Delona Caroline Feezor
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Marital: Widowed; Birthdt: 06/11/1903; Birthpl: IL; Deathdt: 03/29/1996
Father: George Feezor, KY; Mother: Martha Parmley, KY
Source: Certificate of Death #39636002766, State of CA, County of San Bernardino
Elvena (Feezor) Robertson
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Marital: Married; Husband: Bill Harrison (Robertson)
Birthdt: June 29, 1894; Birthpl: IL; Deathdt: May 21, 1933; Deathpl: Danville, IL
Father: Geo. Feezor, KY; Mother: Martha Parmely, IL
Source: Certificate of Death #19730, State of IL; County of Vermilion
George W. Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Widowed; Birthdt: July 13, 1842; Birthpl: KY
Deathdt: Jan. 4, 1922; Father: George Feezor, NC; Mother: Egnis Ivey, NC; Burialplace: Feezor Cem.
Source: Certificate of Death #2043, Commonwealth of KY, County of Marshall
George Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Married; Birthdt: Dec. 27, 1870
Birthpl: Marshall Co., KY; Deathdt: 1/25/29; Informant: W.E. Feezer; Burialpl: Symsonia Cem.
Father: G.W. Feezer, Marshall Co., KY; Mother: Caroline Reeder, Marshall Co., KY
Source: Certificate of Death #3495, File #67, Commonwealth of KY, County of Marshall
William E. Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Married; Birthdt: March 8, 1868
Birthpl: Marshall Co., KY; Father: George Feezor, KY; Mother: unknown
Informant: Allen Feezor, Middletown, OH; Deathdt: March 12, 1942; Burialpl: Feezor Cemetery
Source: Certificate of Death #7419, Commonwealth of KY, County of Marshall
Nathan Brantley Feezor
Name: Brant Feezor; Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Married; Birthdt: Oct. 15, 1879; Birthpl: KY
Father: Nathan Feezor; Mother: Martha Wallace; Deathdt: April 15, 1928
Source: Certificate of Death #8424, Commonwealth of KY, Ballard Co.
James Gilbert Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Single; Birthdt: April 8, 1917
Birthpl: Graves Co., KY; Deathdt: May 31, 1928
Father: G.O. Feezor, Graves Co., KY; Mother: M.M. Collier, Graves Co., KY
Source: Certificate of Death #12267; Commonwealth of KY, Graves Co.
Otho Stanley Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Married; Spouse: Rosa Shaw
Birthdt: Feb. 13, 1852; Birthpl: NC; Father: Feezor/NC; Deathdt: Dec. 31, 1930; Deathpl: Shelby Co. TN
Source: Certificate of Death #1340; State of Tennessee
Dora Feezor
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Marital: Single; Birthdt: Dec. 23, 1871; Birthpl: TN
Father: W.H. Feezor/TN; Mother: Dora Bledor/TN; Deathdt: Dec. 15, 1931; Deathpl:  Shelby Co., TN
Source:  Certificate of Death #1299; State of TN
Marnert Russell Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Single; Birthdt: Aug. 22, 1929; Birthpl: KY
Deathdt: Sep. 27, 1929; Deathpl: Louisville, KY; Father: Herman Feezor/KY; Mother: Myrtle Bradley/KY
Source: Certificate of Death #24115, Commonwealth of KY
Nevada Feezor
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Marital: Single; Birthdt: Jan. 8, 1918; Birthpl: Marshall Co., KY
Father: Thos. N. Feezor/Marshall Co.; Mother: Mary Kelley/Marshall Co.; Deathdt: May 21, 1919
Source: Certificate of Death #16858; Commonwealth of KY
Ben Frank Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Widowed; Birthdt: May 8, 1882; Birthpl: KY
Father: Will Feezor; Mother: Unknown; Deathdt: May 5, 1939
Source: Certificate of Death #13518; Commonwealth of KY
John K. Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Married; Birthdt: Feb. 24, 1868; Birthpl: KY
Father: Wm. Feezor/KY; Mother: Edna Walles/KY; Deathdt: Apr. 3, 1926
Source: Certificate of Death #10894; Commonwealth of KY
Bertie Nadine Feezor
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Marital: Infant; Birthdt: June 23, 1925; Birthpl: Graves Co.
Father: George Feezor/KY; Mother: Joyce Lyles/KY; Deathdt: Jan. 6, 1927
Source: Certificate of Death: #821; Commonwealth of KY
Mary Louisa (Binkley) Feezor
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Marital: Married; Birthdt: July 22, 1853; Birthpl: TN
Father: W.F. Binkley/TN; Mother: Rebecah World/TN; Deathdt: Mar. 12, 1921
(Note: 2nd wife of George W. Feezor)
Source: Certificate of Death #6370; Commonwealth of KY
Amanda Ellen (Kinney) Feezor
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Marital: Widow; Birthdt: Mar. 2, 1860; Birthpl: KY
Father: John Kinney/NC; Mother: Eliza Wallace/KY; Deathdt: Feb. 1, 1930
Source: Certificate of Death #4643; Commonwealth of KY
Infant of Herman Feezor
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Marital: Single; Birthdt: Aug. 5, 1930; Birthpl: Louisville, KY
Father: Herman Feezor/KY; Mother: Myrtle Bradley/KY; Deathdt: Aug. 5, 1930
Source: Certificate of Death: #19919; Commonwealth of KY
Infant of Herman & Myrtle Feezor
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Marital: Single; Birthdt: Aug. 23, 1929; Birthpl: KY
Father: Herman Feezor/KY; Mother: Myrtle Feezor/KY; Deathdt: Aug. 23, 1929
Source: Certificate of Death #21593; Commonwealth of KY
Claytie (Feezor) Daniels
Birthdt: Oct. 7, 1898; Deathdt: Aug. 19, 1987; Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age 88y
Deathpl: Burlington, Alamance, NC; Birthplace: NC
Source:  North Carolina Death Records
Celia (Feezor) Rickard
Deathdt: June 19, 1978; Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age 84y; Deathpl:  Salisbury, Rowan, NC
Marital status: Widowed; Birthdt: Mar. 17, 1894; Birthpl: NC
Source: North Carolina Death Records, Ancestry.com
Mildred Maurine Feezor
Birthdt: May 20, 1920; Deathdt: Mar. 28, 1993; Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age 72y
Deathpl: High Point, Guilford, NC; Marital Status: S; Birthpl: NC
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Leroy Eaton Feezor
Birthdt: May 1, 1891; Deathdt: Feb. 8, 1988; Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age 96y
Deathpl: Shelby, Cleveland, NC; Marital Status: W; Birthpl: NC
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Kathleen (Feezor) Mitchell
Birthdt: Feb. 19, 1917; Deathdt: Jan. 15, 1990; Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age 72y
Deathpl: Lexington, Davidson Co., NC; Marital Status: W; Birthpl: NC
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Lena Veigh (Feezor) Owens
Birthdt: July 30, 1905; Deathdt: Dec. 16, 1991; Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age 86y
Deathpl: Davidson Co., NC; Marital Status: W; Birthpl: NC
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Paul Feezor
Deathdt: Aug. 21, 1970; Deathpl: Winston-Salem, Forsyth, NC;
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age: 46y; Marital Status: M
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Billie Feezor
Deathdt: Mar. 17, 1971; Deathpl: Spencer, Rowan, NC
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age 40y; Marital Status: M
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Walter Feezor
Deathdt: May 30, 1973; Deathpl: Salisbury, Rowan, NC
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age 76y; Marital Status: M
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Robert Feaser
Deathdt: Nov. 12, 1974; Deathpl: Cumberland, NC
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age 66y; Marital Status: D
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Lee Feezor
Deathdt: Nov. 8, 1975; Deathpl: Rowan Co., NC
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age 72y; Marital Status: W
Source: North Carolina Death Records
George Cletus Feezor
Deathdt: Dec. 31, 1975; Deathpl: Davidson Co., NC
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age 70y; Marital Status: M
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Mary Zella (Feezor) Surratt
Birthdt: Oct. 27, 1896; Deathdt: Feb. 18, 1977; Deathpl: Lexington, Davidson, NC
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age: 79y; Marital Status: W
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Lala (Feezor) Smith
Birthdt: Nov. 9, 1903; Birthpl: NC; Deathdt: Nov. 3, 1979; Deathpl: Lexington, Davidson, NC
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age 75y; Marital Status: M
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Vola (Feezor) Snider
Birthdt: June 11, 1895; Birthpl: NC; Deathdt: Nov. 3, 1979; Deathpl: Pitt, NC
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age 84y; Marital Status: W
Source: North Carolina Death Records
John Royce Feezor
Birthdt: Aug. 4, 1905; Birthpl: NC; Deathdt: Apr. 25, 1980; Deathpl: Salisbury, Rowan, NC
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age 74y; Marital Status: M
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Kate  (Feezor) Crowell
Birthdt: Aug. 19, 1893; Birthpl: NC; Deathdt: Oct. 11, 1980; Deathpl: Lumberton, Robeson, NC
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age: 87y; Marital Status: W
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Elsie (Feezor) Shelton
Birthdt: May 13, 1906; Birthpl: NC; Deathdt: Jan. 26, 1982; Deathpl: Salisbury, Rowan, NC
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age 75y; Marital Status: M
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Dicie (Feezor) Parnell
Birthdt: Aug. 3, 1889; Birthpl: IL; Deathdt: Mar. 21, 1984; Deathpl: Salisbury,   Rowan, NC
Sex: F; Race: Wh; Age: 94y; Marital Status: W
Source: North Carolina Death Records
Tilton Feezor
Deathdt: Feb. 3, 1967; Deathpl: Middletown, Butler Co., OH
Sex: M; Race: Wh; Age 60y; Marital Status: M
Source: Ohio Death Records, Cert. #08570, Vol. #18749

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