For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

2 Corinthians 11: 13-15.

Before we start, there are just a few things to be said, first of all I am not writing this web site against the New Apostolic people, I know many New Apostolic people and have found them to be wonderful, considerate, kind and loving people. I have nothing against the people, but rather against the teaching which is being followed.
The purpose of this website is not to build up membership for a particular denomination or church group but instead to lead the reader into a personal and saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the only "Prophet, Priest, King, Apostle and Redeemer."

Do we have the right to make such judgments?:
To pronounce another religious group to be false can seem a pompous undertaking, especially in a culture that preaches tolerance for everything from homosexuality to a mother's "right" to kill her unborn child. Tolerance is the banner that units much of our culture and anyone who points a judging finger at someone or something is often ridiculed. But Christians are told in the Bible to separate themselves from the sinful practices of man and to expose error. "Examine all things and to hold fast to that which is true" says God's word (1 Thess. 5:21). So we do. What does it mean to examine if we do not judge what is right and wrong? Jesus judged the Pharisees as hypocrites. Peter judged Ananias and Saphira as liars (Acts 5:1-4). Paul judged the Galatians as fools (Gal. 3:1). The reason something can be said to be right or wrong is because the Bible has laid out before us a moral and doctrinal standard that is clear. It is wrong to lie. So, we are able to say to someone who lies, "What you are doing is wrong." That is making a judgment. Likewise, with the cults, as Christians we are commanded to be able to give answers to everyone (1 Pet. 3:15) and to contend for the faith that was delivered by the apostles (Jude 4). If we do not fight for the faith, the faith will be lost. If we do not expose the errors of the cults then the cults will move unchecked in the world and lead even more into eternal destruction. To make a judgment means that we must recognize that there are absolutes. In a world that worships relativism, absolutes are not welcome and the cults that espouse their demonic doctrines beg tolerance that same tolerance. I stand for the truth of God's word, not a compromising collection of beliefs that changes as people's whims change. The cults are cults because the deny the true God, add works to salvation, and corrupt a multitude of biblical truths. Their end and the end of all who follow them is damnation. To anything other than warn people about them is unloving.

The movement known as the NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH has no association with any other orthodox Christian organization. The term "Apostolic" is used to emphasise the claim that they are a truly "Biblical" movement, headed and governed by "Apostles" as in New Testament times. Liturgically, the NAC is very different to the Roman Catholic Church but it maintains many Roman Catholic doctrines. Many of the teachings of the NAC seem to be on line with orthodox Christianity, but the NAC frequently uses Scripture out of context to support their teachings, and misinterprets Scripture.
It is very important for Christians to know their Bible well so that they can spot errors. Organizations, like the NAC, will always have some elements of truth. Satan knows that if he comes with an outright lie, we would reject it immediately, but if he comes with a half truth people are frequently deceived.

In brief, the NAC do believe in the trinity of God, However they teach that Jesus was created by God on the first day of creation and the implication of this doctrine is that Jesus is not infinite and therfore cannot be God or equal to God.
We are told that without the ministry of Apostles, their is no Salvation.
The New Apostolic church teach and believe that one cannot be saved unless one is baptized (Baptism, according to the NAC, is a prerequisite for receiving the Holy Spirit). They also teach that sins are only "washed away" once Holy Communion is partaken of. Their main key to Salvation is "The Holy Sealing". According to the NAC, only an Apostle is able to lay hands on a believer for the Holy Sealing, or receiving of the Holy Spirit. This implies that salvation depends on a person (the Apostle), and also that God has not baptized anyone in the Spirit in the last 16 centuries.  
The central teaching in the New Apostolic Church is the teaching of an apostolic ministry. They teach that the church established by Jesus was "apostolic" and therefore the only true church is the New Apostolic Church and everyone outside of the NAC fold is considered to be "heretics", "damned" and "distorters of the truth".
That's not what the Bible tells us:

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16

New Apostolics believe that they are the children of God and only them because their creed states that: "I believe that those baptized with water must receive the Holy Spirit through an apostle, to obtain childhood in God, whereby they become incorporated as members of the body of Christ."
Not according to the Bible:

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12
Never anywhere in the Bible with passages relating to Salvation is the Apostle Ministry ever mentioned.

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
Matthew 7:13

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