
Archibald PRESTON(my 8th-great-grandfather), b.1660 in Londonderry, Ireland; d.(_?_). He married (_?_). They had 3 children: Jane PRESTON, born about 1690, of Derry Co., Ireland; John PRESTON, born about 1700 in Newtown, Limarady, Donegal Co., Ireland; and Elizabeth PRESTON, born 1702 Londonberry Co., or Derry Co., Ireland.

Jane PRESTON(7th-great-grandmother), b.1690 in Derry Co., Ireland; d.(_?_). She married Alexander BRECKENRIDGE, b.1670; d.(_?_). They had 10 children: George BRECKENRIDGE, John BRECKENRIDGE, John BRECKENRIDGE, George BRECKENRIDGE, Robert BRECKENRIDGE, Lettice BRECKENRIDGE, James BRECKENRIDGE, Adam BRECKENRIDGE, Adam BRECKENRIDGE, and Sarah BRECKENRIDGE.

George BRECKENRIDGE(6th-great-grandfather), b. 1714 in Derry Co., Ireland, d.(_?_). He married Ann DOAK, b.1718 in Augusta Co., Virginia; d.1748 in Albemarle Co., Virginia. They had 8 children: Alexander BRECKENRIDGE, Robert BRECKENRIDGE, John BRECKENRIDGE, Jane BRECKENRIDGE, Elizabeth BRECKENRIDGE, Sarah BRECKENRIDGE, Letitia BRECKENRIDGE, and Amma BRECKENRIDGE.

Alexander BRECKENRIDGE(5th-great-grandfather), b. 1743 in Augusta Co., Virginia, d.Oct. 1813 in Bourbon Co., Kentucky, buried in Charletonclay Farm, Paris, Bourbon Co., Kentucky. He married on 6 Oct 1767 in Wythe Co., Virginia to Magdalene GAMBLE, b. 10 Jan 1745 in Blount Co., Tennessee. They had 10 children: Robert BRECKENRIDGE, George BRECKENRIDGE, John BRECKENRIDGE, Ann BRECKENRIDGE, Rachel BRECKENRIDGE, James BRECKENRIDGE, Alexander BRECKENRIDGE, Elizabeth BRECKENRIDGE, John BRECKENRIDGE, and Eddy Linn BRECKENRIDGE.

Robert BRECKENRIDGE(4th-great-grandfather), b.27 Sep 1774 in Wythe Co., Virginia; d.23 Sep 1838 in Rook Creek, Livingston Co., Illinois. Buried in Rook Creek Cemetery; He married Mary WRIGHT, b.24 Sept 1773. They had 12 children: Margaret Wright BRECKENRIDGE, Celina (Selina) BRECKENRIDGE, Alexander BRECKENRIDGE, Samuel BRECKENRIDGE, William BRECKENRIDGE, James BRECKENRIDGE, Mary BRECKENRIDGE, Murrell BRECKENRIDGE, Rodney (Roddy) BRECKENRIDGE, Lucinda BRECKENRIDGE, Eliza BRECKENRIDGE, and Robert Preston BRECKENRIDGE.

Celina(Selina)BRECKENRIDGE(3rd-great-grandmother), b.(_?_). She married 15 Apr 1830 to Moore EDGINGTON, b.25 Sept 1807 in Spriggs Twp., Adams Co., Ohio; d.31 Dec 1883 in Harveyville, Kansas. They had 2 children: Mary Jane EDGINGTON, and Alvin Doak EDGINGTON.

Mary Jane EDGINGTON(2nd-great-grandmother), b.1831. She married on 18 July 1854 in Pontiac, Livingston Co., Illinois to Robert F. FOSTER, b. in New York. They had 6 children: Collumbia FOSTER, Myrie FOSTER, Margaret FOSTER, Eyler Moore FOSTER, Salina FOSTER, and Louisa FOSTER.

Eyler "Moore" FOSTERwas born October 1854 in Decatur, Macon Co., Illinois and died on the 2nd day of March 1948, in Pontiac, Livingston County, Illinois, (year of death according to his grave stone). On the 24th day of September 1884 in Livingston County, Illinois, Moore FOSTER married Elizabeth "Lizzie" MILKE, (according to the Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900; License #2052). Lizzie was born in November 1866 in Pontiac, Livingston Co., Illinois and died on the 15th day of January 1925, (year of death according to her grave stone). She and Moore FOSTER are buried in the South Side Cemetery in Pontiac, Livingston County, Illinois. Moore and Lizzie had 4 children: Hattie M. FOSTER, Ella FOSTER, Robert F. FOSTER, and >Irene Foster.

>Irene Foster was born on the 1st of January 1895 in Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa and died on the 14th day of November 1984 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas. She is buried in St. Marys Catholic Cemetery (no stone) next to her husband. She was married on the 12th day of June 1918 to William Cornelius (Will) COLLINS. He was born on the 4th of July in 1888 in Frankfort, Franklin Co., Kentucky and he died on the 24th day of May 1960 in San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas. He is buried in St. Marys Catholic Cemetery in San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas. Will and Irene have 2 children.



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