in the County of Marshall in the presence of D.F. Binkley,
W.P. Wallace, W.C. Feezor and Elijah Reeves and others. Signed: Thomas F. Harrison
Source: Marriage Certificate #2039, Commonwealth of KY, Marshall Co.
John G. Feezor
Groom: John G. Feezor; Residence: Pope Co., IL; Age (next bday): 47; Birthpl: KY
Father: George Feezor; Mother's maiden name: Ivy
Bride: Mary Reagan; Maiden Name: Oggdon; Residence: Pope Co., IL; Age: 44 (next bday); Birthpl: KY
Father: Henry Oggdon; Mother's maiden name: Gray; # of Marriage: 2; Witnesses:  Jesse Cobb and G.H. Rose
Married at Sally B. Oggdon in the Co. of Pope and State of IL, the 5th day of October, 1879
Source:  Marriage Report to County Clerk #292, Pope County, Illinois
George Feezer
Groom: George Feezer; Bride: Christena Smith; Date: Aug. 18, 1787
Bondsman: Frederick Smith; Witness: Jno. Macay; Bond #000124651; Rowan Co., NC
George Feezer
Groom: George Feezer; Bride: May Kendricks; Date: Sep. 23, 1810
Bondsman: Danl. Cress; Witness: Jno. Giles, C.; Bond #000124660; Rowan Co., NC
Jacob Feezer
Groom: Jacob Feezer; Bride: Anne Hendricks; Date: Oct. 21, 1813
Bondsman: John Feezer; Witness: Geo. Dunn; Bond #00124662; Rowan Co., NC
Mary Feaser
Groom: Conrad Graves; Bride: Mary Feaser; Date: Jan. 9, 1767; Rowan Co., NC
Peter Feaser
Groom: Peter Feaser; Bride: Mary Fry; Date Oct. 6, 1769; Rowan Co., NC

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