Naturaly's Home Page

They came two by two

This is the home page of Austin and Login. They are 2 1/2yo twin boys, so our house is very busy and VERY loud. They have a big brother Dustin who has been teaching them all sorts of new games. They like hockey, golf, and soccer the best. Their favorite thing to do with Mommy is going for walks and taking LONG bike rides, they don't like it when Mommy stops. They also like to pull each other in their wagon. Someday when they get bigger their Daddy will take them fishing and golfing (on the big people golf course).

Some of our favorite Disney characters

Click here to go to the Disney Web site.

Some of our favorite PBS characters

Teletubies web site at PBS.
A great Sesame Street coloring book!

Some of our favorite Nickalodeon characters

Click here to visit Tommy and the other Rugrats

Here are just a few pictures of of Austin, Login, and their big brother Dustin. We are hoping to add a lot more in the future!

Links to some of our friends web sites

Alex's box of crayons.
Dustin's Sports Page!
Angie's Page
Jonathan and James' Page
Elizabeth's Angel Page
© 1997
Family-Friendly Site 

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