Background Graphics from Papagei Studio
Hi! I'm Peppy. I am a "teenager" now!
My Mom created this web site just for me and we hope with Geocities closing it will continue to provide enjoyment to our friends and other cockatoo lovers. I'm a MALE Triton Sulpher Crested Cockatoo.
I am very handsome (I am not conceited, people just say I look better every time they see me!) I have the blue around my eyes which is indicative of the species "Triton". I love to go visit people to cheer them up or make them laugh! --
I live in Southern California in Cardiff-by-the-Sea. I am very mischievous and I love to show off. I used to bark at neighborhood cats that came around -- but they have taught me how to meow -- I like that sound! I think it is friendly so I meow at people I meet as well as cats! We now have some neighbor children who come by to see me every couple of weeks. Yesterday they all clapped when I finished showing them how I can swing and how I bark like a dog and meow like a cat!
I'm a very friendly, gentle bird, -- but sometimes I get a little carried away and I even bite my Mom but I don't really mean to hurt her. I guess I just don't realize how sharp my beak is! Of course I do like that cloth button on top of your hat and those shiny earrings and sometimes I can get them out before you know I'm even there! I always give the earrings back -- but the hat buttons are so much fun to destroy!
I love to eat Mom's foods and furnishings and especially love mashed potatoes, spinach, pecans, tapioca pudding and ice cream -- not to mention her rattan couch, her coat rack (oops! that's all gone -- it fell down one day-- Mom says I chewed away all the supports), the TV remote and hand calculator buttons, portable phone antenaes, plastic key rings, cardboard, quarters and dimes. AND I'm so proud of myself for just the other day I very carefully took half those little grey buttons off that thing in front of the computer where my Mom "plays" -- (you know, where her hands are when she's in front of the computer and not stroking my feathers or the top of my head!) She didn't seem too upset when she found all those buttons all over the floor -- I guess I was careful so I didn't break or crack any of them and she was able to put them all back -- like putting together a puzzle!! I guess it is no wonder She's always hiding things from me! I think this file cabinet must have something in it I want!
Mom is always bringing me new toys -- plastic thread spools, chunks of wood from a friend who has a wood-working shop, woven rope toys from the pet shop (sometimes I get to pick those out myself!) and toys like this ball -- at first I didn't know what I was supposed to do with it! I couldn't get my beak around it! She kept putting it on top of my cage and I had to figure out how to get it up over the lip and onto the floor!
Well just a few weeks ago I got my beak into it and carried it all the way to the top of a chair perch and I took it all apart! I was so proud of myself -- but now it seems mom can't put it back together so now I don't have my ball anymore! Maybe she'll find me another one!
I can talk quite well if I do say so myself! But my speciality is sing alongs! Mom sometimes sings along with the cd's and I like to do "boopy boo's in rythym with her singing! She says I only know about 40 words -- but those are just the ones she seems to understand. I've taken part in some very extensive discussions on a number of issues!
Here I am checking out mom's couch cushions! (She must have hidden the TV remote!)
Here I am with my Mom!
My name is Sue -- Peppy still doesn't say that but he does have about 40 recognizeable words and many others which I still don't understand. Sometimes he blurts out the most appropriate sentances for the first time in front of total strangers! -- and he laughs a wonderful laugh! He spends many hours each day on one of his perches (often chair backs which he has adopted!), chewing on toys (or hats that are damaged) and as soon as I get on the phone he starts chattering away with me to be part of the conversation. He laughs when I laugh and says "ok" a lot during my phone conversations.
Maybe we will find some more tips on sharing life with a cockatoo! And you can too by following the Cockatoo Lovers' WEBRING below, where you can move from this site to other sites relating to cockatoos! In the fall of 2001 the Webring "migrated" -- I don't know exactly what this means but we seem to still be connected to other cockatoo related sites although I have not been able to contact the webmaster for months!.
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© 1997 by Jakey © 1997 Peppys Mom
In the evening I sit with him and chat with friends or watch television. A friend of ours took this photo with low resolution on a digital camera -- not very flattering but descriptive!
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