The Grange is a family-oriented, fraternal organization with its roots based in agriculture and rural life. It has evolved over the more than 130 years of its existance into an organization committed to the preservation of our world, the protection and education of all peoples, and the encouragement of family values. Its lessons come from the Bible, but the Grange is NOT a religous organization. Nor is it a political organization. Our members come from all walks and creeds. While there is usually a social time following the meetings, alcohol is strictly forbidden in Grange Halls and temperance outside of the meetings is strongly stressed. Granges across the country are involved in community service projects, raising funds for charities and increasing public awareness of issues important in their individual communities.
We help guide and teach young people to be more confident individuals, better citizens and good leaders. In addition to working with the Junior Grange, Granges and their members are also active with other groups such as 4-H, both Boy and Girl Scouting groups, church youth groups and the Masonic Youth groups (Rainbow, DeMolay and Job's Daughters).
The following sites so completely and eloquently answer this often asked question, nothing further is really needed. Please be sure to visit them. If you still have questions as to what and who we are, let us know and we will try to help you out.
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Our Officers for 2000-2001 are:
Master | Patricia A. Izzo |
Overseer | Norman B. Brandt |
Lecturer | Neil B. Savage |
Steward | Edwin F. Decatur, III |
Assistant Steward | Donald R. Ross, PM |
Lady Assistant Steward | Joann E. Brandt, PM |
Chaplain | E.M. Dusty Decatur, PM |
Treasurer | Andrew C. Savage, PM |
Secretary | Lucia C. Savage |
Gatekeeper | E. Forrest Decatur, Jr, PM |
Ceres | Gabrielle T. Ellis |
Pomona | Priscilla R. Ross, PM |
Flora | Laura N. Brandt |
Executive Committee | E.M. Dusty Decatur, PM |
Executive Committee | Eva Smith |
Executive Committee | Donald R. Ross, PM |
Musician |
All ideas, suggestions and comments are welcome.
Our 2000 Program
Updated 12/11/99.
Our 1999 Program Updated 01/10/99.
Our 1998 Program December 27, 1998
Links, etc. June 21, 1999
Before you leave, won't you
Designed by Dusty Decatur, a member of
Web page layout and design Copyright 1998-2000 by Dusty's Doings. All rights reserved.
Some of our pages were last updated 11/15/00.
This page last updated 11/15/00.
This was page created 03/20/98.