I guess you are
wondering why we have decided to share our
stories...I have been telling them for years but few
people actually LISTEN and if they do...well I am
sure they LAUGH as soon as I get done.

first experience with THE OTHER SIDE was when I was
about 10 years old. My Grandfather
had died when I
was 8 and my sister, brother and I were not allowed
to go to the Memorial Service. I just always remember
thinking that it couldn't possibly be real if there
were no dead body.My Grandmother donated his remains
to HARVARD for scientific study and it was YEARS
later before she received them back to have a proper
buriel.My sister never talked to me much about things
like death and dying and so I do not think that the
death of our Grandfather was mentioned between us.

To be

Grandmother and I were always close
and I think that I was her FAVORITE. We spent a lot
of time together when I was both a child and then
(MAYBE) an adult. She was my parents"TAXI" for us
kids as she lived in her own home in our backyard for
many years before my Dad passed away.
and I spent many hours going to the library, driving
to the mountains or to the beach. While she was still
capable she would come and sit with my children for a
few hours at a time.

Over the years she would
tell me about conversations she had had with GRAMPA
even though he was dead...and how now matter where
she moved his spirit would always follow. I never
questioned her, myself, but I certainly had some odd
reactions from other folk when I would tell them what
she had told me.My Grandmother was 92 when I got a
call from the nursing home saying that she was quite
ill and that they thought if I wanted to see her and
for her to know me that I had better come and see her
the next morning. I did not wait until morning but
made the drive to see her immediately. As soon as I
walked into the room and saw her, I knew then that
would die on my Birhday which was only 4 days
away.(SHE DID) During the next 3 days I stayed with
her and helped her make all the calls she needed too,
fought with the doctors who wanted to operate and
just sat with her as she regressed into her own
childhood.As death became more and more imminant I
became increasely exhausted.

I was the only
person she knew unless I explained who it was. She
mistook the PASTOR of the church as my Grandfather.
She giggled and told me he was cute and that she was
going to marry him someday.It was late evening on the
third night when she began to slip into the sleep in
which she would never wake up from.
As I sat
and read her passages from the BIBLE and recited THE
OWL AND THE PUSSY CAT she became distant. At a moment
when I could smell my FATHER her eyes opened wide and
she said "Oh, Donny! Oh, Otto Dear! HERE!" She
motioned with her eyes and I could feel her hand move
very slightly under the cover." No, I can't come
with you. I have work to do. Now go and wait." Her
voice as sharp as all get up. I turned to see the
same glow that I had seen in my sisters bedroom so
many years before. I let her rest but when she
awakened again, I finally said, "You know Gram, I
think it is time that you call your work done here. I
am exhausted and I need to go HOME and so do you.
Don't you think it is time." I told her I loved her
and that I would see her on the other side. "You go.
I'll sleep."I knew that when I walked out that door
that she would soon be with her family in Heaven. She
was there before I could even get to my
I have the same type of visits (I'll
tell you more sometime soon) with her as she did with
my Grandfather. I never question, just hang back to
see if there is anything she needs to say.
Ah, but! This one incident I will relay to you now.
It was 2 years ago and I was driving down the road,
when I suddenly realized that Gram was sitting next
too me in the passengers seat...as she had hundreds
of times before. We spoke without speaking but when I
asked what she was doing here her answer was "Just
doing some Gathering".
That night when I got
from work I got a call from Florida saying that my
Uncle had died...Just DOING SOME
Aunt JAN and THE
Another Home with a