![]() Latest additions are at the bottom of the page. March 20 - The Cloud Nine Beta Testers are called upon again from the old AngelCom Beta Testing Project, to test a new site called Cloud Nine, offering over 100 angel bordered backgrounds. March 24 - The Cloud Nine Beta Testing closes. March 25 - Cloud Nine opens to the Web Community offering over 100 angel bordered backgrounds, a help page, and other pages with awards and webrings. Surfers can rock to the Final Fantasy Theme while cruising Cloud Nine. May 4 - An additional fifty FREE backgrounds! One set was the Clover Angel Set, and the others can be found on the Other Backgrounds pages. Cloud Nine also got a miniature overhaul, and surfers can now pace along musically to Madonna's "Who's That Girl?" May 6 - Cloud Nine introduces it's very own Earth, Bell, and Honor Angels themes. If you do the math, that comes out to 25 new backgrounds! May 8 - Cloud Nine unveils the new Green, Forest and Sky Angel collections! The Swan Set is ordered up too. That's 30 new backs! May 9 - Cloud Nine is pleased to present the Clock Angel and Rose Cherub Themes! July 23 - Cloud Nine has the Dragon non-angel theme for users on the Other Backgrounds page. August 28 - I You can now use the new Apple Theme on the Other Backgrounds page. There are six Apple Themes to choose from. |